Preparing for the big concert with a shared meal.
Thank you for your generous hospitality!
In numerous class visits, Ezé shared his story and how music guides his life. The conversations with the students have opportunities to talk about racist encounters he has faced in his life, but also how perceiving a place like Dresden only through a negative lens is often not the entirety of the story. Students were also interested in hearing what kinds of instruments he plays, where he learned them, and how he first developed his love for German.
some visual impressions below…
Looking for a song to teach and learn German?
Here is a collection of songs that Ezé recommended:
Dear colleagues and friends,
please join us for the first MSWG Musical Discussion in Spring 2018 on “Bringing Different Worlds Together Through Music” with visiting artist Ezé Wendtoin on March 22, 3.30-5pm in the Research Commons Room 350A in the 18th Ave Library.
We will discuss:
“Bringing Different Worlds Together Through Music”, where Ezé Wendtoin will share his experiences travelling from Ouagadougou, West Africa to France and Germany, and now to the U.S.
Ezé will also play for us TODAY!!!
Feel free to share these information with your departments and friends.
This event is free and open to all. Refreshments and cookies will be provided.
The Migration Studies Working Group is an interdisciplinary graduate student-led and founded organization which aims to create an inspiring and productive interdisciplinary environment for a range of migration studies scholarship at The Ohio State University.
Find us on Twitter @osu_mswg
Also, please forward this invitation to your colleagues, students and friends.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Carolin, Eleanor, Natalie, Erik and Johanna
Migration Studies Working Group
Products from yesterday’s lunch: