Campus Rendering: Process

Statement of Intent

My plan for this rendering project is to…


I began this project by observing different spaces around campus I hadn’t explored before. I made sketches of 4 locations.

I focused in on the Union because it seemed to have the most energy and movement. I also had fond memories of the Union as the first building I entered when I toured campus as a high school senior.

{fill this section with things done during your information gathering phase of your project…use the project briefs as guides to help identify the content that should be placed under this category.}

For this project, we had two exercises to practice drawing skills.

In the first, I explored contour drawing by completing a drawing of my room in 2 minutes without lifting my pen off the page.

Sharpie drawing without removing pen from page

In this second exercise, I learned and practiced triangulation to create accurate scale and proportion in my sketch.

Sketch of still life from my dorm room

After research and exercises, I began with rapid ideation activities to plan out how I wanted to convey the architecture. My explorations for where to draw, what to draw, and what perspective to use are below.
{I’d add 3-5 images that show ideas. Each image would have a couple sketches each since my iterations were quick thoughts.}

Iteration and Production

In creating my final analog and digital deliverable, I settled on my two selected viewpoints and iterated on style choices. Here are some explorations:


As I worked on my final analog composition, I detailed the underlay, fixed my linework and then added marker rendering


Some words about my digital sketching and adding digital coloring using Procreate


Summary thoughts on process, learnings, outcomes, etc.

Final Work

View final project at Campus Rendering