Fairfield County Junior Fair Update as of 7/30/2020

Contact: Jim Marcinko, Fair Manager, 740-653-3041

JUNIOR FAIR UP-DATE as of 7/30/2020

Lancaster- Governor Mike DeWine has ordered that all Fairs scheduled after July 31st, 2020 can only have the Junior Fair Programs. This involves no grandstand shows, rides, or large gatherings of people. In keeping with the Governor recent order, the Fairfield County Fair will conduct only Junior Fair activities this coming October. The Board of Directors have been working on alternative plans since March should this situation occur. Our alternative plan outlines social (physical) distancing, sanitation procedures, scheduled activities that will limit large groups and limits the number of participants to assure each youth exhibitor and their family safety during the shows. The Board of directors along with Governor DeWine understand the value and learning opportunities the Junior Fair offer the youth in our community and want to complete as many of these learning experiences as possible for our community. Junior Fair activities allow the youth to present their learning experiences to experts in the Agriculture Industry and to be evaluated on their efforts. Youth exhibitors learn more about the industry standards and practices as a result. Our youth also can develop leadership and public speaking abilities through their fair experience.

The Board of directors are working diligently sharing our plans with the Fairfield County and Lancaster Health Departments. Our collaborative effort will allow their expertise in how best to conduct the learning experiences for our youth in a safe and healthy manner.

Many questions have been asked about how all these experiences will take place this year and we hope to release soon the details so parents. youth exhibitors and Junior Fair volunteer participants can plan for a safe and rewarding experience. As we work with local and state officials and get closer to our fair date, we will provide more detailed information. The current situation in Fairfield County and Ohio is very liquid and changes each day. We want to provide the best and safest experience and your patience is requested as we prepare and work out all details. We assure you we are working for the best interest of all involved in this unusual year in Fairfield County.

Nancy Myers, Board President

Jim Marcinko, Fair Manager

Chuck Miller, Junior Fair Director

Phil Miller, Assistant Junior Fair Director

“Ohio State Fair Anywhere: An Online Experience” starts 7/29/2020

COLUMBUS – From Wednesday, July 29, through Sunday, August 9, Ohioans can enjoy their fair favorites from the comfort of their homes. “Ohio State Fair Anywhere: An Online Experience” will provide Ohioans with recipes, butter cow content, music, entertainment and daily programming on the Ohio Channel featuring past fair experiences.

A digital collection of fair favorites is available at ohiostatefair.com/anywhere, including:


Recipes for fair food that can be made at home, blue ribbon culinary creations and a digital recipe guide for foods served at the Taste of Ohio Café and Dairy Products Building
Mountain Dew Virtual Midway ride videos via YouTube
A “Shop the Fair” page featuring dozens of the Ohio State Fair’s vendors, including a commemorative Ohio State Fair t-shirt from Homage
Spotify playlists featuring Fair concert performers, and the Ohio State Fair podcast, “A Fair to Remember”
Behind-the-scenes videos featuring the sculptors of the iconic butter cow, performances from the fair’s musicians and entertainers, the beauty of the fair’s Natural Resources Park and more

In addition, there will be competitions and engaging opportunities on the Ohio State Fair’s social media pages, @ohiostatefair, on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, including:

A Facebook Live Spin-To-Win contest with Marathon Pipe Line on Aug. 1 at 1 p.m.
The chance to complete a fun Lottery Fair BINGO card for the chance to win daily Ohio Lottery prize packages
A #BackToSchoolWithKroger giveaway for a chance to win a Kroger gift card for sharing a photo with a teacher or honorary teacher (like a parent or guardian)
Giveaways for Pepsi prize packs for sharing photos of pets using the hashtag #PepsiDogDays and a pair-a-Pepsi comment to win contest on Facebook

Ohioans will be able to tune into the Ohio Channel at noon each day, July 29 through August 9, to view Ohio State Fair coverage from previous fairs. The Ohio Channel is broadcast on WVIZ/PBS Ideastream in Akron/Cleveland, WOUB in Athens, WCET in Cincinnati, WOSU in Columbus, WPTD/Think TV in Dayton and WGTE in Toledo.

The Ohio Expositions Commission canceled the 2020 Ohio State Fair in Columbus due to concerns for public health, as well as the financial feasibility of hosting a fair that would adhere to social distancing protocols and its impact on the long-term viability of the Ohio State Fair. Last year, 934,925 people attended the Ohio State Fair during its 12-day run. These attendees came from each of Ohio’s 88 counties, all 50 states, the District of Columbia, as well as Canada and Mexico.

Media contact: Alicia Shoults, 614-602-1506, a.shoults@expo.ohio.gov

Tagging Info due Friday, July 31st at 6pm for Market/MQP Hogs, Market/MQP Lambs, Market Goats, Dairy Feeders

The Fairfield County Senior Fair Board has voted to proceed with Fairfield County Fair with modifications to project our youth, visitors, and volunteers. They have changed the process for our upcoming July weigh-ins/taggings to protect and limit our social contact at this time. The Junior Fair Directors feel that it is important to limit contact as much as possible. Please find below the attached plan for Fairfield County Modified Junior Fair Tagging:

Fairfield County Fair July Tag-Ins have been modified to better accommodate concerns for Covid 19. Changes include exhibitors/families/advisors will be responsible for securing tags for Dairy Feeders, and market hogs from the Senior Fair Board Office, placing tags in animals (MQP lambs will still be weighed), Market goat & market lambs will be tagged using the Scrapie tag issued to them. You will be required to submit photographs of each animal. Please note the Senior Fair Board Office is located at 157 East Fair Avenue and office hours are 8:30 a.m. to noon each day.

Market Hogs- You can tag in up to four different animals for the Fairfield County Hog Show. Two are for the live show one for MQP and one as a back- up that a family can share. Tags need to be ordered from the Fair Office and can be picked up by a 4-H/FFA advisor, parent or exhibitor. Tags orders can be submitted on the tag order form. Prior order must be placed so they are prepared and sanitized prior to your arrival. This form below along with pictures of all four sides of the animal, ear notching and the tag in the ear must be submitted by July 31st 6 p.m. If an animal is a shared back up in the family you must list both names on the form. One form per hog required. Animals must later be listed on the Junior Fair entry form Due August 28th as well.

Market Goats- You can tag up to two market goats for the Fairfield County Fair Market Goat Show. You will not weigh in your goat this year as in the past. This form below along with pictures of all four sides of the animal and the Scrapie tag in the ear must be submitted by July 31st 6 p.m. If an animal is a shared back-up in the family you must list both names on the form. One form per market goat required. Animals must later be listed on the Junior Fair entry form Due August 28th as well. Your goat will receive a Fairfield County Tag at Fair Weigh in in October once your scrapies tags are verified.

Dairy Feeders- You can tag in up to two dairy feeders for the Fairfield County Dairy Feeder Show.  You will not weigh in your Dairy Feeder this year as in the past. Tags need to be ordered from the Fair Office and can be picked up by a 4-H/FFA advisor, parent or exhibitor. Prior order must be placed so they prepared and sanitized prior to your arrival. This form below along with pictures of all four sides of the animal and the Fair tag in the ear must be submitted by July 31st 6 p.m. If an animal is  a shared back-up in the family you must list both names on the form. One form per Dairy Feeder required. Animals must later be listed on the Junior Fair entry form Due August 28th as well.

Market Sheep- You can tag in up to four market lamb for the Fairfield County Market Sheep Show. Two for the live show one as a back up and one for the MQP Class. You will not weigh in your Market Lamb this year as in the past unless you are in the MQP class. The MQP Committee will contact you on how to weigh in your animal.  This form below along with pictures of all four sides of the animal and the scrapies tag in the ear must be submitted by July 31st 6 p.m. If an animal is a shared back-up in the family you must list both names on the form. One form per market lamb required. Animals must later be listed on the Junior Fair entry form Due August 28th as well. Your market lamb will receive a Fairfield County Tag at Fair Weigh in in October once your scrapies tags are verified.


If you click on this link or copy and paste in your browser it will take you to the forms. This is a google form document. Multiple pictures can be added through the picture submit button. Please take clear pictures that can be used to verify your animal(s).

All forms for tagging information should be submitted through the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdMXvGiyIDH0UnfuOTa5ZPAg1HrhLJXfSsXBr-pyTFdP2AiOg/viewform?usp=sf_link

All tag request should be sent through the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd4tpFgdwgzBAHZdEh9Y0v1IRjDaFga0aaWZmd5Uzblzwrhjg/viewform?usp=sf_link

Questions should be directed to Chuck Miller , Junior Fair Director at keywest100@att.net

Beef Feeder Reminders: Possession and Noseprints

As a reminder, all Fairfield County Beef Feeders must be in possession of the member by Saturday, August 15th.  Nose-prints are due to the Senior Fair Office (157 E Fair Ave, Lancaster OH) by August 20th.  The mailing address is PO Box 945, Lancaster OH 43130. If you are planning to drop off to the Senior Fair Office, please call ahead to confirm office hours: 740-653-3041.

Youth are to complete a 4″ x 6″ index card with their name, contact phone number, email, address, 4-H Club or FFA Chapter and breed on the back of the card.  The front of the card should include the calf nose print.

Please see page 26, rule 17 of the 2019 Junior Fair Rule Book  for additional information. There will not be a 2020 Junior Fair Book. All rules printed in the 2019 Junior Fair Rule Book will be followed. Additional updates to events, dates, and changes regarding the 2020 Junior Fair will be shared on this weekly 4-H Blog and posted on the Senior Fair website.

Ohio Youth Livestock Skillathons – Goat Results

Congrats to the Fairfield County youth who participated in the Ohio Youth Skillathon for Goats!

  • Matthew Ahrens – 9th place for Age 13
  • Grace Ahrens – 22nd OVERALL Intermediate
  • Julia Cowdrey – 5th place for Age 11, 8th OVERALL Junior
  • Morgan Cowdrey – 1st place for Age 14, 1st OVERALL Intermediate
  • Brock Terry – 5th place for Age 12
  • Nicole Terry – 10th place for Age 15
  • Jacob Walter – 7th place for Age 18
  • Additional youth participating:
    • Caroline Kitsmiller
    • Isabella Knecht
    • Rhoslyn Rose
    • Gavin Ruff

For more information and all results, visit: https://ohio4h.org/animalsciences/ohio-youth-skillathons/goat-skillathon

Ohio Youth Livestock Skillathons – Horse Results

Congrats to the Fairfield County youth who participated in the Ohio Youth Skillathon for Horses!

  • Alayna Byrd – 1st place for Age 11, 1st OVERALL Junior
  • Ashlyn Carder – 2nd place for Ages 8 & 9, 6th OVERALL Junior
  • Brianna Downey – 2nd place for Age 13, 11th OVERALL Junior
  • Gabby Gugliemotto – 5th place for Age 18
  • Jordan Kagey – 2nd place for Age 18, 8th OVERALL Senior
  • Ashley Love – 4th place for Age 16, 4th OVERALL Senior
  • Anna Morris – 4th place Age 12, 21st OVERALL Junior
  • Peyton Sullivan – 3rd place Age 12, 20th OVERALL Junior
  • Jadin Triplett – 9th place for Age 15
  • Additional youth participating:
    • Sofia Gugliemotto
    • Sydni Kagey
    • Isabella Knecht
    • Ashley Orth
    • Cy Putnam
    • Shay Ruff
    • Madelynn Sullivan

For more information and all results, visit: https://ohio4h.org/animalsciences/ohio-youth-skillathons/horse-skillathon

Teen Tip: How to Use Mindfulness to Settle your Body (and Feel Good!)

This week’s Teen Tip video was created by Family and Consumer Sciences Educator Whitney Gherman. It is called “How to Use Mindfulness to Settle your Body (and Feel Good!)” and is available at https://youtu.be/jiRBGEAefSo. Mindfulness is not about fixing life’s problems — it’s about noticing what is. “Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: On purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally.” Please share this video via social media platforms, with community partners, and any other youth serving organizations. A complete listing of the Tips for Teens video series is at fcs.osu.edu/news/tips-teens