SP 22 Explore Columbus

Zoe and I went to German Village for the explore Columbus assignment. We grabbed Stauf’s and then headed over to The Book Loft and looked around. I drove us there since I have my car on campus, which made things easier. It was about 15 minutes away which was very convenient. Zoe and I are both big readers, so this was a great place for us to check out. The Book Loft is such a cool spot. It gives the feel of your aunt’s attic, but it has over 30 rooms of books. Zoe and I both love to read and found it to be a really fun activity.

I would definitely go back. I also would totally recommend it to friends. I think it’s a fun way to get acquainted with new book titles, that could easily be overlooked at a bookstore with a traditional layout. I think it’s a fun outing to do with friends. It doesn’t require intensive conversations but allows for spaces where natural conversations can come up.

I am much more familiar with Columbus and have been able to navigate my way around the city now. Through activates like explore Columbus, I get to go to parts of the city I wouldn’t normally find myself in (like German Village). I had a conversation with a hometown friend the other day when she was visiting me in Columbus. She asked me if it was ‘satisfying’ to be able to know my way around this new city. I totally confirmed her hunch. It is fun to learn more about a new place. The more familiar one is with it, the more it actually can feel like home.

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