Hello Potential Fairfield County Host Families: Now is the time to submit applications to host international youth in the summer of 2020!
2020 Hosting Information!
- 50 Families will be selected to host Japanese youth and adults (July 23 – August 17).
- You must have a child in your family aged 10-16 to host a youth. No children are required to host an adult.
- Applications Due ASAP – Until all exchangees are placed. Japanese youth and adults are typically placed by March or April.
- Applicants will be notified of acceptance after references, home visit & background checks are completed.
Japanese Youth and Adults
*** Ohio host siblings for Japanese youth should be ages 10-16. *** Ohio host siblings will be matched with a Japanese youth of the same gender & approximate age. *** Applications accepted until all youth are placed, usually in late April.
- What’s involved with being a Host Family?
- Learn more about Hosting (PPT)
- Host Family Frequently Asked Questions
- Hosting is Easy and Fun!
Please complete the application by following the instructions on page 1. This application can only be completed using a desktop or laptop computer. (No tablets, phones, etc.) You will be instructed to save the application form to your desktop or laptop with a NEW name BEFORE entering information to it – otherwise, your information will be lost. You will need the names, email addresses and phone numbers for your 3 references in order to submit the form. You will also need 1-2 family photos, although they can be submitted separately or at a later time. Questions? thalheimer.1@osu.edu
2020 SAMPLE Host Family Application – Click above to see a finished application!
Additional information can be found on the State 4-H Website at: https://ohio4h.org/statewide-programs/international-program