Marketing Freezer Meat from MQP Projects

Dr. Steve Moeller explains to exhibitors the attributes of a high quality meat animal.

As you likely know a barrow or lamb muscle quality and performance (MQP) project is unique in that it rewards real world livestock production concerns like performance, appropriate market weight, proper finish, and overall meat quality. The marketing of the resulting freezer meat from these projects is another important skill building part of these youth projects.

In July, 18 youth began the Lamb MQP project and 30 youth started barrows for an MQP project. This fall, prior to the fair, these project animals will be harvested at Bay Packing and the attributes of each that can result in a satisfying eating experience for the consumer will be evaluated.

In an effort to aid our youth in marketing the meat that results from their project, and also provide an opportunity for consumers to purchase freezer lamb and pork for their consumption at home, we are maintaining a list of both potential buyers and sellers in the OSU Extension office.

Youth who have yet to market their project lamb or barrow are welcome to call us at 740-277-4633 and be placed on a list of names that will be made available to potential buyers of freezer lamb and pork.

At the same time, those interested in purchasing the freezer meat produced by these youth are welcome to also call the same number and be placed on a “buyer’s list” that will be provided to the young owners of these projects.

For more information, or to be placed on either list, contact Stan Smith in the OSU Extension office at 740-277-4633.

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