Do You Have a Bounty of Berries? Join the Jams & Jellies Q&A.

strawberries and strawberry jamHome food preservation is a big topic this year.  We want to get you started off right, even if we can’t meet them face-to-face.

The OSU Extension Food Preservation Team is hosting live “Office Hours” events to be held bi-weekly through the end of July.  Each of these Tuesday sessions will be held from 4:00-5:00pm.  Sessions will start with a short presentation and the remainder of time will be for open Q&A.  The presentations will be recorded and posted for those who can not attend live.   All recordings will be posted after each event at:


Please register in advance by clicking the title below. 

June 2 Jams and Jellies
June 16 Canning & Freezing Vegetables
June 30 Canning and Freezing Fruits
July 14 Making Pickles
July 28 Making Salsa

Do you need your pressure canner tested?  

A pressure canner is a very important piece of equipment when it comes to home food preservation. Making sure it is working properly is a precaution that should be taken seriously. To avoid any issues with the proper function of your pressure canner, the USDA recommends having gauges tested annually.  OSU Extension Clermont County offers testing of your pressure canner gauges and inspection of the seals and safety plugs for only $5!

Appointments are requested by calling 513-732-7070 or email 

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