Amber Averwater Receives Outstanding 4-H’er Award

During the 4-H Recognition Banquet, Amber Averwater received the Outstanding 4-H’er Award. The purpose of this award is to honor a 4-H member for their performance, dedication, and passion for the 4-H program.  This year’s winner of the Outstanding 4-H’er Award is Amber Averwater!

Amber is a member of Select 4-H’ers and has been involved in the Clermont County 4-H program for 11 years. Amber has taken a variety of projects over the years including beekeeping, beef projects, market hogs and market chickens, pygmy goats, dairy goats and fiber goats.

Amber has served in a variety of leadership roles within her 4-H club, is the Clermont County Junior Fair Board President, has held multiple officer positions in her FFA Chapter, and serves as this year’s Clermont County Junior Fair Queen.

According to Amber, 4-H is important because “4-H is a unifier, it brings people together. It shapes our community into one big family. This is a community that supports kids no matter their background with whatever project they choose to take. This opens a multitude of doors for 4-Hers to interact with members and role models from their community. 4-H truly brings people together and accepts all people no matter their history, involvement in agriculture, or skill level.”

Because of her time in 4-H, Amber aspires to become a livestock judge. Upon completion of the program, Amber plans to volunteer with her 4-H club and serve as a Junior Fair Consultant.

Please join us in congratulating Amber Averwater on her accomplishment!

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