FairEntry is open and will close May 8th, 2024!
All the animals listed below must have their registration in Fair Entry completed by May 8, 2024 at 11:59 pm. The link for FairEntry is http://clermont-county.fairentry.com/. Please see instructions at the bottom of this post.
- Market Lambs
- Market Goats
- Market Dairy Wethers
- Feeder Cattle
- Breeding Heifers
- Market Hogs
- Breeding Ewes
- Meat Breeding Does
- Dairy Goats
- Pygmy Goats
- Pack/Harness Goats
- Dairy Cattle
- Fiber Animals
- Market Rabbits
- Exhibition Rabbits
- Breeding Rabbits
- Exhibition Poultry
Registration will close at 11pm on May 08, 2024.
May 11, 2024-8 am-10 am weigh in and tag in for:
- Market Lambs
- Market Goats
- Market Dairy Wethers
- Feeder Cattle
- Breeding Heifers
The link for FairEntry is http://clermont-county.fairentry.com
Fair Entry Instructions
If the exhibitor is a 4-H member use the 4-H Online sign-in option using the same log-in information you used to register for 4-H this year. FFA members who are not in 4-H should use the FairEntry Sign-In.
Also please see the instructions below on how to complete your registration in FairEntry for Junior Fair.
Please reach out to Kim Hill (mariaandkatie@aol.com) or Christie Fetters (christinemfetters@gmail.com) with any issues or questions!
All exhibitors in the following categories must complete an approved QA program in Ohio County before June 1 of the current year to compete at the Clermont County Junior Fair or the Ohio State Fair.
- lactating dairy cattle (cows NOT heifers)
- lactating dairy goats (goats that are producing milk, even if they are in their dry phase)
- market beef (steer or heifer), NOT beef or dairy feeder calves
- market goats
- market hogs
- market lambs
- market poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese)
- market rabbits (NOT breeding or fancy)