German Village

My favourite experience from this class was definitely the German Village tour. Having always been interested in the culture, I was excited from the start when we were told we would be exploring this area. The week prior, my scholars group actually visited German Village, where I could check out the area before touring it in class. In class however, I got a wider look at the area than I had beforehand. I found the architecture in the area to be uniquely beautiful, and I especially liked the stone streets because I find them to look more aesthetically pleasing. Out of all the buildings, book loft is my favourite because of their fun approach as a book store as well as their vast selection relating to many different groups of people. Though we didn’t actually get to go inside, the outside is very nice especially with the courtyard entrance. Pistacia Vera comes in second, because their cookies were delicious. The inside is nice as well, with a modern cafe look. It looks out into the street, and also has a quaint sitting area outside. Schiller Park was also appealing, but we didn’t get to explore within and it wasn’t in its prime as summer was over. All-in-all, German Village was my favourite tour because of these individual buildings and my personal bias towards German culture, but I would highly recommend continuing this tour and just exploring the area in one’s own time.

The class visiting Book Loft

The class visiting Book Loft

Pistacia Vera

Pistacia Vera

Big Red Rooster Design Firm

Big Red Rooster Design Firm


Entrance to Schiller Park

Entrance to Schiller Park