Author: Meghan Burdsall
FairEnrty is Open!!!!!
FairEntry is open and will close May 8th, 2024!
All the animals listed below must have their registration in Fair Entry completed by May 8, 2024 at 11:59 pm. The link for FairEntry is Please see instructions at the bottom of this post.
- Market Lambs
- Market Goats
- Market Dairy Wethers
- Feeder Cattle
- Breeding Heifers
- Market Hogs
- Breeding Ewes
- Meat Breeding Does
- Dairy Goats
- Pygmy Goats
- Pack/Harness Goats
- Dairy Cattle
- Fiber Animals
- Market Rabbits
- Exhibition Rabbits
- Breeding Rabbits
- Exhibition Poultry
Registration will close at 11pm on May 08, 2024.
May 11, 2024-8 am-10 am weigh in and tag in for:
- Market Lambs
- Market Goats
- Market Dairy Wethers
- Feeder Cattle
- Breeding Heifers
The link for FairEntry is
Fair Entry Instructions
If the exhibitor is a 4-H member use the 4-H Online sign-in option using the same log-in information you used to register for 4-H this year. FFA members who are not in 4-H should use the FairEntry Sign-In.
Also please see the instructions below on how to complete your registration in FairEntry for Junior Fair.
Please reach out to Kim Hill ( or Christie Fetters ( with any issues or questions!
All exhibitors in the following categories must complete an approved QA program in Ohio County before June 1 of the current year to compete at the Clermont County Junior Fair or the Ohio State Fair.
- lactating dairy cattle (cows NOT heifers)
- lactating dairy goats (goats that are producing milk, even if they are in their dry phase)
- market beef (steer or heifer), NOT beef or dairy feeder calves
- market goats
- market hogs
- market lambs
- market poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese)
- market rabbits (NOT breeding or fancy)
Does your Pressure Canner need tested?
It’s just about time to fetch canners out of the basement or garage. Fresh summer produce is on its way. When was the last time your dial gauge pressure canner was tested for accuracy? If it’s been more than one year, it’s time for a re-check. OSU Extension Clermont County will be testing dial gauge pressure canners throughout the summer at the OSU Extension Office located on the Clermont County Fairgrounds (1000 Locust St, Owensville, OH).
With good reason, most people have a healthy regard for the possible dangers of pressure canners. Usually this respect is based on an old story of a pressure canner “blowing up” in someone’s grandmother’s kitchen. Regardless, it is important to realize that pressure canners are safe if the safety precautions are followed and the canner is used properly. Dangers arise when the unit isn’t maintained and/or used properly. To make sure your pressure canner is working properly, all dial-gauge pressure canners should be tested for accuracy each year.
Contact Margaret Jenkins at 513-732-7070 or to schedule an appointment. Appointments are 15-minutes and cost $5.
Remember, home food preservation can be safe, simple and easy to learn!
2024 Clermont County Cattlemen’s Scholarship
Calling all current Clermont County 4-H seniors!
Apply today for the Clermont County Cattlemen’s Scholarship. Click the application below and submit the application before May 20th.
Clermont County Cattlemen’s Association Scholarship Application
To submit the application or any questions please reach out to
2024 Clermont County Pork Producers Scholarship
Calling all Clermont County 4-H and FFA Seniors!!
Are you currently in Clermont County 4-H or FFA showing market hogs? Or have you shown swine in the past in Clermont County? Do you have plans of attending college or trade school?
Clermont County Pork Producers are giving away a $500 Scholarship. To apply fill out the application below and send it by mail or email by June 1st.
Clermont County Pork Producers Scholarship Application
Come Join us for Super Saturday
Virtual Dining with Diabetes
Virtual Dining with Diabetes
Do you or someone you love have diabetes? With 30 million diabetics in America, you are not alone! You will learn how to incorporate good, healthy cooking techniques and other practices to help control your blood sugar through our cooking school and nutrition education program designed for people with diabetes and their family members or caregivers.
To registration click the link or use the QR Code below:
4-H Enrollment Deadline Approaching
Registration for the Clermont County 4-H program is due by March 15. Both youth and volunteers are required to enroll in 4-H Online.
While youth can join 4-H anytime throughout the year, in order to be eligible to exhibit at the Clermont County Fair, members must enroll by March 15, 2024. It’s important to note that club advisors may have established an earlier date for club purposes.
Click the link below to access the enrollment database. We recommend bookmarking this page for easier access.
RETURNING Families will use the email address that is on file with the Extension office and the password previously created for 4-H Online. If you don’t remember your password, you can choose “reset password” on the home page of 4-H Online. If you are not sure which email address you used, please contact the office or your club advisor. If you have been in 4-H before, please DO NOT create a new profile.
Returning Member Enrollment Help Video
Step-by-Step Instruction Guide for Returning Members
Step-by-Step Instruction Guide for Returning Volunteers
NEW families, those who have not previously been involved with 4-H, will need to create a new profile following the instructions below.
SEW Ohio workshop
All youth interested in sewing should plan to join us for the Sew Ohio workshop on April 27 at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center.
This event will feature sessions for sewers of all skill levels – from beginner to advanced. There will also be an adult track that will focus on helping youth get started with a 4-H sewing project.
Learn more about the conference, including how to register, here
2024 Quality Assurance Dates
- Test Out Options
- April 27, 2024 9:30a-11:30a (4-H Hall Kitchen)
- By appointment email or
- Click Quality Assurance Test Study Guide to view and download a Quality Assurance Test Study Guide
- Online YQCA Training
- Use this link to access YQCA Training directions. Start your session at this link. must download and send your certificate to to receive credit. The certificate must include the name, date, and certificate number. If we can’t see all the information, no credit is given.