Contact: Jim Marcinko, Fair Manager, 740-653-3041
JUNIOR FAIR UP-DATE as of 7/30/2020
Lancaster- Governor Mike DeWine has ordered that all Fairs scheduled after July 31st, 2020 can only have the Junior Fair Programs. This involves no grandstand shows, rides, or large gatherings of people. In keeping with the Governor recent order, the Fairfield County Fair will conduct only Junior Fair activities this coming October. The Board of Directors have been working on alternative plans since March should this situation occur. Our alternative plan outlines social (physical) distancing, sanitation procedures, scheduled activities that will limit large groups and limits the number of participants to assure each youth exhibitor and their family safety during the shows. The Board of directors along with Governor DeWine understand the value and learning opportunities the Junior Fair offer the youth in our community and want to complete as many of these learning experiences as possible for our community. Junior Fair activities allow the youth to present their learning experiences to experts in the Agriculture Industry and to be evaluated on their efforts. Youth exhibitors learn more about the industry standards and practices as a result. Our youth also can develop leadership and public speaking abilities through their fair experience.
The Board of directors are working diligently sharing our plans with the Fairfield County and Lancaster Health Departments. Our collaborative effort will allow their expertise in how best to conduct the learning experiences for our youth in a safe and healthy manner.
Many questions have been asked about how all these experiences will take place this year and we hope to release soon the details so parents. youth exhibitors and Junior Fair volunteer participants can plan for a safe and rewarding experience. As we work with local and state officials and get closer to our fair date, we will provide more detailed information. The current situation in Fairfield County and Ohio is very liquid and changes each day. We want to provide the best and safest experience and your patience is requested as we prepare and work out all details. We assure you we are working for the best interest of all involved in this unusual year in Fairfield County.
Nancy Myers, Board President
Jim Marcinko, Fair Manager
Chuck Miller, Junior Fair Director
Phil Miller, Assistant Junior Fair Director