Goat, Barrow and Lamb MQP Information/Deadlines Announced

MQP participants explore producing meat animals that satisfy consumer demands!

Entries for the 2022 Fairfield County Junior Fair Goat, Barrow and Lamb MQP programs are now being accepted. To be considered for a spot in either the 2022 Barrow MQP or Lamb MQP, a completed application and essay (not to exceed 300 words) must be submitted on-line by the end of business on May 2, 2022. Goat MQP participants must complete registration on-line by the end of business on May 2, 2022, but are not required to submit an essay this year in order to participate.

Note that MQP goats must be in the exhibitor’s possession by June 1, 2022 and will be weighed/tagged-in at the Fairgrounds between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. on June 4, 2022. The finished MQP goats must then be returned to the Fairgrounds for the conclusion on Sunday, August 28 at 3 p.m.

The same as pigs being tagged for the live show at the Fair, MQP barrows must be in the exhibitor’s possession by July 15th, and tagged at the Fairgrounds on July 16, 2022 at a time that morning yet to be announced. The finished MQP barrows must then be Continue reading Goat, Barrow and Lamb MQP Information/Deadlines Announced

Local Swine Clinic at Punky’s Tack and Feed Shop on April 13th

There will be a Swine Clinic at Punky’s Tack and Feed Shop on April 13th at 7:00 pm. The location is: 5800 Westfall Rd, Lancaster.

Learn how to care for and feed your show hog!!  Desserts will be served!! For more info, contact Gail Ellinger at gailellinger@yahoo.com.

*Please note that OSU Extension does not endorse any one feed, product, or business over another.

Used (as is) incubators – FREE to a good home!

As we update our equipment for our 4-H ChickQuest School Enrichment Programs, we would like to offer our old incubators to 4-H families who may be interested in incubating their own eggs. Incubators will be given away as is. Some have working turners, others do not. Please reach out to Leslie if you are interested taking these off our hands before they go in the dumpster. 🙂 Email Leslie at cooksey.25@osu.edu for more info.

OSU Junior Swine Day

Check out the 2022 Junior Swine Day Event hosted by the Ohio Pork Council! Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from experts in the pig industry on topics like showmanship, animal selection, nutrition, and so much more. Additionally, youth attending this event can participate in the required Quality Assurance Training which will meet the Fairfield County Quality Assurance Requirement for 2022.

Follow the link below to secure your FREE tickets.


Biosecurity Practices for Poultry Projects: Virtual Clinic on April 5th

Thanks to Tim McDermott, Ohio 4-H is pleased to offer Backyard Poultry Biosecurity

  • With concerns are around HPAI and poultry rising, especially as we approach fair season, good biosecurity practices are very important! Learn about health risk and biosecurity practices specific to poultry projects with Dr. Tim McDermott! Youth and adults are welcome to join us on April 5th from 5:30-7:00pm on Zoom (Zoom link and details below).

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 975 1045 5262                   Password: 730686

One tap mobile: +16468769923,,97510455262#,,,,0#,,730686# US (New York)

Save the Date: April 2 – Cloverbud Easter Egg Hunt

The Fairfield County Junior Leaders invite Cloverbuds and their family members under the age of 8 to attend the JAS’s Easter EggExtravaganza. This will be held on Saturday, April 2nd from 1:00pm-3:00pm (with the Egg Hunt happening at 2:00pm). This FREE event will be held at the Ag Center/Extension Office (831 College Ave, Lancaster). Join us for crafts, animals, games, and an egg hunt.  This event is being held in memory of Cloverbud Advisor, Jane Sharp.

March 15th – Dine to Donate at Raising Cane’s

Grab lunch or dinner on Tuesday, March 15 from the Lancaster Raising Cane’s location and support the Fairfield County Jr. Leaders. This opportunity to support 4-H is from 11:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. You must mention the fundraiser when placing your order and Cane’s will donate 15% of sales to the 4-H Jr. Leadership Club!

Bottle Cap Challenge: Battle of the 4-H Clubs!!

The Junior Leaders will be continuing with their Bottle Cap Project for 2022 and need your help collecting plastic caps to turn into benches. Work within your club to collect clean plastic bottle caps and lids. Store them during our “off” time in bags – inside a box as they can get heavy. The club who collects the most caps by weight will receive a personalized plaque for a bench. If your club would like to fundraise to purchase a bench for your club, contact Aubry (Fowler.443@osu.edu) for more details about this optional opportunity.