Strong @ Heart

What do David Letterman, Burt Reynolds, Reggie Lewis, Barbara Walters, Bill Clinton, Hank Gathers, Toni Braxton, Kelsey Grammar, Dick Cheney, and Bret Michaels all have in common? All of them have or had some form of heart disease.

Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death in men and women in the United States? Even if you do not have a personal or family history, it is likely that you will still be impacted in some way by heart disease during your lifetime. Whether it is a friend, a co-worker, a professional athlete, a celebrity, a neighbor, or a loved one, if you don’t already know someone who has been diagnosed, you likely will.

The Live Healthy Live Well Team would like you to get “Strong @ Heart” with us this February as we celebrate American Heart Month. You may be thinking, yeah, yeah, yeah, but I don’t want a bunch of medical jargon thrown at me. Great! The Strong @ Heart email challenge will give you some information about heart disease and some tips on how to help you stay healthy, but it will be relatable. You see, many of the writers have personal stories as to why this topic is so important to them, myself included.

We know that 2020 was a rollercoaster for most people, and 2021 isn’t starting out much better. So, during the Strong @ Heart challenge, we want to connect with you on a more personal note about how heart disease has impacted and continues to impact the lives of many of us.

Get or stay Strong @ Heart with this 6-week challenge. For registration: , Answer a few questions and you are set. Expect a pre-challenge message the last week of January.

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