Special Needs 4-H Camp

The following information is regarding the 2016 Special Needs 4-H Camp.  The Camp is offered to individuals in Ohio who would not typically be able to attend camp, and their families.  Please share this information with your clientele. Click here for the 2016 Special Needs Camp Registration Packet. The camp will be held at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp in Jackson, Ohio during the weekend of June 17-19, 2016.

Also, they are looking for older 4-H members to apply and serve as Camp Counselors at the event.  The application can be found here Special Needs Camp Counselor Application –  and is due by April 1st.

Feel free to contact at stumbo.5@osu.edu or 740-992-6696 with any questions.

Group photo from last year:


Alpha Sigma Upsilon – Ohio State Campus Visit Day

On Friday April 15th, 2016 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. the women of Alpha Sigma Upsilon sorority (at The Ohio State University) are sponsoring an Ohio State University main campus visit day for committed incoming freshman, transition, and transfer women.

During the visit day they plan to talk with all incoming ladies about Ohio State main campus, different majors, helpful hints, a background to their organization, have a delicious cookout, and have a personal in depth tour based off the interests of the incoming women. They hope this visit day will not only be informative but also an opportunity for the incoming women to visit a large group of girls who are similar to them and to have a chance to make a connection with a group before fall semester.

Please forward the attached flier to any women you may know whom fit the criteria above.

If you or any students have any questions or concerns please contact Tricia Schoen at schoen.43@buckeyemail.osu.edu or (419) 217-6624.


ASU Visit

Lionhead Rabbit FOR SALE

I local family has a lionhead bunny they are trying to find a good home for. Attached are pictures of Raulson. He is approx. 9 months old and in need of handling. He has not bit anyone but is a little fearful. He is beautiful, but does not have his mane yet. The breeder we bought him from told us that he would get his mane this year. He is in great health, just needs a loving home. Contact Lindsey Smith at 614-615-0766 if anyone is interested. Thank you so much for your help!

IMG_8867 (2)a IMG_8868 (2)a

Do You Shop on Amazon?

Help the Fairfield County 4-H Advisory Committee raise money for the county 4-H program while shopping at no additional cost to you! Want to know more?

Here’s How:

  1. Use this link: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/31-1157596


  1. Follow these Steps:
  • Go to smile.amazon.com
  • Sign in with your current Amazon account or create a new account
  • In the upper right corner where it says “Hello, Your Name”, use the drop down menu to find ‘change your charity’ and click on that link.
  • Search for “Fairfield County OH 4-H Advisory Committee” as the charitable organization you want to support.
  • Every time you shop on Amazon, make sure you start from the Amazon Smile page because the Advisory committee gets 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products
  • There is no cost to you when using this program and Amazon Smile makes the donation after you make your purchase.
  • Please share this with all of your 4-H members, and help us make this fundraiser a great success! Thank you for supporting the 4-H program in Fairfield County!

Sew Fun! Sewing Clinic on 4/9/2016

Check out the sewing clinic being offered on April 9, 2016 at the Ohio 4-H Center. More information can be found here: http://www.ohio4h.org/events/sew-fun-sewing-project-day

Members will get to put the clinic in their 4-H project book and have help learning hand stitches and zippers depending on which area they are in and so forth. Assistance will be offered to help answer judging questions if possible at lunch. Additionally, there will be a small modeling clinic.

Members needs to bring a sack lunch and a properly working sewing machine so they can learn to sew.

Ohio Outdoor News: Wood Duck Challenge

The program is designed to encourage youth to construct and erect a Wood Duck nesting box. We provide construction specs and a blueprint for them to follow. The youth need to submit a photo of their completed project and we will send them a special Wood Duck Challenge embroidered patch, some decals and information on waterfowl.

You can find information on the program here: http://www.outdoornews.com/Wood-Duck-Challenge/

Ohio youth can submit their photo here: http://www.outdoornews.com/Ohio/Submit-Your-Wood-Duck-Challenge-Photos/


Ag is Cool Program – Spread the word!

Spread the word about ODA’s Ag is Cool program to 4-H advisors and participants. Ag is Cool has two main components. The first is a Creative Expression Contest which is administered by ODA. The second component of the Ag is Cool program is offered at the Ohio State Fair each year by ODA, OFBF and Ohio’s Commodity Groups. The objective of the program is to teach children about Ohio agriculture through hands-on activities as they travel around the fairgrounds to barns and ag displays.  Attached is a flyer to educate 4-H advisors about both components and share with their students.


My Hands to Larger Service Mini-Grants – DEADLINE extended to 3/28/2016


Again this year (thanks to an Ohio 4-H Foundation grant) the State 4-H Program is offering the ‘My Hands to Larger Service Mini-Grants’ to Ohio 4-H teens.  20 – $150 mini-grants will be awarded to teens so that they can plan and lead a community service project.  The application packet is found here: 2016 My Hands to Larger Service Mini-Grant ApplicationCompleted applications are due by MARCH 28th (EXTENDED DEADLINE!), and recipients will be notified prior to April 8th.  SPREAD THE WORD!!!

Encourage your interested teens to enroll in ‘Project #373 – My Hands to Larger Service’ so they have a great resource within reach!