2024 4-H Club Flower Display

Grant’s Farm & Greenhouses  is again donating all of the annual flowers you need to create your fair planters for the Club Flower Display Contest. Feel free to stop by the farm (5552  Bucktown Rd.) or the garden center (2115 S.R. 131) any time during business hours to pick out any annuals you need (flats, 6-packs, 4″pots, or 11″ baskets)! Just tell the cashier at checkout that it’s for 4-H. All 4-H Clubs are encouraged to participate in the 4-H Club Flower Display Contest.

Club Flower Display Container Contest
Flower Container Drop-Off:
Thursday, July 18th, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., 4-H Hall
Award Presentation: Thursday, July 25th, at 6:00 p.m. during the Skillathon Awards Ceremony

General Rules:

  1. Clubs are responsible for taking care of their flower displays throughout the week.
  2. Plants must be planted inside the container. It is recommended that packing peanuts or an empty milk jug be placed in the bottom of the container then filled with soil to reduce weight.
  3. Containers must be easily moved. Containers will be displayed at the entryway of buildings and barns around the fairgrounds.
  4. Flower containers should be the work of club members.
  5. The club name must be visibly displayed on the flower container.
  6. The fair theme should be incorporated into the overall design.
  7. Flower containers must be turned in to the Extension Office between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Thursday, before fair.
  8. Flower Displays must be placed and finished by 7pm. Judging can take place anytime from 7pm, Thursday before fair until the Wednesday of fair.
  9. Flower displays will be judged on originality/creativity, overall design and incorporation of the fair theme. Awards will be given for first to fifth place as well as individual honors for the Most Creative, Most Colorful and Best 4-H Design. Designs turned in late will not be judged.

2024 Fair theme is…..

175 years of making memories and keeping traditions alive

Thank you to the Grant Family for their generosity and support of the Clermont County 4-H Program!

Fair Pass Order Form & Premium Form

Fair pass order forms are due to the Extension Office by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 5th.

You may drop off order forms in person to OSUE or scan/email to burdsall.9@osu.edu. Head Advisors must complete the fair pass order form and attach their club roster, with the names of club members and adult volunteers who are eligible for a fair pass. Please mark out the names of any individuals who have not met the minimum requirements. Once your roster is confirmed, the Clermont County Ag Society (aka Senior Fair Board) will prepare your passes.

You will be notified when they are ready for pick up at the Senior Fair Board office. Office hours are 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. on Wednesdays. Fair passes must be picked up by an adult advisor, not a youth. Payment will be due at the time of pass pick-up. Please make checks payable to the “Clermont County Ag Society.”

Fair Pass Order Form

Junior Fair exhibitors are eligible to earn premiums for the completion of their 4-H projects. Each project exhibited at the Clermont County Fair is worth $2, with each member earning a maximum of $6. Head Advisors should complete and return the premium form to the Extension Office by Monday of the fair week by 4:00pm (July 22).

Junior Fair Premium Form


Clermont County 4-H Cloverbuds are invited to Cloverbud Show & Tell on Friday, July 26th, at 10:00 a.m. in the 4-H Hall.

Cloverbuds are encouraged to bring an item to share, the item should be something that the Cloverbud made or learned about at a club meeting or as part of their participation in the Cloverbud program.  Animals are not permitted as part of Cloverbud Show and Tell, regardless of size.

To help us have an accurate count of participants, please register your Cloverbud at the link below or scan the QR Code.

Register Here

2024 Clermont County Royalty

The 2024 Royalty Applications are now available.
Interested candidates should complete the attached form by July 5, 2024.
Late submissions will not be accepted. If you have any questions contact Stacey Sandfoss 614-961-8094, Faith Stegbauer 513-295-3869, Cindy Stegbauer 513-255-7265.
As a reminder, a male and a female will be selected for each industry representative position.

2024 Clermont County Royalty Application

2024 4-H Dog Show Registration

Exhibitors planning to participate in the 4-H Dog Show must complete the class registration form.

Forms are due by 4:00pm on Wednesday, July 3. Form can be turned in either by email or in-person, if you email your form it must be sent to burdsall.9@osu.edu

The dog show will be held on Saturday, July 13, at 9:30 a.m. in the 4-H Hall.

Dog skillathon will be take place on Sunday, July 14, with all other skillathons.

2024 Dog Project Registration Form

EquiSTEP Deadline Approaching

Deadline for EquiSTEP is approaching!!!

You only have until June 1st to complete!!!

EquiSTEP (Equine Safety, Training, and Education Program)  

EquiSTEP is an annual statewide requirement for all youth participating in Ohio 4-H Horse Program activities and/or enrolled in a 4-H horse project.  EquiSTEP replaces the statewide requirement of reading the Horses, Safety, and You (191R) resource and viewing the Every Time, Every Ride and Horses, Kids, and Ethics videos for youth and their families who are new to the   4-H horse program.

The EquiSTEP curriculum focuses on helmet safety, equine safety & handling, equine health & nutrition, and sportsmanship and is designed to rotate topics every year.  The topics for this year’s EquiSTEP are below:

  • STEP 1: Head (Helmet Safety)
    • Helmet Safety Video (Every Year)
  • STEP 2: Hands (Equine Safety & Handling)
    • YR 2 Safety & Handling
  • STEP 3: Health (Equine Health & Nutrition)
    • YR 2 Preventative Health
  • STEP 4: Heart (Sportsmanship)
    • YR 2 Dealing with Adversity

EquiSTEP is designed to be completed online by each participant individually through Scarlet Canvas or administered in a group setting by a county 4-H educator to their participants, similar to QA for livestock market projects.

Here is the link to enroll in/access this year’s EquiSTEP: http://go.osu.edu/equistep2024

To complete EquiSTEP individually, a participant must enroll using their own unique email address. (Participants should not use their school email addresses as the course enrollment invitation will be blocked by the school’s email system.) Participants must view all five videos (introduction and STEPS 1-4) which last approximately one hour in total. Once the videos are completed, participants will be able to access the 10-question quiz. Participants must complete the quiz associated with the training and achieve a minimum score of 7 (out of 10) in order to pass the training. Once the quiz is successfully completed, participants will need to complete the course survey to trigger a certificate of completion. The certificate will be emailed to the participant’s email address as well as their county’s 4-H email address (countyname4h@osu.edu). The participant must select their correct county to trigger the email to the correct email address and they must click on the submit button at the end of the survey to trigger the email.


Must be completed by JUNE 1st!!!!!

2024 Jerry Krebs Honorary Scholarship

In an effort to honor the volunteerism of Jerry Krebs and to recognize the youth of Clermont County, the Clermont County 4-H Advisory Committee has put forth the Jerry Krebs Honorary Scholarship.  The purpose of this scholarship is to financially assist high school seniors, and/or first year graduates who are continuing their education at an accredited institution in any field. This scholarship is open to Clermont County, Ohio 4-H members. This is a nonrenewable scholarship awarded in the amount of $500.

Completed applications must be postmarked by July 8, 2024

For the Application and Guidelines for the Jerry Krebs Honorary Scholarship please click the link:

2024 Jerry Krebs Scholarship

Food Preservation Webinar

Join the Food Preservation Team for free webinars covering the Traditions and Trends in Home Food Preservation. The Webinar series is free; however, participants must register.

Click here to register :https://go.osu.edu/fpwebinars

Tuesdays, Noon-12:30 p.m.

May 07 – Evolution of Home Food Preservation

May 21 – Trending Techniques in Home Food Preservation

June 06 – Trending Ingredients in Home Food Preservation

June 18 – Trending Recipes in Home Food Preservation

July 09 – Safety Sense

July 23 – I Saw it on the Internet

FairEnrty is Open!!!!!

FairEntry is open and will close May 8th, 2024!

All the animals listed below must have their registration in Fair Entry completed by May 8, 2024 at 11:59 pm. The link for FairEntry is http://clermont-county.fairentry.com/. Please see instructions at the bottom of this post.

  • Market Lambs
  • Market Goats
  • Market Dairy Wethers
  • Feeder Cattle
  • Breeding Heifers
  • Market Hogs
  • Breeding Ewes
  • Meat Breeding Does
  • Dairy Goats
  • Pygmy Goats
  • Pack/Harness Goats
  • Dairy Cattle
  • Fiber Animals
  • Market Rabbits
  • Exhibition Rabbits
  • Breeding Rabbits
  • Exhibition Poultry

Registration will close at 11pm on May 08, 2024.

May 11, 2024-8 am-10 am weigh in and tag in for:

  • Market Lambs
  • Market Goats
  • Market Dairy Wethers
  • Feeder Cattle
  • Breeding Heifers

The link for FairEntry is http://clermont-county.fairentry.com

Fair Entry Instructions

If the exhibitor is a 4-H member use the 4-H Online sign-in option using the same log-in information you used to register for 4-H this year.  FFA members who are not in 4-H should use the FairEntry Sign-In.

Also please see the instructions below on how to complete your registration in FairEntry for Junior Fair.

Please reach out to Kim Hill (mariaandkatie@aol.com) or Christie Fetters (christinemfetters@gmail.com) with any issues or questions!



All exhibitors in the following categories must complete an approved QA program in Ohio County before June 1 of the current year to compete at the Clermont County Junior Fair or the Ohio State Fair.

  • lactating dairy cattle (cows NOT heifers)
  • lactating dairy goats (goats that are producing milk, even if they are in their dry phase)
  • market beef (steer or heifer), NOT beef or dairy feeder calves
  • market goats
  • market hogs
  • market lambs
  • market poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese)
  • market rabbits (NOT breeding or fancy)