We tend to think of tomatoes as easy-to-grow garden vegetables, but that isn’t always the case. There are many different issues that can make an easy-to-grow plant into a nightmare! Learn to identify, avoid, and treat most common tomato issues from Garry Abfalter, OSU Extension Greene County Master Gardener Volunteer.
One of the most exciting parts of growing your own tomatoes is finally getting to taste the fruits of your labor. Laura Hallaway, OSU Extension Greene County Family and Consumer Science Educator will give some tips and recipes to make best summer favor from your garden-fresh tomatoes.
Date: July 29, 2021
Time: 12:00 Noon
Location: Virtually via Zoom
Registration: go.osu.edu/gctomatoes
Cost: $7.00
Contact: Kim Hupman at hupman.5@osu.edu or 937-736-7209