Greene County 4-H Week Coming Soon

Join us in celebrating 4-H week with our themed days.  Greene County 4-H week will take place February 3-9, 2019.

Want to start thinking?  Here are the themes so you can start preparing and thinking even though it is a few weeks away still.

Post on our page or use the hashtag #greeneco4-h so others can see your 4-H spirit.

Supporter Sunday: February 3- share who mentored or supported you in your 4-H career and tell them thank you

Mark your Calendar Monday: February 4- Save 4-H dates on your calendar.  What are you most looking forward to for 2019?

Tell a Friend Tuesday: February 5- Encourage others to join 4-H

Where in the World Wednesday: February 6– What has been your favorite experience about 4-H? Where in the world has 4-H taken you?

Throwback Thursday: February 7- Share a picture or memory from your past 4-H experiences

Fashion Friday: February 8- Wear a 4-H shirt or an outfit you made through a 4-H project

Service Saturday: February 9– Complete a service project with your club

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