Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Detected in Backyard Flock in Franklin County

REYNOLDSBURG, OH (March 30, 2022) — Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has been detected in a backyard chicken flock in Franklin County. The positive detection was confirmed by the United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS). The samples were first tested at the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory and confirmed at the APHIS National Veterinary Services Laboratories in Ames, Iowa.

HPAI is a highly contagious virus that spreads quickly and can be fatal to flocks and devastating to poultry owners, both commercial and non-commercial.

State officials quarantined the affected premise, and birds on the property will be depopulated to prevent the spread of the disease. Birds from the flock will not enter the food system.  Federal and State partners are working jointly on additional surveillance and testing in areas around the affected flock. Surveillance activities will be conducted in a 10-kilometer zone around the infected premise.

HPAI can infect poultry (such as chickens, turkeys, pheasants, quail, domestic ducks, geese, and guinea fowl) and is carried by free flying waterfowl such as ducks, geese, and shorebirds. The recent HPAI detections do not present an immediate public health concern, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. No human cases have been detected in the United States. As a reminder, the proper handling and cooking of all poultry and eggs to an internal temperature of 165 ˚F is recommended as a general food safety precaution.

“Enhanced Biosecurity is the number one preventive measure against avian influenza,” State Veterinarian Dr. Dennis Summers said. “HPAI can infect any size flock. We urge all poultry owners to intensify their biosecurity and best management practices.”

Biosecurity and best management practices include:

  • Prevent contact with wild birds and waterfowl. Keep birds indoors when possible.
  • Keep visitors to a minimum.Only allow those who care for your poultry to have contact with them and make sure they follow biosecurity principles.
  • Wash your hands before and after contact with live poultry. Use soap and water. If using a hand sanitizer, first remove manure, feathers, and other materials from your hands.
  • Provide disposable boot covers (preferred) and/or disinfectant footbaths for anyone having contact with your flock.If using a footbath, remove all droppings, mud or debris from boots and shoes using a long-handled brush BEFORE stepping in. Always keep it clean.
  • Establish a rodent and pest control program. Deliver, store, and maintain feed, ingredients, bedding, and litter to limit exposure to and contamination from wild animals.
  • Use drinking water sourced from a contained supply (well or municipal system). Do not use surface water for drinking or cleaning.
  • Clean and disinfect tools and equipment before moving them to a new poultry facility. Trucks, tractors, tools, and equipment should be cleaned and disinfected prior to exiting the property. Do not move or reuse anything that cannot be cleaned.
  • Look for signs of illness. Monitor egg production and death loss, discoloration and/or swelling of legs, wattles and combs, labored breathing, reduced feed/water consumption.

If you notice any symptoms or unexpected deaths in your flock, please report them immediately to the Ohio Poultry Association (614.882.6111), or the Ohio Department of Agriculture (regular business hours: 614.728.6220; after hours: 888.456.3405).

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Ohio Department of Agriculture, Office of Communication

(614) 752-9817     communications@agri.ohio.gov 

Shelby Croft, (614) 752-9817, shelby.croft@agri.ohio.gov

You’re invited: Old School Survival Boot Camp: May 13-15 (homesteading classes!)

Below is the detailed information about 4-H Discount Days at Old School Survival Boot Camp 2022, the information about the event, dates, and single day tickets for 4-H youth and adult leaders or the families of the children – no code needed, simply click on the 4-H and Scout ticket option on the provided ticket link, as well as a discount code for 3-day tickets if any 4-H family decides to come for more than the Saturday and/or Sunday that the 4-H and Scout tickets are offered.

All area 4-H club members, their leaders, and families are invited to the Old School Survival Boot Camp event at the Vinton County Fairgrounds May 13-15. Folks from 10 states travel to the annual event. There will be more than 78 hands-on homesteading, bushcraft, butchering, blacksmithing, survival, livestock husbandry, off grid living, herbalism, and martial arts taught by over 35 experts from around the country – including some “just for kids” and make and take classes too!

We created a discounted single day ticket so all 4-H members and their families could come out and enjoy learning at the event for a nominal price. 4-H is an important part of our communities and truly helps build character, future farmers and leaders in Ohio – we want to give back to this valuable program. 4-H club members, leaders, and families can purchase a single day ticket good on either Saturday or Sunday (or both days) for $5 for youth and adult tickets for $10. Children under the age of 4 are free.

For $15 off an adult 3-day pass use coupon code: OSSBC15 The code is case sensitive and must be typed in and the apply button hit before choosing tickets. With the purchase of an adult 3-day pass, children under the age of 10 are free.

For more information about Old School Survival Boot Camp, including the list of amazing experts traveling to Ohio from around the country to teach, class descriptions, the full event schedule and to purchase tickets visit www.oldschoolsurvivalbootcamp.com

If families want to spend the entire weekend at the event, primitive campsites. The only on-site camping left is primitive, but nearby cabin and campsite rentals are still available for the weekend – but somewhat limited. Lake Hope State Park and Lake Alma State Park offer the most nominally priced and nearby campsites or cabins – for those that choose to stay more than one day at the event.

Teen Opportunity: Ohio 4-H Event Youth Assistant

The 4-H Event Youth Assistant (4HEYA) applications are now available! This is an opportunity for teens 13-18 as of January 1 to get a short term experience at the state level. Applications are available at go.osu.edu/4HEYAapp and are due by May 15, 2022. They also require 2 reference forms (one from a 4-H / Extension professional).

Here is a basic overview of the opportunity:

  • What: 4-H Event Youth Assistant (4HEYA)
  • Who: Individuals age 13-18 (as of January 1 of the year of application) and have at least 1 year prior 4-H experience.
  • Timeframe: Apply by May 15, selection, training, service to OSF, and evaluation. Complete responsibilities by August 31, 2022.
  • Requirements (in addition to application/selection process):
    • Training – Must attend one of the options for training (July 12 or July 21)
      • Please note: individuals MUST attend one of the training options. This is not negotiable. If you know you are unable to attend a training option before applying, it is best to wait another year before applying to serve in this capacity.
    • Events – Must work a minimum of 3 events at the Ohio State Fair; may work more if desired
  • Program Fee: $25/person (paid at go.osu.edu/4HEYA25);
  • Teens Receive:
    • 4HEYA Polo & Nametag
    • State Fair admission, parking ticket, and meal ticket(s)
    • Optional State Fair housing in the Rhodes Center (if desired)
    • Experience of working events at the Ohio State Fair
    • Opportunity to enhance leadership skills and be involved in the State 4-H program
  • What about the Teen Leadership Council? YES, these members may apply for 4HEYA AND TLC this year, if desired. TLC applications will be available in June and will be due the Friday following the Ohio State fair. Their term is September 1, 2022-August 31, 2023. Current TLC members are not eligible to apply for 4HEYA, as they are already fulfilling obligations at the Ohio State Fair.
  • Questions? Contact Frances (foos.61@osu.edu), Sarah (longo.79@osu.edu), or Kayla (oberstadt.1@osu.edu)

Last Chance: QA Instructor Training for Advisors is March 28th

2022 Fairfield County Quality Assurance: Instructor Training for 4-H and FFA Advisors, Superintendents, and Show Committee Members

Quality Assurance is an annual Ohio Department of Agriculture (see 901-19-07 of Ohio Administrative Code) requirement for 4-H and FFA youth to exhibit at the Fairfield County Junior Fair who are enrolled in beef (breeding and market), goats (angora, dairy, meat, market, & pygmy),rabbits (market and breeding – this does not include pet rabbits), sheep (breeding and market), dairy cattle (breeding and feeders),poultry (breeding and market), hogs, and alpacas/llamas. Fairfield County youth must attend a qualified Quality Assurance Clinic by June 30th of the current year to be eligible to show at the 2022 Fairfield County Junior Fair. Youth who wish to show in a Junior Livestock Show at the Ohio State Fair should have QA completed by June 1st, 2022.

We will continue the same process of allowing 4-H club volunteers/FFA chapter advisors to teach QA at the club/chapter level IN-PERSON. We are looking for interested “Assistant Instructors” to be trained (and “certified”) to educate exhibitors on the required Good Production Practices (GPP’s) to be covered in 2022. As a certified Assistant Instructor, you will be able to teach Quality Assurance at the club/chapter level for 2022 after completing this training. We will also be looking for trained individuals to help with our countywide make-up dates on Saturday, May 7th (9:00 – 10:30 a.m.) or Sunday, May 22nd (12:00 – 1:30 p.m.) at the fairgrounds.

All 4-H Advisors, FFA Advisors, and Show Committee Members are invited to attend the QA Instructor Training. Please share with your fellow advisors to be sure they know about this information.

The final QA instructor trainings will be: Monday, March 28th at 7:00 p.m., Rickett’s Hall, Fairgrounds

Please RSVP to Leslie Cooksey at cooksey.25@osu.edu or call the Extension Office at 740-653-5419.

 At the training, you will:

  1. Learn the 10 Good Production Practices of Quality Assurance Education and which GPP’s need to be covered for 2022.
  2. Learn the documentation process planned for 2022. This will be structured for smaller groups and more at the club/chapter level.
  3. Receive training materials to cover this year’s required GPP’s for 2022. As an instructor, you will teach market exhibitors about all 10 GPP’s but go in detail on 3 of them. Activities will be provided to you to work through with market exhibitors for the 3 required GPP’s.
  4. Learn more about how record keeping and the accountability of your instruction to clubs and chapters needs to be documented and returned to the OSU Extension Office to ensure market exhibitors will then be eligible to show market livestock at the 2022 Fairfield County Fair. As a reminder, the deadline to complete Quality Assurance for Fairfield County Junior Fair Exhibitors is June 30th of the current year.
  5. Learn about any changes in Ohio Department of Agricultural Fair Exhibition Rules that affect Junior Fair Livestock Exhibitors so that you can share these with all livestock participants in your club/chapter.

If questions, please let Chuck (keywest100@att.net) or Leslie (cooksey.25@osu.edu) know!

We are looking forward to continuing this process in 2022.

Scholarship Opportunity: Agricultural Education Foundation

The Agriculture Education Foundation is accepting applications for five $1,000 scholarships to be issued to college students enrolling in Ohio’s agriculture educator programs for the fall semester 2022.

This opportunity is open to any student who meets the minimum qualifications and is enrolled or planning to enroll in an agriculture teaching major or 4-H extension major at any of Ohio’s three Universities offering these programs, another two year or four-year school in Ohio offering a two plus two programs or another pathway to become an agriculture teacher or extension educator.

The five scholarships will consist of two for students at a four-year institution, two for students at a community college with a 2 plus 2 program, and one for an individual using the alternative pathway to become an agri-science teacher. This will be a non-reimbursable scholarship that can be used for tuition, university housing and class materials.  All funds will be administered through the institution’s office of billing and or tuition assistance.

All students are encouraged to apply.  The Foundation will give increased consideration to students on a pathway that includes Central State University.

Applicants must have application materials submitted no later than April 25, 2022, 5pm.  Funds for the fall semester 2022 will be available through the institution. Official application documents and requirements are available at www.agised.org.

Source: ACEL Nutshell – March 25, 2022

2022 Ohio 4-H State Achievement Award results are in!

The Ohio 4-H Achievement Award results are in! SIX Fairfield County 4-Hers will have the honor to be invited to attend National 4-H Congress this fall as a State Winner in their project area. Congrats to all!
Do you want to know more about these awards and opportunities? Reach out to us for more info! The opportunities in 4-H are incredible! 🍀

STEM Research Scholarships available for High School Students

Do you know an Ohio High School 11th or 12th grader that has participated in some sort of STEM research (Science Day, Believe in Ohio, FFA, 4-H, ODNR Student Symposium, Scouts, Career Tech, etc.)? Don’t let them miss out on this opportunity!

In the application, we recommend that you share about a 4-H project that you have taken with a STEM or entrepreneurial focus (which includes livestock – Animal Science).

750 Word essay answering

  1. Why do you think you deserve this scholarship, and how will it help you prepare for your future?
  2. Discuss, in detail, the significant, rigorous STEM or entrepreneurship competition, research project, or published manuscript that you completed. How did this experience demonstrate your potential to excel as a future innovator?

For more information click here.

Teen Opportunity: Ohio 4-H SPARK EXPO

Ohio 4-H SPARK EXPO pre-registration is now available! We’re excited to host this event June 16-18, 2022 right here on the Columbus campus for youth who will complete 8th grade at the conclusion of the 2021-2022 school year.

We encourage counties to share the pre-registration to secure their spot by completing the survey early, since we will have limited space available (75 participants). There is no limit to the number of youth from any particular county and those 4-H professionals’ who provided names of potential EXPO participants, email invitations will be sent in the by early next week. J

Pre-registration is being collected as we are finalizing the career exploration sessions and after April 15, full registration documents will be shared with those who pre-registered. This will also allow counties to know who will be attending, if there are possible county-level scholarships available to cover the $75 registration.

EXPO registrations do not need to go through the county and participants can register independently with no payment/support from their county. This also gives youth who are not enrolled in 4-H to enroll as well!

Please note: SPARK EXPO pre-registration is through April 15, 2022.


OMK Camp Counselors Needed

Ohio 4-H is looking for camp counselors to join us this summer as we host military youth from all over the state. The great success of this camp lies in the awesome experience that camp counselors provide for military youth where they can learn, grow, and build friendships with other military youth in a fun and safe environment. This is an opportunity for those who love camp but have aged out of their county 4-H program and those who are ready for new experiences beyond their county.

Our Youth and Teen camps will operate on SEPARATE dates at the Erie County 4-H Camp  on Kelleys Island:

  • TEEN CAMP (ages 12 to 15): August 1-5 (mandatory on-site camp counselor training July 30 & 31)
  • YOUTH CAMP (ages 9 to 11): August 7-11 (mandatory on-site camp counselor training August 5-7)

Those interested in being a camp counselor with OMK, fill out an application directly from the OMK website or through the following link: go.osu.edu/OMK22counselor

Two references (from someone unrelated to you) must complete this link as well: go.osu.edu/OMK22ref

Don’t delay: Accepting applications until positions are filled. A phone interview will be scheduled as part of the selection process. Attached is a flyer.