Do you want to be a 4-H Advisor? Applications available, due February 1st!

Are you interested in becoming a 4-H advisor? Starting a new club? Now is the time to let us know so we can help get you setup for the new 4-H year which will be starting soon! 

To be a 4-H Advisor (volunteer):

  1. Completed Application must be turned into the Extension Office by February 1st. New applications can be mailed, dropped off at the office (by appointment on Tuesdays or Thursdays), or you may leave at the locked drop box on the east side of the building (it is black with 4-H stickers on it!).
  2. Submit to a criminal history fingerprint record check (ideally by February 1st). Instructions and form are included in the application packet.
  3. Reference Forms must be completed by the individuals you included on your application.
  4. Review 4-H Volunteer position description.
  5. Review, agree to, and sign the volunteer standards of behavior form.

After the three items above are completed, prospective volunteers will:

  1. Complete an interview with 4-H Extension Educators.
  2. Attend a new volunteer orientation/training program. Dates TBA.
  3. Complete Policy 1.50 Training – Activities and Programs with Minor Participants (annual requirement).

Click here for the complete 2021 Prospective New Volunteer Packet.

All steps to the new volunteer process must be COMPLETED by May 1st (county enrollment deadline) to be a 4-H Advisor in 2021.


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