Fairfield Co. Junior Fair Rabbit Clinic: August 14th

The Fairfield County Junior Fair Rabbit Committee will be hosting a rabbit clinic on Sunday, August 14th from 2:45 to 5:15 p.m. It will be at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds in the #50 Building which is next door to the Rabbit Barn. The agenda for the clinic will be as follows:

  • 3:00 pm   Welcome
  • Guest Speaker: Glenn Carr, Rabbit Judge
  • Guest Speaker: Jennifer McMorrow, Vet from Lancaster Vet clinic
  • Clarification on Junior Fair Rules

From 4:00 to 5:15 pm exhibitors may practice Skillathon on breeds, parts, and other areas to help for September’s Rabbit Skillathon.

If you need help with verifying your breed or sex of you rabbit, we can help on the day of the clinic (if so, please bring your rabbit(s) with you).

A rabbit supply company will be onsite if you need to purchase anything for your bunny needs.

Skillathon Volunteers needed for Sept. 10 and Sept. 25

As many of you know, the Skillathon is a requirement for Fairfield County livestock/horse/dog exhibitors. For this event to be successful, we are going to need many volunteers. Complete this survey to sign up and volunteer: http://go.osu.edu/skillathonvolunteer.

The date for the first Skillathon is Saturday, September 10th from 9:00am to 3:00pm.  This Skillathon is for exhibitors that will be showing beef, dairy beef, swine, sheep, meat goats and dairy cattle.  The second Skillathon will be held on Sunday, September 25th from 11:00am to 4:00pm.  This Skillathon is for the exhibitors showing rabbits, poultry, alpacas/llamas, horses, dairy goats and pygmy goats.

The volunteer time commitment is important for this event to be successful.  During your volunteer time, you will be asked to supervise various activity stations. The volunteer needs to select their top 3 areas for which you would like to participate and select a time period during which to volunteer.

Lunch will be provided for volunteers and staff both days.

Thanks for helping with this event and making it successful. Questions about volunteering for Skillathon events can be directed to Sarah Martin, Skillathon Superintendent, at semartin216@hotmail.com.

Livestock Project and Record Book Examples

Hey Livestock Exhibitors! We know many of you are working on your 4-H and FFA project books in preparation for club advisors to review these soon prior to fair!

I have found a great resource for you if you would like to see examples on how to complete your books! 4-H and FFA members from across the state have volunteered their books to serve as examples. Copies are available to review online by clicking here. Scroll to the bottom of the page under “General Resources.” Sample books are posted for Lambs, Poultry, and Beef.

Please only use as a resource and DO NOT COPY!

Mandatory Dog Check-In Day and Dog Skillathon is Saturday, August 27th!

Mandatory Dog Check-In Reminder: This is a reminder to those youth enrolled in 201D You and Your Dog for the upcoming Mandatory Dog Check-In Day. Please plan on joining us on Saturday, August 27th starting at 10 am in the Feeder Creek Veterinary Show Arena on the Fairfield County Fairgrounds.

What do I need to bring?

Please bring your completed (as complete as it can be on that date) project book, your dog, your 2022 Fairfield County Dog Project Identification form and Vaccination Certificate, a water bowl for your dog, a crate for your dog and a chair for you.

Mandatory Dog Check-In Day includes: (Saturday, August 27, 10:00 a.m.)

  • Health Check
  • You & Your Dog Interview Judging
  • PetPALS Interview Judging
  • Canine Ambassador Interview – Youth meeting the age requirements will be sent info soon!
  • Skillathon – required for 2022!
  • Rally Show n’ Go – $5 cash/run optional

We look forward to seeing you on the 27th!

2022 Ohio State Fair Virtual and In-Person Skillathon Results: Horses

Congrats to the following Fairfield County youth who placed 10th or higher in their respective species for the 2022 Ohio State Fair Virtual and In-Person Horse Skillathon!

OSF Virtual Horse Skillathon Results:

  • Junior Division:
    • Age 8/9: Violet Waits, 3rd Place
    • Age 10: Maliyah Enright, 9th Place
    • Age 11: Hallie Nicodemus, 6th Place
  • Senior Division:
    • Age 15: Katelyn Wynkoop, 9th Place and Savannah Wiley, 10th Place
    • Age 18: Ashley Love, 1st Place
  • Overall Awards: Ashley Love, 15th Place
  • OSF Virtual Horse Skillathon Participants: Bailey Senften, Shay Ruff

OSF In-Person Horse Skillathon Results:

  • Age 8/9: Maria Hertlein, 2nd Place
  • Age 11: Lydia Hertlein, 5th Place
  • Age 12: Julia Hertlein, 10th Place
  • Age 15: Brianna Downey, 6th Place and Makya Marvii, 9th Place
  • Age 16: Jadin Triplett, 6th Place
  • Age 17: Trinitiy Craiglow, 6th Place; Jadin Triplett, 7th Place; and Austin Levin, 9th Place
  • Age 18: Ashley Love, 5th Place; Sofia Gugliemotto, 7th Place; and Brittnee Brown, 10th Place

These Fairfield County 4-H Horse Exhibitors have met their Fairfield County Junior Fair Skillathon Requirement by participating in at least one Skillathon. For a full list of results from Ohio State Fair Skillathons and for upcoming Skillathon events, visit: https://ohio4h.org/animalsciences/ohio-4-h-skillathons

2022 Ohio State Fair Virtual Skillathon Results: Llama/Alpaca

Congrats to the following Fairfield County youth who placed 10th or higher in their respective species for the 2022 Ohio State Fair Virtual Llama/Alpaca Skillathon!

OSF Virtual Llama/Alpaca Skillathon Results:

  • Owen Chianese – 4th Place, 8/9 Year Old Division
  • Juliana Chianese – 4th Place, 11 Year Old Division
  • Kendall Wild – 4th Place, 12 Year Old Division
  • Nolan Shaffer – 4th Place, 14 Year Old Division
  • Katelyn Wynkoop – 5th Place, 15 Year Old Division
  • Top 25 Overall: Nolan Shaffer, 20th Place; Owen Chianese, 22nd Place; Katelyn Wynkoop, 25th Place

This Fairfield County 4-H Alpaca Exhibitor has met their Fairfield County Junior Fair Skillathon Requirement by participating in at least one Skillathon. For a full list of results from Ohio State Fair Skillathons and for upcoming Skillathon events, visit: https://ohio4h.org/animalsciences/ohio-4-h-skillathons

2022 Fairfield County Junior Fair Premier Exhibitor Contest Information

Objective: The objective of the Premier Exhibitor Contest is to encourage youth exhibitors to explore multiple aspects of the livestock specie project they are enrolled in, and to reward those youth that participate at the highest level.

While some exhibitors may choose to only participate in a single aspect of an animal project, the reality is that all the various opportunities available for any given project are interrelated and participation can enhance the knowledge, skills, and enjoyment gained from the project.

  • Exhibitors will learn that market animals originate from breeding stock.
  • Performance is vital to the profitability of livestock production.
  • Efficient record keeping allows the owner to determine if the project was profitable.
  • Livestock evaluation is the foundation for selecting both breeding and market livestock.
  • Knowing breeds, body parts and muscle names and locations compliment one’s ability to evaluate livestock.

It’s all interrelated and encouraging youth to expand the knowledge of their project by participating in a variety of opportunities while also in a competitive environment will enhance the learning experience.

Updates to the 2022 Premier Exhibitor Program:

  • Addition of Dog, Alpaca/Llama, and Horse Premier Exhibitor Programs.
  • Removal of Rate of Gain for Meat/Market Goat Premier Exhibitor scoring.


  • Exhibitor must be enrolled in a 4-H/FFA project in that species in their respective 4-H Club/FFA Chapter.
  • FairEntry is made in the respective species by August FairEntry deadline.
  • The exhibitor must complete the Fairfield County Skillathon for the specie they plan to compete in Premier Exhibitor. Those exhibitors who participate in the alternative Skillathon options will not be eligible for Premier Exhibitor (i.e. Ohio State Fair VIRTUAL Skillathon, Ohio State Fair IN-PERSON Skillathon, and/or Fairfield County Make-Up Skillathon Test). Project books will be reviewed as part of the county Skillathon event.
  • An exhibitor must complete a Skillathon for each specie they plan to compete for Premier Exhibitor. If an exhibitor does not participate in the Fairfield County Skillathon for that specie, they will be ineligible for Premier Exhibitor in that specie.
  • Exhibitors must show their own animal(s).

Eligible Species: Dairy Cattle, Dairy Beef Feeders, Beef, Swine, Sheep, Dairy Goats, Meat/Market Goats, Pygmy Goats, Poultry, Rabbits, Dogs, Alpacas/Llamas, and Horses.

Scoring: The Premier Exhibitor for each species will be the exhibitor with the highest point total from the activities listed for each specie (dropping the scores as mentioned below).

The goal is to encourage exhibitors to explore various opportunities available to them within their species and allow for lowest scores to be dropped when sufficient experiences are able to be offered (for example, Beef Exhibitors have far more project opportunities available to them than Pygmy Goats). The objective would be to encourage exhibitors to earn points for exhibiting animals in at least two ways at the Fairfield County Fair in addition to participating in Skillathon, showmanship, rate of gain (if applicable), and judging contests (if applicable). If exhibiting more than one animal in an activity, the highest placing animal will be used for the Premier Exhibitor scoring.

Dairy Cattle: The Dairy Cattle Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 3 of the 4 following Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Dairy Skillathon*, Showmanship, Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging Contest, and Breeding Class.

Dairy Beef Feeder: The Dairy Beef Feeder Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Beef Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Beef Judging Contest, Market Class, and Rate of Gain.

Beef: The Beef Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 5 of the 8 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Beef Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Beef Judging Contest, Breeding Class, Feeder Class, Market Class, Carcass Class, and Rate of Gain.

Swine: The Swine Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Swine Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Swine Judging Contest, Market/MQP Class 1, and Market/MQP Class 2.

Sheep: The Sheep Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from 5 of the 6 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Sheep Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Sheep Judging Contest, Breeding Class, Market/MQP Class 1, and Market/MQP Class 2.

Dairy Goats: The Dairy Goat Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from all 4 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Dairy Goat Skillathon*, Showmanship, Breeding (Kid/Yearling Class), and Breeding (Doe Class).

Meat/Market Goats: The Meat/Market Goat Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from 5 of the 6 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Meat/Market Goat Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Meat Goat Judging Contest, Breeding (Meat Doe) Class, Market/MQP Class 1, and Market/MQP Class 2.

Pygmy Goats: The Pygmy Goat Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from all 4 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Pygmy Goat Skillathon*, Showmanship, Wether Class, and Doe Class.

Poultry: The Poultry Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Poultry Skillathon*, Showmanship, Breeding Class, Layers Class, and Market Class.

Rabbits: The Rabbit Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from all 4 of the 6 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Rabbit Skillathon*, Showmanship, Breeding Class 1, Breeding Class 2, Market Class 1, Market Class 2.

Dogs: The Dog Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Dog Skillathon*, You & Your Dog Interview, Showmanship, Obedience Class, and Agility.

Alpacas/Llamas: The Alpaca & Llama Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 following Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Alpaca/Llama Skillathon*, Showmanship, Public Relations Class, Costume Class, and Obstacle/Agility Class

Horses: The Horse Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 following Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Horse Skillathon*, Showmanship, Pleasure Class, Pattern Class, and Contesting Class.

The *Fairfield County Skillathon will be a mandatory activity for participation in the respective species’ Premier Exhibitor Contest. A Skillathon is an activity to test knowledge of specific subject matter in a hands-on experiential learning model. Skillathons will take place on the assigned day and times in September and this will be the only opportunity for participants to complete the Skillathon for their respective species and be eligible to participate in the respective Premier Exhibitor Contest. Exhibitors will earn corresponding Premier Exhibitor points based off of their raw score (out of 100 points). Skillathons will be comprised of four stations. A completed project book is required at Skillathon.

The Fairfield County Livestock Judging Contest will take place on Sunday of the Fairfield County Fair for swine, beef, sheep, and goats. Exhibitors will earn corresponding Livestock Judging Contest points based off of their raw score. Total points possible will be determined on the day of the contest.

Rate of Gain will be available to all market beef that are exhibited in the live show, and dairy feeder exhibitors.

Breeding/Market/Showmanship/Rate of Gain class/heat points will be assigned according to class rankings (placing 1st through 5th, followed by participation points).

Livestock Sale: If the Premier Exhibitor has a market animal in that respective species, they will sell third in the market sale for that species following the Overall Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Market Animals. If an exhibitor chooses to take home and earns Premier Exhibitor, they will lose their sale slot. (In that case second place Premier Exhibitor will not move into that sale slot).

Ties: Exhibitors will complete a tiebreaker station at Skillathon for their respective specie. Scoring from the tiebreaker station will only be used to help break ties for the overall rankings of each specie’s Premier Exhibitor.

Awards will be given for 1st place winner of each age group (Age 8/9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18), from which, overall 1st through 3rd place winners will be chosen for the Premier Exhibitor Program for each specie.

  • 1st Place Awards for each age group (Age 8/9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18) will receive a rosette and coupon to be used at the fair for a free sandwich (vendor TBD).
  • 1st Place Award Overall for each specie will receive a vinyl banner and $100 cash award.
  • 2nd Place Award Overall for each specie will receive a vinyl banner and $75 cash award.
  • 3rd Place Award Overall for each specie will receive a vinyl banner and $50 cash award.

Updated 8/2/2022 to reflect updates to Meat Goats and no longer having a Rate of Gain Contest.

Save the Date for 4-H Summerfest: Summer Project Awards Ceremony is August 13th

Our annual Summerfest Awards Program will be held Saturday August 13, 2022 at the Wagner Theatre at the Ohio University – Lancaster Campus. Members who completed their summer projects and received a 1st-3rd place, Honorable Mention or Outstanding will be mailed postcard invitations to the event soon. The event will begin at 7 p.m.  We look forward to seeing you help us celebrate the great work done with summer projects. This event is open to the public.