Hog packets/tags are now available for pick up in the extension office. Also, Dairy Goat, Pygmy Goat, Fancy Poultry, Small Animal, Beef Cattle Stall Forms, and Goat Stall Forms have been mailed out. If you need one of the above forms and did not receive them. Please let a Junior Fair Board Consultant know as soon as possible.
All Rabbit forms will be available at the Rabbit Fun Show Sunday, April 30th beginning at 12noon.
Weigh/ tag in for market lambs, breeding ewes, market goats and meat breeding does is May 13, 2017 from 8am-10am.
All forms listed above are due at the weigh on May 13, 2017 between 8am-10am. Also due that day are all rabbit forms.
Don’t forget that feeder steer, feeder heifer, and breeding heifer weigh/tag in is Saturday May 20, 2017 from 8am-10am. Also any Dairy Cattle forms are due at the May 20th weigh in by 10am.
Any questions please contact a Junior Fair Board Consultant.