State 4-H Dog Bowl Contest Entry Deadline – Wednesday, May 17th, 2017 is the postmark deadline for teams to enter the June 17th, 2017 State 4-H Dog Bowl Contest. With County 4-H Educator approval from Leslie Cooksey, teams may be comprised of youth from more than one county, and the counties do not have to touch borders. Also, this year, following the one-on-one questions, open and toss up questions if missed by one team, can be answered by the other team. The rules and entry form are posted at on the Calendar of Events page.
Month: May 2017
Shop at Lancaster Greenhouse this WEEKEND 5/13 & 5/14/2017 and SUPPORT 4-H
Come support the Fairfield County 4-H Advisory Committee by shopping at the Lancaster Greenhouse and Nursery this weekend, May 13th and 14th, 2017. Remember…it’s Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 14th! Hours are 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 13th and 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 14th.
This is a fundraising event for the 4-H Advisory Committee. The 4-H Advisory Committee supports county 4-H programming for all youth members and adult volunteers including, but not limited to: Awards and banquets, trips and scholarships, printing costs, special programming costs, and more!
Supporters must present coupon at the time of purchase and 15% will go directly to the Fairfield County 4-H Program. Please share this post with family members and friends!
THANK YOU! from the 4-H Junior Leaders
Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives seeks Scholarship Applicants
Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives is seeking applicants for its inaugural Technical Scholarship, available to students pursuing career training at a technical school. OEC will award two scholarships: One $2,000 award to a student in a four-year program, and another $1,000 to a student in a two-year program. Applicants must be currently attending or planning to attend an accredited technical school or program. Winners will be required to submit proof of enrollment in order to receive the funds. Visit for full scholarship rules and applications. The application deadline is June 30, 2017. Source: Ohio Cooperative Living magazine (May 2017).
Time for May Flowers! Support the 4-H Advisory Committee at Lancaster Greenhouse this WEEKEND 5/13 & 5/14/2017
Come support the Fairfield County 4-H Advisory Committee by shopping at the Lancaster Greenhouse and Nursery this weekend, May 13th and 14th, 2017. Remember…it’s Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 14th! Hours are 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 13th and 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 14th.
This is a fundraising event for the 4-H Advisory Committee. The 4-H Advisory Committee supports county 4-H programming for all youth members and adult volunteers including, but not limited to: Awards and banquets, trips and scholarships, printing costs, special programming costs, and more!
Supporters must present coupon at the time of purchase and 15% will go directly to the Fairfield County 4-H Program. Please share this post with family members and friends!
Eat Chipotle Wednesday, May 10th from 5-9 p.m. and SUPPORT the Junior Leaders!
The Fairfield County Junior Leadership Club will be hosting a Chipotle fundraiser on Wednesday, May 10th from 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Lancaster location (1608 North Memorial Drive, Lancaster). Supporters should show the official fundraiser flyer (shown below) in hard copy or on their phone. Supporters may also tell the cashier at checkout that they are there to support the 4-H fundraiser before they pay! If you don’t tell the cashier you are there for the fundraiser, the Junior Leaders will not get credit for the sale.
Gift cards purchased during fundraisers do not count towards total donated sales, but purchases made with an existing gift card will count.
If placing an order online during your fundraiser, please note you must choose the pay in-store option and inform our cashier of your participation before paying. This will ensure your order is counted towards the fundraiser!
Thank you in advance for your support! Funds raised will go toward Junior Leader events and activities including the 4-H Advisors Banquet (held in November), community service events, and the Junior Leader Scholarship.
2017 Fairfield County 4-H Livestock Judging Team Practices Announced
2017 Fairfield County Livestock Judging Club Practices Announced
All practices to be held at the Ag Center, 831 College Ave Lancaster unless otherwise stated.
Contact Trey Miller 740-505-0514 or Justin Bachman 740-974-3368
- Tuesday May 9 – 6-8PM West Half Conference Room
- Monday May 15 – 6-8PM West Half Conference Room
- Monday May 22 – 6-8PM East Half Conference Room
- Wednesday May 24 – 6-8PM West Half Conference Room
- Tuesday May 30 – 6-8PM West Half Conference Room
- Tuesday June 6 – 6-8PM East Half Conference Room
- Monday June 12 – 6-8PM West Half Conference Room
- Wednesday June 14 – 6-8PM West Half Conference Room
- Monday June 19 – 6-8PM West Half Conference Room
- Wednesday June 21 – 5-9 pm Pickaway County Fair- Hog Show Practice
- Wednesday June 28 – 6-8PM West Half Conference Room
- Thursday July 6 – 6-8PM West Half Conference Room
- Saturday July 8 Time and place TBD
- Saturday July 15 Time and place TBD
- Monday July 17 – 6-8PM West Half Conference Room
- Wednesday July 26 – all day Practice at Ohio State Fair Sheep Show
- Friday July 28 – all day Ohio State Fair Judging Contest
State 4-H Horse Communications Contest Results
Fairfield County 4-H Quality Assurance Workshops May 7th and May 20th
Don’t forget – we have our two county-wide Quality Assurance Workshops this month!
Sunday May 7th, 2-4 pm at the AAA building at the Fairgrounds will be our first clinic.
Saturday May 20th from 9:30 – 11:30 am will be the second clinic, also in the AAA building.
Who needs to have quality assurance? Anyone taking the following projects:
- Breeding and Market Beef
- Goats – Angora, Dairy, Breeding Meat, Market and Pygmy goats
- Breeding and Market Rabbits
- Breeding and Market Sheep
- Dairy Breeding and Dairy Feeders
- Breeding and Market Poultry
- Swine
Another option is to attend your club clinic, or approved state clinics. Please refer to page 12 of the Member’s Handbook for additional information.
All Quality Assurance training must be completed by June 30, 2017. If your club is having a clinic, please turn in your paperwork as soon as possible, but no later than June 30th.
2017 4-H Legacy Dinner – Come Join Us!
The Fairfield County 4-H Endowment’s one and only fundraiser for the year, The Legacy Dinner is just a few weeks away and we need your help! If your 4-H Club would like to donate an item or a basket for our silent auction, we would appreciate your support. Baskets can be themed in any way you choose or could maybe even represent a project in your 4-H club’s work. Use your creativity and imagination for creating your giveaway item – baked goods work too!! If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the chair of the Silent Auction, Tarah Reed at 740-407-1688 or Connie Smith at the Extension Office at 740-652-7267. We would like to have your donation ideas as soon as possible, so we can highlight your generous donation on the Endowment Blog prior to the June 22, 2017 Legacy Dinner. This year’s event will be held at Grube Farms, 1225 Canal Road near Baltimore. Come….join us!!
To subscribe to 4-H Legacy Dinner Updates, please contact Connie Smith or Leslie Cooksey. You may also visit: