A reminder for all 4-H General Project Participants: members who did not pick up their general projects from the 4-H Hall, have until Friday, August 13th to pick them up from the OSU Clermont County Extension office. Any projects not picked up by this date will be disposed of, after August 13th. Project pickup times are during office hours, unless arrangements are made with office personnel to pick up at a different time.
Author: schelling.4
4-H Cloverbud Show and Tell
On Wednesday, July 28th Clermont County 4-H and Clermont County 4-H Educator, Kelly Royalty hosted a Cloverbud Show and Tell Day for all the Clermont County Cloverbuds to participate in. Cloverbuds picked a topic or an item to show and tell about in their groups. At the closing of the Cloverbud Show and Tell program, all Cloverbuds in attendance were announced and presented with a 4-H Cloverbuds bag for completion. Thank you to all the Clermont County Fair Royalty and 4-H Volunteers that helped with our 2021 Clermont County Fair Cloverbud Day!
Master Gardener Volunteer Weekly Garden Update
This weeks Master Gardner Weekly Update is a little bit different. This week is fair week here on the fair grounds and the Master Gardeners have been busy picking produce, displaying their gardens to the public, educating the public about their organization, and more. The MGV’s made sure that all their gardens were decorated and ready for the public to see during fair. A bird bath and other colorful pieces were added in the sensory garden. Hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies have been seen in the gardens and the produce is growing quickly. The pumpkins are big in size and are beginning to turn color. If you haven’t made it over to see the Straw Bale Demonstration Garden on the fairgrounds, make sure to do so before the fair ends. The Master Gardener Booth containing information on the Master Gardener Program, how to join, photos of their gardens and records, and more can be found in the Floral Hall, located on the fairgrounds.
4-H STEM Day
On Tuesday, July 27th Clermont County 4-H members participated in STEM Day, during the 2021 Clermont County Fair. Participants learned how to use a Sphero robot as an engine in a carriage of their own making. Participants had to ensure that their design for their carriage/chariot was: stable, swift, and capable of steering around or overcoming obstacles without losing their passengers (2 Ping Pong balls). Participants worked in teams and had a half hour to construct their carriage/chariot. Once participants completed their designs, the competition for 1st through 3rd place was on. The results and photos of the Sphero Races for STEM Day are as follows:
1st Place – Team Balloon Animals (Leo, Vivian, Amy, and Caleb)
2nd Place – Team Dorschug (Abigail Dorschug, Olivia Dorschug, and Grant Dorschug)
3rd Place – Team X Car (Lazaro Rios, Alfonso Rios, and Trey Weber)
Congratulations 4-H General Project Winners
4-H Communications Contest
The Clermont County 4-H Communications contest was held on Monday, July 26th; during the 2021 Clermont County Fair. Several individuals and teams competed in the competition. Demonstrations covered various different topics from pigeons to paper airplanes. The following projects are State Fair Delegates from Clermont County:
1st Place Intermediate Individual (11-13) – Zak Hinton from Empower Youth 4-H Club, Project: How to Stay Safe While Welding
2nd Place Intermediate Individual (11-13) – Ethan Roosa from Buzzing Enthusiasts 4-H Club, Project: Fishing
1st Place Intermediate Team (11-13) – Kaitlyn York and Abe Cowdrey from Buzzing Enthusiasts 4-H Club, Project: Flight
2nd Place Intermediate Team (11-13) – Lizzie Derflinger and Winnie Hums from Maple Rey Milk & More 4-H Club, Project Elephant Toothpaste
1st Place Senior Individual (14 & up) – Paisley Besanko Jensen from Equine Club 4-H Club, Project: Mental Health Matters
1st Place Senior Team (14 & up) – Holly and Ingrid Erickson from Heritage Builders 4-H Club, Project: Pigeons: A Buried History
Clermont County Food Preservation Workshops
Clermont County Food Preservation classes are in full swing this year. Last week’s workshop allowed attendees to make water bath salsa. Vegetables used to make the salsa were provided by the Clermont County Master Gardeners Demonstration Gardens and consisted of onions and peppers of all varieties. Workshops take place on the fairgrounds, located in the 4-H hall kitchen, and are hosted and taught by OSU Extension Clermont County’s Family Consumer Science Educator, Margaret Jenkins. Be on the lookout for future Food Preservation Workshop Dates. To register for a Food Preservation Workshop use the registration link below. For questions about future workshops or food preservation contact: Margaret Jenkins, Clermont County FCS Educator, jenkins.188@osu.edu or 513-732-7070.
Clermont County Fair General Project Judging
Last Wednesday and Thursday Clermont County 4-H completed their General Project judging. Our judges saw 235 projects from our 4-H members. Projects this year were very creative and presented in unique ways. This year we were also able to offer a virtual judging option for those that could not compete in person. We were very lucky to have 24 fantastic judges and many volunteers to help us complete judging for this year. Be on the lookout for these amazing projects displayed at our 2021 Clermont County Fair. Thank you to all of our judges and volunteers for making judging this year possible. Congratulations to all the Clermont County 4-H members who have completed 2021 4-H project judging.
Clermont County EC3 Play Learn Grow Group
Clermont County Master Gardener Volunteers Weekly Garden Update
This week the Clermont County Master Gardener Straw Bale Demonstration Garden has again provided a wonderful harvest. More zucchini, cucumber, and peppers were harvested. This week onions, tomatoes, and banana peppers were also harvested. The green beans are close to being harvested, tomato vines are full of tomatoes, and the pumpkin vines have produced pumpkins of a decent size that will soon be ready for harvest. Harvests from this week will be used for an upcoming Food Preservation Class hosted by the Clermont County OSU Extension Office. The garden is continuing to be monitored for Japanese Beetles and other types of pests. With the recent rain we have received it has also flourished the growth of several weeds. The MGV’s have been hard at weeding out all their gardens this week. Pictured below is how the MGV’s store their daily garden notes and any other materials they need to have while at the garden. The MGV’s are continuing to keep a weekly schedule on maintaining the gardens and keeping track of their findings, tasks, and accomplishments within the gardens.