Today’s Teen Tip video was created by Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, Pat Brinkman. It is called “Making Guacamole” and it can be found here. The video demonstrates how to open an avocado and make a simple recipe of guacamole by using salsa. Thanks for your continued support with this project and sharing these videos with your clients, colleagues, community partners and via social media outlets.
Month: June 2020
OSU Extension Office Re-opening Plans and 4-H Project Book Purchases
Members and Families,
We will begin transitioning back to the office starting in July, after summer judging. The current plan allows the office to be open two days per week by appointment only. These dates will be July 21st, 23rd, 28th and 30th. This will be a fluid transition as we adjust to current and future requirements. We are excited to finally begin offering project book ordering. To make ordering more efficient, we are requesting that all orders to come in at a club level through the advisor if possible. Orders will be filled as we receive them and when we are physically in the office to pull them. Please reach out to your advisor to see if they will be placing an order before reaching out to the office directly. Once your club order is ready, we will call your advisor with the order total and to schedule an appointment for pick up. Checks (payable to OSU Extension) are preferred for payment but cash can be accepted. We do not accept credit card payments.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
The Fairfield County 4-H Team
Summer STEM Opportunity – Dandelion Detectives!
Dandelion Detectives is a STEM activity targeting 3-7 graders where participants work together to measure the value of weeds for insects. Dandelion Detectives will take place over the summer of 2020 and participants can be located in Ohio or surrounding Midwestern states.
The Dandelion Detectives project can be completed in one day of your choice (June-August) and involves: taking a pre and post questionnaire about insects; observing insects at an “Observation Dandelion” created using simple provided materials and sugar water mixture; and conducting a lawn weed survey. Participating Dandelion Detectives will be able to upload their findings to a project website. At the end of the project, students will receive a “Student Scientist” certificate and will have access to all of the data collected by the project team!
Toolkits containing all materials to participate in Dandelion Detectives can be ordered for $10 (to cover shipping fees) at this link. We also offer a do-it-yourself option here.
To sign up for Dandelion Detectives or for more information, visit this website:
Contact the DD team with any questions:; Dr. Gardiner is a Professor of Entomology at the Ohio State University and an Extension State Specialist.
Please Respond: Member survey regarding 2020 4-H Projects
All 4-H members (excluding Cloverbuds) should have received an email from Stacy Hicks on Tuesday, June 16th that shares an overview of 4-H project completion. Families with multiple 4-H members should receive multiple emails personalized to each member. We are asking that all 4-H members reply to the survey so we can continue making plans for summer judging. We have decided to extend the deadline for response to this email to Sunday, June 21st. Please refer to the email you received for a link to follow and complete the survey to help us plan for judging this year. The survey will take less than 30 seconds to complete. If you have any questions, please contact the office at 740-653-5419. If you did not see an email with this survey link, please let us know (and be sure to check your junk/spam folders in your email).
Thank you for your help!
Fairfield County Fair Update as of 6/16/2020: Full Fair!
The Fairfield County Agricultural Society Board of Directors held their monthly meeting on June 16, 2020. The decision was made to have a full fair that includes exhibits, entertainment, amusement rides, games, and food concessions with necessary modifications to adhere to the current Health Department guidelines. We will have an alternative plan prepared in case health restrictions tighten. The Board has and will continue to work closely with the Fairfield County Health Department and local law enforcement to ensure the safety and well-being of all our guests, exhibitors, and staff attending the 2020 Fairfield County Fair.
We appreciate your patience and continued support during this time of uncertainty as we make the required changes needed to align with the mandated guidelines. Any updates will be posted on our website ( and on our Facebook Page. We look forward to seeing everyone at the fair: October 11th – 17th! Fairfield County is truly “The Last and the Best of the Season.”
Teen Opportunity: Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC)
Applications and more information to be an Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC) member are now available online at: Please note applications (and other materials, including letters of recommendation) are due (not postmarked; received!) by Friday, August 14, 2020. The term for selected individuals will be September 1, 2020 – August 31, 2021.
Here are some highlights about the responsibilities of the council:
- Age: Individuals must be 14-18 as of January 1 the year of application to apply for council member, committee member, committee chair, and officer.
- Number of Meetings/Events: See the program structure outline on the application for specific numbers of meetings and events. Members are required to attend at least 75% of meetings and events.
- Working Events: Members are required to work a number of statewide events at the Ohio State Fair, and elsewhere throughout the state (Farm Science Review, Legislative Luncheon, etc.). Each level of membership differs in the number of events that are required. See the program structure for more information.
- Location of meetings: Meetings are typically held at the Ohio 4-H Center in Columbus, Ohio, but there are occasionally instances when they are held elsewhere due to events on Ohio State’s Campus. In these instances, meetings may be held at locations close to campus. Refer to the application for the locations for the 2020-2021 year. Members will be notified prior to the location change.
- Additional Opportunities: Depending on the level of involvement, council members have the option to apply for additional opportunities including the National 4-H Conference, Ohio 4-H Foundation Board, and other opportunities that may arise.
Teen Tip: How to Write a Check
Today’s Teen Tip video is called “How to Write a Check”, featuring FCS Educator-Katie Schlagheck. It can be found by clicking on this link. The video describes the parts of a check and how to fill them out as well as some information on how to use checks.
The 4-H Legacy Dinner; In spirit only this year
Last Thursday evening should have been the 11th Annual Fairfield County 4-H Endowment’s Legacy Dinner most of us are at home eating what Dennis the Menace calls “groceries again!” Everyone on the Endowment Board and our 300 guests always look forward to sharing this fun evening of good food and good friends to raise funds to continue the legacy and tradition of the 4-H Program.
This year it is different, there is no Legacy Dinner due to COVID-19 and the Endowment Board decided in mid-April to cancel the Dinner. The Board knew there was absolutely no way to adequately have social distancing measures in place. But over the year’s what fun we have had!!! Read more.
Junior Fair Update as of 6/11/2020
Due to COVID-19, things are continually changing in our lives and the 4-H program is no exception to that. As 4-H Educators, we wanted to provide an update with details that we know as of right now:
- Fairfield County Junior Fair – The senior fair board is working with Extension and Fairfield Department of Health to maintain a junior fair program. There will be modifications in place depending on what the Governor’s restart Ohio plans looks like as we move closer to our fair dates. The main thing to remember right now is to keep working on those 4-H and FFA projects and getting your books started! We will still have Skillathons in September so members should be learning as much as they can about their project and finishing their book.
We are still available by phone and email and we are here to help you with any questions you may have! Please call our office 740-653-5419 or visit our website for help.
Summer Judging Update as of 6/11/2020
Due to COVID-19, things are continually changing in our lives and the 4-H program is no exception to that. As 4-H Educators, we wanted to provide an update with details that we know as of right now:
- Summer Judging for miscellaneous and still projects will take place July 13 – 17th as originally scheduled. Our goal is to have in person judging with safety measures in place and a virtual option for families that may need that. There will be some modifications in place to comply with the Health Department guidelines, and families should expect to receive an email with those updates by mid-June. Keep working on those 4-H projects and getting your books completed!