Mandatory Training for 4-H Advisors – Due September 30th, 2018 – Policy 1.50 Activities and Programs with Minor Participants

This is a reminder that ALL 4-H volunteers will need to complete their ANNUAL training for Policy 1.50 by September 30th, 2018 (no exceptions). The Activities and Programs with Minor Participants (Policy 1.50) is an annual training required of all 4-H volunteers working with youth. Our annual 4-H data rolls over on October 1st each year via 4-HOnline and therefore your training must be COMPLETE by September 30th to have your 2018 year count and be complete as a 4-H volunteer.

Individual emails were sent on September 17th to volunteers (from Leslie Cooksey) who still need to take this training. If you are unsure, please log-in to 4-HOnline to check your status as “COMPLETE” before calling the office. Thanks!

If you do not complete this training and wish to be a volunteer in the future, you will need to go through the 4-H new volunteer requirements all over again – including application with references, background check, interview with 4-H educator, new volunteer training and of course the annual 1.50 Policy training.

Continuing from last year, you have the option to complete the training through 4-HOnline!

I’ve attached some instructions on how to sign up for the training (Signing up for Advisor Training). You need to sign into your account, go to the left of your name to the edit button, and then on the first page you will see three items below the ‘logged in as’:  Enrollment, Member Setting and Trainings.  Select ‘Trainings’ and you will see a list of items you can sign up to train on.  You are required to sign up for the (Year 1 OSU Policy 1.50 Child Abuse & Neglect TRAINING Online Ver. 3/2018) and complete the entire training. The remaining trainings listed are optional.

If you do not have computer access to complete your training, I will be holding one last in-person session at the Ag Center on Tuesday, September 25th at 5:30 p.m.

 Good luck, and let me know if you have questions or issues completing your training. If you choose to complete the training online in 4-HOnline, please let me know when you have completed the training. If you click on your trainings, it will show up as “completed” under the status.



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