Remember to Turn in your School Excuse Note!!

Dear Junior Fair Families,

Just a reminder that the Extension Office sends school excuse letters to the School District you listed on your Fair Entry Form. The school letters to superintendents and principles ask for their cooperation in excusing those members exhibiting livestock projects at the Fairfield County Fair. It is your responsibility, to turn in a note from a parent/guardian to your school office. Youth should also notify the school prior to the dates of fair e to get permission and any missed assignments.

If your school has changed since fair entry time or you need an additional letter for other reasons (college classes, virtual classes, etc), please contact Aubry at or 740-653-5419. See you at the Fairfield County Fair!

Jr Fair Beef Exhibitor Announcement from your Superintendents

Due to increased beef numbers, some things will change.

The following announcement is from your Beef Superintendents Chris Turner and Brandon Thomas regarding the 2021 Junior Beef Show

Congratulations and welcome to the 2021 Fairfield County Fair Jr. Beef Show.  In order to make this year as successful as possible we are wanting to express that the fair is continually changing to provide the best opportunities for all exhibitors and that the show reflects the best interests of the exhibitors.  The Beef Committee has met numerous times to discuss this year’s fair and protocol’s and want to make the following announcements for you to prepare for the upcoming show/fair week experience.

Preparing for entry/weigh in

  1. With the increase of entry numbers the Beef Barn will be at full capacity and will have some exhibitors housed in a tent that will run the length of the barn located on the South side of the building.
  2. There will be additional grooming areas roped off for anyone that has not already marked an area for grooming.  This will be done after all weigh ins are completed.
  3. Make sure you have all of your registration paperwork along with DUNF forms for your animals.  DUNF forms must be completed online before you bring your animal to the fairgrounds.  Also make sure that if you have registered animals that the identification methods for that animal matches the paperwork provided.
  4. We will be conducting weigh-in like last year from 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.  When you are ready to weigh in your  entry you will take it across the scales.  Make sure that you announce before the weight of the animal is announced the intention of the animal.  Example of this is either Live, Carcass, or Live/Carcass.  You must also announce if you plan on taking your animal home or not.  Reminder that you will lose your sale position if you take your calf home.
  5. Once weigh-in is completed, the Beef Committee will conduct an exhibitor meeting  at 6 p.m. that will explain the fair show day procedures. This will be held outside of the Beef Barn by the wash rack facility.  If it is raining we will still meet there and move to a dry location.
  6. Bedding will be provided for all exhibitors.  We will be using mulch like previous years.
  7. Showmanship sign up was conducted online.  As soon as we get a copy of the participants we will post the details on class breaks.

During the week

  1. Tie outs will be conducted the same as previous years.  They are held along the North property line of the fairgrounds in the same location.  Cattle are allowed to go to tie outs at 5 p.m. and need to be back in the barn by 9:00 a.m.
  2. Check the bulletin boards each day throughout the week to track any changes or news throughout the week.

Show Day

  1. The show is going to start this year at 8:30 a.m.
  2. The arena is going to be expanded and will have changes.  One change is the make up area.  There will be a tent for exhibitors to stage their animals outside of the building.  Please make sure you arrive when called to the arena.  The tent will be located at the Northeast corner of the show arena.
  3. There will be only 1 parent to help the exhibitor in the make up area.  All other individuals will be removed to make the flow of events more fluid.
  4. During the show throughout the day, we will not pause the show for any missing or late exhibitors.  It is up to the exhibitor to keep track of the events happening in the show and to listen to the announcements for class calls.
  5. Per Jr Fair book, we will be selecting a Top 5 in the Market show. It is critical for all 2nd & 3rd place animals to be in the make up area & ready to enter ring for Final Drive. We will not delay show for you. Once Top 5 is chosen, the judge will place the remaining animals in the ring for sale order purposes.
  6. We plan on breaking for lunch and will complete the Market classes after lunch.

Find the 4-H/FFA Jr Beef Cattle rules in their entirety linked here.

South Central Power – Fair Recognition

South Central Power continues to support the Fairfield County 4-H and Junior Fair Programs each year. With the upcoming Fairfield County Junior Fair Livestock Sales, they asked us to share their Fair Recognition Form – South Central Power. If any 4-H/FFA exhibitors are interested and their families are members of South Central Power Cooperative, please complete this form and return to

2021 Junior Fair Display Barn Guards Needed!

Clubs and families with items to be displayed in the display barn fair week – we need your help!

The display barn is open 9 am to 6 pm on Sunday October 10th and Saturday October 16th and 9 am to 9 pm Monday – Friday.

Please consider volunteering for a two hour time slot at least once during the week.  Shifts available are 9am – 11 am, 11 am – 1 pm, 1 pm – 3 pm, 3 pm – 5 pm, 5 pm – 7 pm and 7 pm to 9 pm.

Contact Missy to volunteer – we accept youth ages 13 and up to help adults at the same time.



Join Battle of the Groups during the Stock the Trailer Campaign

 Fight the Hunger, Stock the Trailer Campaign comes to the Fairfield County Fair

All Fairgoers are invited to participate in our Fight the Hunger, Stock the Trailer campaign by bringing non-perishable food items to the Fairfield County Fair. There will be collection boxes at all fair entrance gates for individuals to leave donations.  All food collected during fair week will go to local food pantries to support local families and individuals who may be in need. The Fairfield County Junior Fair has set a goal of 10,000 pounds of non-perishable food items to be collected that can help our community. This campaign is in partnership with the Farm Credit Mid-America.  Our Junior Fair is competing against other fairs in the region; the Junior Fair that collects the most food, wins a prize.

The Fairfield County Junior Leaders are challenging All 4-H Clubs, FFA Chapters & Scout Troops to participate and bring non-perishable food items to the fair. The Top 5 groups who donate the most food by weight will receive cash prizes for their end of year celebrations. Items for group donations can be brought directly to the livestock trailer housed in the north wing of the round cattle barn, or the grain cart in the Ed Sands Building during the fair. There will be daily weigh ins for groups to get credit. All groups are welcome to start collecting now, and turn in items once the fair opens!!



Scholarship Opportunity: Lallemand Animal Nutrition Forward Scholarships

For the seventh consecutive year, Lallemand Animal Nutrition will offer five Lallemand Forward Scholarships for students pursuing degrees in agriculture. The 2021 program offers: two $2,500 undergraduate scholarships, one $3,000 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine scholarship, one $3,000 master’s program scholarship and one $3,000 doctoral scholarship. Applications are open to students in the United States, Mexico and Canada.

Below are guidelines and the application for each scholarship:

Please submit all applications and materials no later than Thursday, September 30, 2021 to:

Source: OSU ACEL Newsletter 9/22/2021

Fairfield County Junior Fair Queen Candidates Announced!

Fourteen Fairfield County teens are competing for the title of 2021 Fairfield County Junior Fair Queen. The young ladies, all of whom participate in Fairfield County FFA Chapters and/or 4-H Clubs, were interviewed on Tuesday, September 21, 2021, by a panel of three community leaders who evaluated the candidates on a variety of factors including: 4‑H/FFA activities, school and community activities and poise.

The 2021 Queen will be crowned along with two attendants by the 2020 Fairfield County Jr. Fair Queen, Hannah Henry, on Saturday, October 9 at 7 p.m. during the Fairfield County Junior Fair Panorama. The event will also be streamed live through services by Innerphase Video Productions.

This year’s finalists included:

  • Morgan Cowdrey, 16, daughter of Quentin and Jennie Cowdrey. She attends Amanda-Clearcreek (AC) High School and is a member of  Final Drive 4-H Club and AC FFA.
  • Kathryn Crow, 17, daughter of Lisa and John Crow. She attends Fisher Catholic High School and is a member of Unleashed and Pickerington PetPALS 4-H clubs and Bloom-Carroll FFA.
  • Sofia Gugliemotto, 17, daughter of Janna and Gary Gugliemotto. She attends Bloom-Carroll (BC) High School and is a member of Rough Riders, Thurston Flying Fingers and Shooting Sports 4-H clubs and BC FFA.
  • Samantha Hurst, 17, daughter of Darren and Amy Hurst. She attends Berne Union High School and is a member of Blazin’ Buckeyes 4-H Club.
  • Lexie Hyme, 17, daughter of  John and Lisa Hyme. She attends Berne Union High School and is a member of Blazin’ Buckeyes 4-H Club.
  • Jordyn Nevers, 18, daughter of Kimberly and Guy Nevers. She attends Kent State University and is a member of Carroll Country 4-H Club.
  • Adriana Marie Rodriguez-Denner, 16, daughter of Jody Denner and Sindy Rodriguez. She attends Lancaster High School and is a member of Shooting Stars 4-H Club.
  • Hannah Saum, 17, daughter of Dave and Robin Saum. She attends Amanda-Clearcreek (AC) High School and is a member of  Blue Ribbon Showmen 4-H Club and AC FFA.
  • Alyssa Swick, 18, daughter of Ralph and Crystal Swick. She attends Otterbein College and is a member of Pygmies Plus 4-H Club and Fairfield Union FFA.
  • Grace Terflinger 18, daughter of Tom and Emily Terflinger. She attends Canal Winchester High School and is a member of Green Extreme 4-H Club.


Contact: Angela Krile, Volunteer Coordinator, Fairfield County Junior Fair Queen Contest, 740-974-3948,

Teen Opportunity: Ohio 4-H Achievement Form Workshops

This fall, the Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council will again be hosting two different Ohio 4-H Achievement Form Workshops for 4-H members statewide!

  • October 3, 2021 (6:00-8:00 p.m. on Zoom): An informational session will be held, providing a basic overview of the Achievement Form, giving introductory tips for completion, and sharing about potential opportunities available to members who complete and submit their forms.
    • Must register at by October 1 to receive Zoom information for the workshop.
    • This session will be recorded for those who cannot attend in live-time.
  • November 7, 2021 (5:00-7:00 p.m. at Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center): A more in-depth session will be offered for those who have completed or made significant progress on their form; small group coaching will be available for members to receive personalized feedback.
    • Must register at by November 4.
    • This session will only be hosted in person and will not be recorded.

More information can also be found at