CORN Newsletter


July 5 – July 11, 2022


Editor: Stephanie Karhoff


Tar Spot Q&A

Author: Pierce Paul

Q: Is tar spot a late-season disease in Ohio?

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Lep Monitoring Update CEW, WBC, FAW and ECB Updates

Authors: Amy Raudenbush, Suranga Basnagala , Kyle Akred, Angela Arnold, Mark Badertscher, Frank Becker, Bruce Clevenger, CCA, Bridger Cline, Taylor Dill, Nick Eckel, Don Hammersmith, Jason Hartschuh, CCA, Andrew Holden, Alan Leininger, Ed Lentz, CCA, David Marrison, Clifton Martin, CCA, Jess McWatters, James Morris, Sarah Noggle, Richard Purdin, Eric Richer, CCA, Beth Scheckelhoff, Clint Schroeder, Mike Sunderman, Cindy Wallace, Curtis Young, CCA, Chris Zoller, Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon, Thomas deHaas, Jessi Raubenolt, Frank Thayer

Corn Earworm

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Weather Update: A Dry Trend, Interrupted?

Author: Aaron Wilson


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Agronomy 101 Field Day

Author: Taylor Dill

OSU Extension Darke County is proud to announce our Agronomy 101 Field Day in partnership with Rob See Co and Hatfield Seed Supply!

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Western ARS Weed and Agronomy Field Day, Wednesday July 13, 2022

Author: Joe Davlin

The Western Agricultural Research Station Weed and Agronomy Field Day will be held July 13th. The station is planted but everything went in on the edge – as you saw it on your farm too.

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Spray Drone Field Day Date Change!

Author: Taylor Dill

The spray drone business started booming in Western Ohio suddenly this season and there are many new things to learn with this technology for researchers, extension, and producers.

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Application of Manure to Double Crop Soybeans to Encourage Emergence

Author: Glen Arnold, CCA

Wheat harvest is mostly done in the state and some farmers are planting double-crop soybeans. The summer manure application window following wheat harvest is typically the 2nd largest application window each year.

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Wheat Harvest Date Reminders

Authors: Laura Lindsey, Pierce Paul

While many areas of Ohio have already successfully harvested wheat, there are fields that still need to be harvested. With rainfall this week, harvest may be delayed.

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Soybean Progress and Flowering Growth Stage

Author: Laura Lindsey

Currently, most soybean fields in Ohio are at the flowering growth stage (R1-R2).

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Upcoming Events


July 9


Spray Drone Field Day


July 13


Western Weed and Agronomy Field Day (Clark)


July 13


Soil Health Nexus Educator Training


July 23


Using Annual Forages in your Pasture, Pasture Walk (Morrow)


July 26


Manure Science Review (Ohio)


July 27


Agronomy 101 Field Day


August 25


2022 Agronomy Field Day (Morrow)


About C.O.R.N. Newsletter

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.




Glen Arnold, CCA
Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management


Mark Badertscher
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Lee Beers, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Grant Davis, CCA
Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Wayne Dellinger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Taylor Dill
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amanda Douridas
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Nick Eckel
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Alyssa Essman


Mike Estadt
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Ken Ford
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mike Gastier, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Jason Hartschuh, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amber Herman


Dean Kreager
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Courtney Krieger
Water Quality Extension Associate


Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Alan Leininger
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Horacio Lopez-Nicora
Assistant Professor – Plant Pathology


David Marrison
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Clifton Martin, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Jess McWatters


Andy Michel
State Specialist, Entomology


Gigi Neal
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Sarah Noggle
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Les Ober, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Osler Ortez
State Specialist, Corn & Emerging Crops


Pierce Paul
State Specialist, Corn and Wheat Diseases


Richard Purdin
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Eric Richer, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Beth Scheckelhoff
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Clint Schroeder
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Aaron Wilson
Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center


Ted Wiseman
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Curtis Young, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


The information presented here, along with any trade names used, is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement is made by Ohio State University Extension is implied. Although every attempt is made to produce information that is complete, timely, and accurate, the pesticide user bears responsibility of consulting the pesticide label and adhering to those directions.

CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, visit For an accessible format of this publication, visit

CORN Newsletter




Editor: Sarah Noggle


Nutrient Value of Wheat Straw

Authors: Laura Lindsey, Lee Beers, CCA, Ed Lentz, CCA

Before removing the straw from the field, it’s important farmers understand the nutrient value. This is especially important now with high N, P, and K fertilizer prices.

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Double-Crop Soybean Weed Management

Author: Mark Loux

It’s been a tough summer in parts of Ohio to do anything on a timely schedule and there are some weedy fields.  The best advice we have for big weeds in full-season soybeans is to increase rates and the complexity of POST herbicide applications, while still adhering to cutoffs for the

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Lep Monitoring Update WBC, CEW, and ECB Updates

Authors: Kyle Akred, Amy Raudenbush, Suranga Basnagala , Mark Badertscher, Lee Beers, CCA, Tom Dehaas, Taylor Dill, Nick Eckel, Jamie Hampton, Andrew Holden, Ed Lentz, CCA, Jess McWatters, James Morris, Sarah Noggle, Eric Richer, CCA, Beth Scheckelhoff, Clint Schroeder, Cindy Wallace, Curtis Young, CCA, Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon

Western Bean Cutworm

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Supplemental Forages to Plant in July After Wheat

Authors: Mark Sulc, Bill Weiss

Some producers may be considering planting a supplemental forage crop after winter wheat grain harvest for various reasons. Some areas of the state are becoming very dry.

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Manure Science Review Coming July 26th

Authors: Glen Arnold, CCA, Mary Wicks

The annual Manure Science Review (MSR) will be held on Tuesday, July 26th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center Northwest Station near Hoytville. The address is 4240 Range Line Rd., Custar, OH 43511.

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Tri-State Precision Agriculture Conference

Author: Alan Leininger

The second annual Tri-State Precision Agriculture Conference will be held at Northwest State Community College in Archbold, Ohio on July 27, 2022. This year’s event will highlight sprayer and pesticide application technology.

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Upcoming Events


July 7


Spray Drone Field Day


July 13


Western Weed and Agronomy Field Day (Clark)


July 26


Manure Science Review (Ohio)


August 9


Drainage Installation Field Day


August 16


SW Ohio Corn Growers – Agronomy Field Day


January 4


Organic Grains Workshop


About C.O.R.N. Newsletter

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.




Glen Arnold, CCA
Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management


Mark Badertscher
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


John Barker
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Lee Beers, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Bruce Clevenger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Rachel Cochran, CCA
Water Quality Extension Associate, Defiance, Van Wert, Paulding Counties


Grant Davis, CCA
Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Wayne Dellinger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Taylor Dill
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amanda Douridas
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Nick Eckel
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Ken Ford
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Allen Gahler
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Jamie Hampton
Extension Educator, ANR


Amber Herman


Andrew Holden
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Stephanie Karhoff
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dean Kreager
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Alan Leininger
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Laura Lindsey
State Specialist, Soybean and Small Grains


Horacio Lopez-Nicora
Assistant Professor – Plant Pathology


Mark Loux
State Specialist, Weed Science


David Marrison
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Andy Michel
State Specialist, Entomology


Gigi Neal
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Tony Nye
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Pierce Paul
State Specialist, Corn and Wheat Diseases


Richard Purdin
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Eric Richer, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Beth Scheckelhoff
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Matthew Schmerge
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Clint Schroeder
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mark Sulc
State Specialist, Forage Production


Curtis Young, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


The information presented here, along with any trade names used, is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement is made by Ohio State University Extension is implied. Although every attempt is made to produce information that is complete, timely, and accurate, the pesticide user bears responsibility of consulting the pesticide label and adhering to those directions.

CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, visit For an accessible format of this publication, visit

CORN Newsletter




Editor: Sarah Noggle


Estimated and Soil Test Methods to Determine Supplemental N need after Flooding

Authors: Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA, Ed Lentz, CCA, Osler Ortez

Determining the amount of supplemental nitrogen, if any, that is needed after saturated soil conditions is a difficult question to answer.

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Managing Corn and Nitrogen with Water Excess Conditions

Authors: Osler Ortez, Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA, Alexander Lindsey, Wanderson Novais

Excess water challenges plant growth and fitness in farming systems. Depending on the geography, dramatic fluctuations and extremes in weather patterns have been experienced in Ohio, the US, and other parts of the world (e.g., droughts, floods).

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100th Episode- Agronomy and Farm Management Podcast

Authors: Amanda Douridas, Elizabeth Hawkins

The AFM podcast released its 100th episode this morning.

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Summer Crop Insects – What to Watch For

Authors: Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon

Almost every field season has its particular insect problems and surprising‘ gotcha’ moments (we’re looking at you, fall armyworm).  But there is a seasonality to our common insect pests in agriculture, and this article outlines a few of the things to look out for in the remaini

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It’s Getting Hot in Here

Authors: Jamie Hampton, Taylor Dill

The 2022 crop has already seen its fair share of stress. But with the forecast of a flash drought and much higher than normal June temperatures, we will be seeing some extra stress that we may normally anticipate for later in the growing season.

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Lep Monitoring Update CEW and ECB Updates

Authors: Amy Raudenbush, Suranga Basnagala , Kyle Akred, Mark Badertscher, Lee Beers, CCA, Alan Leininger, Clifton Martin, CCA, James Morris, Eric Richer, CCA, Beth Scheckelhoff, Cindy Wallace, Curtis Young, CCA, Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon

Corn Earworm

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Upcoming Events


June 23


Agronomic Field Day: June 23 at the Northwest Agriculture Research Station in Wood County


July 7


Spray Drone Field Day


July 13


Western Weed and Agronomy Field Day (Clark)


July 26


Manure Science Review (Ohio)


August 16


SW Ohio Corn Growers – Agronomy Field Day


January 4


Organic Grains Workshop


About C.O.R.N. Newsletter

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.




Mark Badertscher
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


John Barker
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Rachel Cochran, CCA
Water Quality Extension Associate, Defiance, Van Wert, Paulding Counties


Trevor Corboy
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Grant Davis, CCA
Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Wayne Dellinger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Taylor Dill
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amanda Douridas
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Ken Ford
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Jamie Hampton
Extension Educator, ANR


Amber Herman


Andrew Holden
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dean Kreager
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


David Marrison
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Andy Michel
State Specialist, Entomology


Gigi Neal
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Tony Nye
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Les Ober, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Osler Ortez
State Specialist, Corn & Emerging Crops


Pierce Paul
State Specialist, Corn and Wheat Diseases


Richard Purdin
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Eric Richer, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Matthew Schmerge
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Clint Schroeder
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Barry Ward
Program Leader


Aaron Wilson
Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center


Ted Wiseman
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Curtis Young, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Chris Zoller
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


The information presented here, along with any trade names used, is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement is made by Ohio State University Extension is implied. Although every attempt is made to produce information that is complete, timely, and accurate, the pesticide user bears responsibility of consulting the pesticide label and adhering to those directions.

CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, visit For an accessible format of this publication, visit

CORN Newsletter




Editor: Sarah Noggle


Prevent Plant Economics

Author: Amanda Douridas

To avoid duplication, we do not make it a habit to cross-post articles from other publications. We assume that if you are interested in information from other newsletters and publications, you will subscribe to those.

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Time to Start Scouting for Potato Leafhoppers in Alfalfa

Authors: Kelley Tilmon, Mark Sulc, Andy Michel

We are receiving reports of near or at-threshold levels of potato leafhopper in alfalfa.  As second-cut alfalfa grows, farmers should scout for resurging numbers in their fields.  Younger alfalfa is more susceptible to damage at lower leafhopper numbers.

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REMINDER: Replanting Decisions in Corn and Soybeans… What to Consider

Authors: Osler Ortez, Laura Lindsey, Alexander Lindsey

Unfavorable weather during the months of April, May, and early June has negatively affected corn and soybean acres establishment in the state. If considering replanting fields, a C.O.R.N.

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Corn Growth and Development: Crop Staging

Authors: Osler Ortez, Alexander Lindsey

One of the bottom-line activities in growing crops should be understanding and keeping track of crop growth and development. Crop growth is related to the increase in size.

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Crops Under Water – Crop Stage is Critical for Recovery

Authors: Alexander Lindsey, Mark Sulc, Laura Lindsey, Osler Ortez, Peter Thomison

Large rain events seem to be trending this year in many parts of Ohio, especially in Northwest Ohio where 3-5 inches of rain fell in 24-48 hrs. This can lead to standing water (flood) conditions or waterlogged soils (the root system is saturated).

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Double Crop Soybean Management Considerations for 2022

Author: Laura Lindsey

Wheat harvest is just around the corner, and it’s time to consider double-crop soybean production management. For double-crop soybean to be successful, you need adequate time and moisture for the production of the soybean crop.

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Double Crop Soybean Production in Northern Ohio

Authors: Laura Lindsey, Eric Richer, CCA, Alexander Lindsey, Greg McGlinch

In northern Ohio, double-crop soybean production after wheat harvest needs to be carefully considered.

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Lep Monitoring Network Update – BCW, AMW, and ECB Updates

Authors: Amy Raudenbush, Kyle Akred, Suranga Basnagala , Mark Badertscher, Lee Beers, CCA, Alan Leininger, Clifton Martin, CCA, James Morris, Eric Richer, CCA, Beth Scheckelhoff, Cindy Wallace, Curtis Young, CCA, Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon

Moth trap updates for Ohio are reported below. All monitored pests remained below an average of 10 moths per county for the week of June 6 – 12. This will be our last update for black cutworm and true armyworm.

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Upcoming Events


June 23


Agronomic Field Day: June 23 at the Northwest Agriculture Research Station in Wood County


July 7


Spray Drone Field Day


July 13


Western Weed and Agronomy Field Day (Clark)


July 26


Manure Science Review (Ohio)


August 16


SW Ohio Corn Growers – Agronomy Field Day


January 4


Organic Grains Workshop


About C.O.R.N. Newsletter

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.




Glen Arnold, CCA
Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management


Mark Badertscher
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


John Barker
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Carrie Brown
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Trevor Corboy
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Grant Davis, CCA
Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Wayne Dellinger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Taylor Dill
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amanda Douridas
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Nick Eckel
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Alyssa Essman


Mike Estadt
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Ken Ford
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Jason Hartschuh, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amber Herman


Andrew Holden
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Stephanie Karhoff
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dean Kreager
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Alan Leininger
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Daniel Lima


Horacio Lopez-Nicora
Assistant Professor – Plant Pathology


Clifton Martin, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


James Morris
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Gigi Neal
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Tony Nye
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Les Ober, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Osler Ortez
State Specialist, Corn & Emerging Crops


Pierce Paul
State Specialist, Corn and Wheat Diseases


Richard Purdin
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Beth Scheckelhoff
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Matthew Schmerge
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Clint Schroeder
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Kelley Tilmon
State Specialist, Field Crop Entomology


Barry Ward
Program Leader


Ted Wiseman
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Curtis Young, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Chris Zoller
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


The information presented here, along with any trade names used, is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement is made by Ohio State University Extension is implied. Although every attempt is made to produce information that is complete, timely, and accurate, the pesticide user bears responsibility of consulting the pesticide label and adhering to those directions.

CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, visit For an accessible format of this publication, visit

CORN Newsletter


May 17-May 23


Editor: Beth Scheckelhoff


CFAES Ag Weather System 2022 Near-Surface Air and Soil Temperatures/Moisture (Update 7 – Final)

Authors: Aaron Wilson, Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA
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Alfalfa is Ready to Harvest in Ohio

Authors: Angela Arnold, Bruce Clevenger, CCA, Dean Kreager, Osler Ortez, Les Ober, CCA, Richard Purdin, Mark Sulc

Ohio’s spring had a cold start but has rapidly turned the corner to persist warmer temperatures. Many of Ohio’s pure alfalfa stands are ready to be harvested for high-quality feed.

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Forage Harvest Management to Speed Drying and Store High Quality Forage

Authors: Mark Sulc, Jason Hartschuh, CCA, Allen Gahler

First cutting should be taken very soon to achieve high quality forage, as seen by some of the estimated NDF levels in standing alfalfa crops around the state.

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Cooler (not cold) and Active Weather Week Ahead

Author: Aaron Wilson


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Lep Monitoring Network Update – Black Cutworm & True Armyworm

Authors: Amy Raudenbush, Suranga Basnagala , Kyle Akred, Mark Badertscher, Lee Beers, CCA, Clifton Martin, CCA, James Morris, Eric Richer, CCA, Beth Scheckelhoff, Cindy Wallace, Curtis Young, CCA, Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon

Black cutworm We are currently in our third week of monitoring for the black cutworm.

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Replanting Decisions in Corn and Soybeans… What to Consider

Authors: Osler Ortez, Laura Lindsey, Alexander Lindsey

Early plantings, cold air and soil temperatures, precipitation, wind, and warmer temperatures during or after planting may lead to reduced stands in planted fields due to factors such as

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Online Ohio Certified Crop Adviser Pre-Exam Course Now Available

Author: Lee Beers, CCA

Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crop Adviser (CCA), but are intimidated by the exams? You should consider attending the Ohio CCA Pre-Exam Preparation Course offered by Ohio State University Extension.

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About C.O.R.N. Newsletter

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.




Glen Arnold, CCA
Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management


Mark Badertscher
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


John Barker
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Lee Beers, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amanda Bennett
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Rachel Cochran, CCA
Water Quality Extension Associate, Defiance, Van Wert, Paulding Counties


Dirk Dempsey


Taylor Dill
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amanda Douridas
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Nick Eckel
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mike Estadt
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mike Gastier, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Jamie Hampton
Extension Educator, ANR


Jason Hartschuh, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Elizabeth Hawkins
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Amber Herman


Andrew Holden
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Stephanie Karhoff
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dean Kreager
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Alan Leininger
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Horacio Lopez-Nicora
Assistant Professor – Plant Pathology


David Marrison
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Clifton Martin, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Gigi Neal
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Tony Nye
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Les Ober, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Osler Ortez
State Specialist, Corn & Emerging Crops


Pierce Paul
State Specialist, Corn and Wheat Diseases


Richard Purdin
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Eric Richer, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Matthew Schmerge
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Clint Schroeder
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Kelley Tilmon
State Specialist, Field Crop Entomology


Barry Ward
Program Leader


Aaron Wilson
Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center


Ted Wiseman
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Curtis Young, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Chris Zoller
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


The information presented here, along with any trade names used, is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement is made by Ohio State University Extension is implied. Although every attempt is made to produce information that is complete, timely, and accurate, the pesticide user bears responsibility of consulting the pesticide label and adhering to those directions.

CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, visit For an accessible format of this publication, visit

CORN Newsletter


May 3 – May 9


Editor: Beth Scheckelhoff


Springtime is Spray Time — Here are Some Tips for Better Spraying

Author: Erdal Ozkan

Applying pesticides requires a high level of skill and knowledge. Increases in the size and complexity of sprayers over the years require even more attention to efficiency, efficacy, and safety.

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Wet Weather then a Planting Window

Author: Jim Noel

April was a challenging month. It was a cold month with most of Ohio -1F to -3F below normal for temperatures. We saw late freezes and snow events. Because of the cold, precipitation was generally around or slightly below normal in the 60-120% of normal range.

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Alfalfa Weevil: Ready, Set, Scout!

Authors: Aaron Wilson, Kelley Tilmon, Mark Sulc, Andy Michel

Finally we’ve accumulated enough heat units that significant parts of Ohio are now or very soon will be in prime time for alfalfa weevil.  Peak larval activity and feeding damage occur between 325 and 575 GDD.

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CFAES Ag Weather System 2022 Near-Surface Air and Soil Temperatures/Moisture (Update 5)

Authors: Aaron Wilson, Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA

After last weekend’s summer preview, temperatures were much cooler over Ohio for much of the past week. Central and northern Ohio locations saw air temperatures drop below freezing mid-week, before a return to normal conditions over the weekend.

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Lep Monitoring Network Update

Authors: Amy Raudenbush, Suranga Basnagala , Kyle Akred, Mark Badertscher, Lee Beers, CCA, Clifton Martin, CCA, James Morris, Eric Richer, CCA, Beth Scheckelhoff, Cindy Wallace, Curtis Young, CCA, Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon

Eleven counties in Ohio will be monitoring for various agronomic Lepidopteran (moth/caterpillar) pests during the 2022 field season. These counties include Adams, Brown, Clark, Fulton, Hardin, Madison, Muskingum, Trumbull, Van Wert, Wayne and Wood.

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Making On-Farm Trials Easy

Authors: Taylor Dill, Elizabeth Hawkins

Planting season is upon us and is a little behind in comparison to last year. Many producers are planning on evaluating input costs and management practices on their farm this season to improve economic efficiency and stay profitable.

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It’s Time to Start Monitoring your Alfalfa Fields for %NDF

Authors: Angela Arnold, Richard Purdin, Dean Kreager, Osler Ortez, Les Ober, CCA, Mark Sulc, Beth Scheckelhoff

Ohio has seen on average a cooler spring than in previous years even though there were record and near-record highs last month. Fluctuations in temperature and varying rainfall make it extremely difficult to determine the exact date every year when to harvest alfalfa stands.

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About C.O.R.N. Newsletter

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.




Angela Arnold
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Glen Arnold, CCA
Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management


Mark Badertscher
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Lee Beers, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amanda Bennett
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Carrie Brown
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Bruce Clevenger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Rachel Cochran, CCA
Water Quality Extension Associate, Defiance, Van Wert, Paulding Counties


Trevor Corboy
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Wayne Dellinger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dirk Dempsey


Taylor Dill
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amanda Douridas
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Nick Eckel
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mike Estadt
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Ken Ford
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mike Gastier, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Jason Hartschuh, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Elizabeth Hawkins
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Amber Herman


Stephanie Karhoff
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dean Kreager
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Alan Leininger
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Ed Lentz, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Laura Lindsey
State Specialist, Soybean and Small Grains


David Marrison
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Clifton Martin, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


James Morris
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Gigi Neal
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Jim Noel
National Weather Service


Sarah Noggle
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Les Ober, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Osler Ortez
Corn & Emerging Crops State Specialist


Pierce Paul
State Specialist, Corn and Wheat Diseases


Eric Richer, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Matthew Schmerge
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Clint Schroeder
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mark Sulc
State Specialist, Forage Production


Ted Wiseman
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Curtis Young, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Chris Zoller
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

CORN Newsletter


April 19 – 25, 2022


Editor: Amanda Bennett


Weather Update: Warm Up Already!

Author: Aaron Wilson


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Plant Forage Stands as Soon as Feasible

Authors: Mark Sulc, Jason Hartschuh, CCA

Early spring provides one of the two preferred times to seed perennial cool-season forages, the other being late summer.

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Dealing With Winter Injured Forage Stands

Author: Mark Sulc

I’ve been hearing reports from around the state of forage stands that look poor, especially where flooded soil conditions developed over the past few months.

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Ohio Farmers Invited to Participate in Multi-State On-Farm Research Survey

Author: Osler Ortez, PhD


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About C.O.R.N. Newsletter

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.




Glen Arnold, CCA
Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management


John Barker
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Carrie Brown
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Bruce Clevenger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Rachel Cochran
Water Quality Extension Associate


Trevor Corboy
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Wayne Dellinger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dirk Dempsey


Taylor Dill
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amanda Douridas
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Nick Eckel
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mike Estadt
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Ken Ford
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Allen Geyer
Research Associate, Corn Production


Jamie Hampton
Extension Educator, ANR


Jason Hartschuh, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Elizabeth Hawkins
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Andrew Holden
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Stephanie Karhoff
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dean Kreager
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Laura Lindsey
State Specialist, Soybean and Small Grains


Horacio Lopez-Nicora
Assistant Professor – Plant Pathology


Mark Loux
State Specialist, Weed Science


David Marrison
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Sarah Noggle
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Les Ober, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Osler Ortez, PhD


Richard Purdin
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Eric Richer, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Matthew Schmerge
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Clint Schroeder
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mark Sulc
State Specialist, Forage Production


Kelley Tilmon
State Specialist, Field Crop Entomology


Barry Ward
Program Leader


Aaron Wilson
Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center


Ted Wiseman
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Curtis Young, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Chris Zoller
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


The information presented here, along with any trade names used, is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement is made by Ohio State University Extension is implied. Although every attempt is made to produce information that is complete, timely, and accurate, the pesticide user bears responsibility of consulting the pesticide label and adhering to those directions.

CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, visit For an accessible format of this publication, visit

CORN Newsletter


April 12 – 18, 2022


Editor: Amanda Bennett


Weather Update: A Warmer but Wetter Week Ahead

Author: Aaron Wilson

Although the region has seen a few warm days, winter has certainly not given up entirely. This past weekend, Ohio dealt with snow showers and even a little graupel. What is graupel? The word originates from the German word “graúpe” or “barley”.

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Set-Up Soybeans for Success in 2022

Author: Laura Lindsey

For soybean, pre-planting decisions are extremely important to set-up the crop for success. Soybean Extension Specialists from across the U.S.

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CFAES Ag Weather System 2022 Near-Surface Air and Soil Temperatures/Moisture (Update 2)

Authors: Aaron Wilson, Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA
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Wheat Yield Contest-Early Entry Deadline April 15th

Authors: Eric Richer, CCA, Laura Lindsey, Mike Estadt

The National Wheat Yield Contest was created in 2015 by the National Wheat Foundation to promote new ideas and experimentation for wheat production, enable knowledge transfer between growers and identify top wheat producers in each state.  Since its short inception, Ohio has had good

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Why Should You Calibrate Your Sprayer Even If it has a Rate Controller?

Author: Erdal Ozkan

Whenever I give a presentation about the need to calibrate a sprayer and how to do it, there is always someone asking me this same question: “I have a rate controller in the cab that regulates the flow rate of the sprayer regardless of the changes in sprayer gr

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About C.O.R.N. Newsletter

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.




Glen Arnold, CCA
Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management


John Barker
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Lee Beers, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Carrie Brown
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Rachel Cochran
Water Quality Extension Associate


Trevor Corboy
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Wayne Dellinger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dirk Dempsey


Taylor Dill
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amanda Douridas
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Nick Eckel
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Jamie Hampton
Extension Educator, ANR


Elizabeth Hawkins
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Andrew Holden
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Stephanie Karhoff
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dean Kreager
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Laura Lindsey
State Specialist, Soybean and Small Grains


Mark Loux
State Specialist, Weed Science


David Marrison
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Gigi Neal
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Sarah Noggle
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Tony Nye
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Les Ober, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Osler Ortez, PhD


Pierce Paul
State Specialist, Corn and Wheat Diseases


Richard Purdin
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Eric Richer, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Matthew Schmerge
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Clint Schroeder
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mark Sulc
State Specialist, Forage Production


Barry Ward
Program Leader


Aaron Wilson
Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center


Ted Wiseman
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Chris Zoller
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


The information presented here, along with any trade names used, is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement is made by Ohio State University Extension is implied. Although every attempt is made to produce information that is complete, timely, and accurate, the pesticide user bears responsibility of consulting the pesticide label and adhering to those directions.

CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, visit For an accessible format of this publication, visit

CORN Newsletter

April 5 – 11, 2022

Editor: Amanda Bennett

Chilly Damp April Expected
Author: Jim Noel
It looks like planting season will be a bit more challenging this spring than 2021 was. There is no sign of La Nina leaving us anytime soon which tends to stress crop yields in Ohio from research between NOAA and OSU.
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CFAES Ag Weather System 2022 Near-Surface Air and Soil Temperatures/Moisture (Update 1)
Authors: Aaron Wilson, Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA
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Status of herbicide resistance in Ohio waterhemp populations
Author: Mark Loux
We have been screening waterhemp populations over the past few years for their response to various herbicide sites of action. Our overall goal is to get a sense of the types of resistance that have developed or may be developing, so that growers and agronomists know what they should
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Early Season Manure Application
Author: Glen Arnold, CCA
Last fall was not favorable for manure application to farm fields.
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Save the Date for Small Grains
Author: Haley Zynda
A small grains field day is to be held at the Snyder and Shaffter Farms of the CFAES Wooster Campus on June 14, 2022.
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Agriculture Breakfast: Water Quality and Conservation Opportunities
Author: Rachel Cochran
OSU Extension will host three Agriculture Breakfast meetings for different watersheds in Paulding, Putnam, Allen, and Van Wert counties in April.
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About C.O.R.N. Newsletter
C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.


Glen Arnold, CCA
Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management

Mark Badertscher
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

John Barker
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Lee Beers, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Rachel Cochran
Water Quality Extension Associate

Trevor Corboy
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Dirk Dempsey

Taylor Dill
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Mike Estadt
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Ken Ford
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Jamie Hampton
Extension Educator, ANR

Jason Hartschuh, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Elizabeth Hawkins
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems

Andrew Holden
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Doug Karcher
Chair, Horticulture and Crop Science

Stephanie Karhoff
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Dean Kreager
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems

Alan Leininger
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Horacio Lopez-Nicora
Assistant Professor – Plant Pathology

Mark Loux
State Specialist, Weed Science

David Marrison
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Gigi Neal
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Jim Noel
National Weather Service

Sarah Noggle
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Les Ober, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Pierce Paul
State Specialist, Corn and Wheat Diseases

Eric Richer, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Beth Scheckelhoff
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Matthew Schmerge
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Mark Sulc
State Specialist, Forage Production

Barry Ward
Program Leader

Aaron Wilson
Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center

Ted Wiseman
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Chris Zoller
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Haley Zynda
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

CORN Newsletter




Editor: Chris Zoller


Using the Corn Nitrogen Rate Calculator

Author: Eric Richer, CCA

Throughout this winter meeting season, fertilizer has been a hot topic. Generally, the discussion has been around nitrogen price and availability.

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Alite 27 – Residual Herbicide for GT27 Soybeans

Author: Mark Loux

Alite 27 is isoxaflutole (Balance Flexx) repackaged and labeled for preemergence use in LL-GT27 soybeans, minus the safener, cyprosulfamide, which protects corn from injury.  The LL-GT27 soybean has resistance to glyphosate, glufosinate, and isoxaflutole, and is the only type of

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CTTC Update – Masks Optional, Early Bird Registration Through March 1

Author: Mark Badertscher

Due to recent changes by the CDC with masking guidelines and the fact that the CDC COVID-19 transmission level for Hardin County has dropped, hospitalizations in the local area and in Ohio are declining, campus COVID case numbers are decreasing, and that severity continues to re

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Wheat Refresh and Field Walk

Author: Amanda Douridas

Whether it’s been a while since you’ve grown wheat or been a while since you have evaluated a wheat field, it is time to freshen up on how to do so.

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IT’S A WORM’S WORLD! The Impact of Nematology on Plant and Soil Health

Author: Horacio Lopez-Nicora

“If all the matter in the universe except the nematodes were swept away, our world would still be dimly recognizable . . .” Nathan Cobb (1915)

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Don’t Miss Greg Tylka’s Seminar on the Most Damaging Pathogen of Soybean

Author: Horacio Lopez-Nicora

Dr. Greg Tylka, prestigious nematologist from Iowa State University, will visit the Department of Plant Pathology at Ohio State University and give a seminar titled:

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Corn College and Soybean School Recordings Available

Authors: Laura Lindsey, Amanda Douridas

Did you miss our Corn College and Soybean School this year? We have you covered!

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2022 Central Ohio Agronomy School: The Nuts & Bolts About Corn & Soybean Production

Author: John Barker

The 2022 Central Ohio Agronomy School will be held on Monday evenings, beginning on Monday, March 7 through Monday, March 28, from 6:30 –9:00 p.m.

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About C.O.R.N. Newsletter

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.




Glen Arnold, CCA
Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management


Bruce Clevenger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Trevor Corboy
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Wayne Dellinger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Taylor Dill
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amanda Douridas
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Nick Eckel
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mike Estadt
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Jason Hartschuh, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Elizabeth Hawkins
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Ed Lentz, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


David Marrison
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Rich Minyo
Research Specialist


James Morris
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Gigi Neal
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Tony Nye
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Les Ober, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Osler Ortez, PhD


Pierce Paul
State Specialist, Corn and Wheat Diseases


Richard Purdin
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Eric Richer, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dennis Riethman
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Beth Scheckelhoff
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Matthew Schmerge
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Clint Schroeder
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Barry Ward
Program Leader


Aaron Wilson
Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center


Ted Wiseman
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


The information presented here, along with any trade names used, is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement is made by Ohio State University Extension is implied. Although every attempt is made to produce information that is complete, timely, and accurate, the pesticide user bears responsibility of consulting the pesticide label and adhering to those directions.

CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, visit For an accessible format of this publication, visit