Whether lore or a proverb, with the onset of March, we have long heard “In With a Lion, Out Like a Lamb.” March brings the beginning of spring and a mixture of lion and lamb days here in southeastern Ohio. Regardless of the weather, March means more hours of daylight and warming soils that inspire outdoor activities.
After those cold wintry days indoors, a sunny spring day at the playground fills children with laughter and giggles. Playground activities like swinging, climbing, and that thrill of gliding down the slide with others promote healthy social, physical and mental development. Through grant writing assistance, OSU Extension Community Development has helped Washington County communities acquire equipment to enhance the quality of life for residents.
Perhaps when we think of lamb-like days on the farm, it’s of glimpses of these woolly creatures as they venture into the fields for their first gambol in the outdoors. For farmers, these days of anticipating spring are spent preparing for planting crops to feed America and the world. Some of those crops may create a need for certification in fertilization or pesticide licensing. Our Agricultural and Natural Resource Programs provide webinars, workshops and other resources to increase yields while preserving our environment.
As we watch crocuses, snowdrops and daffodils peek through the ground only to be covered again by snow, our thoughts are filled with flowers that will color and brighten our entire summer. Maybe the arrival of those inspiring seed catalogs entice you to create your own garden plot with all those scrumptious fresh veggies. If you need to know how to grow plants in raised beds or whether to choose perennial or annual flowers for your gardens and hanging baskets, we can help. Our Master Gardener Volunteer Program offers assistance in planning and planting by providing horticulture education.
With the gray days of winter rapidly disappearing, our taste buds look forward to that delicious syrup produced by our various maple trees. Enjoying this sugary tree can be a challenge for a person with diabetes. Through our Family and Consumer Sciences efforts and the Dining with Diabetes program, for example, we help others understand how to make healthy life choices.
Roaring like a lion, March winds can carry a kite into the sky, whipping its tail like a dog’s tail whips with enthusiasm at the return of its favorite human. If your child has a dog or other animal, an eye for photography, a talent for sewing, or an appeal for fishing, there’s an OSU Extension 4-H project just waiting for them. Our projects provide hands-on activities to educate in a variety of areas. Join 4-H this spring (NOTE: Washington County’s enrollment deadline is April 14!) and enjoy camps, fairs, and club activities all through the year.
No matter the weather, lion-like or lamb, take time to check out the many opportunities available through Ohio State University Extension. And click here to learn more about our efforts in Washington County!
Darlene Lukshin is a Community Development Program Specialist in Washington County (Buckeye Hills EERA).