Graduation Speech
One of my biggest accomplishments was to be able to speak at graduation. May 19, 2023, was my graduation day from high school at Harvest Preparatory School. As the vice president for the class of 2023 one of the requirements was to give a speech. Leading up to graduation I wasn’t thinking anything about it because it wasn’t hitting me yet that all of my hard work for this chapter in my life was about to end. A couple of weeks before graduation I started to feel nervous but also excited because I had never spoken out loud to a huge crowd before but also because my family was going to be there. The pressure was starting to get to me, I had to not only be a role model for my class but also most importantly speak to them. My graduating class was not that big compared to other public schools so for the most part I grew up with these kids ever since I started attending the school in 5th grade. Since I had known these for so long, I wanted to have a huge impact on them that would help them into the next chapter of their life. It was an emotional rollercoaster writing this speech because I saw the growth all of my peers had gone through once reflecting over the years that honestly flew by so quickly. Once I started writing my paper it was conflicting knowing how to write my thoughts down but the main points, I knew that I wanted to include were how the staff and teachers guide us, the future, and how proud I am of all my peers. Starting with the staff and teachers “ The process of even getting to where we stand today would have been impossible without the support from administration. If it wasn´t for you all believing in the elevation of our lives, we wouldn´t have thought ourselves capable of such success. You all consistently pushed us to do better than what we were currently doing. You planted this grand idea that in any room we walk in, we can shine the brightest.” “Teachers, you are the stepping stones to our future and without your guidance, we’d lose the knowledge to get to our paths. With everything we’ve learned from you in the past few years, we will use it to our advantage to get to our destination in life and reach our fate.” For the future, I wanted to remark on the fact that we are now going into a new chapter of our lives to follow our dreams and plans. I understand that it is easier said than done. As students we have worked so far and have gone through many ups and downs, but we should feel free to follow our paths on what we want and not what others want. For all the next chapter might not be college and I wasn’t encouraging anyone to not continue their education, but I didn’t want them to feel pressured into a journey they truly knew they did not want. Forcing oneself to do something that doesn’t lead to true happiness in the end will only take a huge toll on you than if you were to follow your dreams. “I hope you all follow your dreams, passion, and what you truly love. No matter your career or your future endeavors the only way there’s a future for any of us is if we turn into better humans together. Students if you leave here with one thing, I want you to know that life is way more than grades, popularity, teacher favorites, and other people’s opinions of you. No matter what you do these next 4 years, college or no college, 9-5 or no 9-5, it doesn’t matter what you do. As we take off our caps and gowns venture into this world and chase our dreams, I know what we have been through as a class will be the reason why we are so successful in the future.” Most importantly I was proud of all my peers; it was an honor to be able to speak to them knowing that at least one person would walk out knowing that what they have done is important. The reason why giving a speech was big to me is because as graduates we were increasing the rates of graduates but also increasing the rates for minorities. For many schools was not an option or dropout rates were always sky-high. Being able to attend school and graduate after generations of fighting for education is only heartwarming. Times were hard back then and will only continue to get hard but with fighting generations, I truly think we can make a change in this world. “The future. To many when hearing those words, you can feel the chills and goosebumps rising from your skin. Why is it so nerve-racking when thinking about it? I know that it is a big deal but to me we made it! High school was a trial in many tribulations we are going to face in life and due to this why would we doubt what we are capable of in the future.” Overall, once the day of graduation came, I was nervous and started to tear up at the beginning of my speech but once I saw my family and caring their name with me and many generations, I felt a sense of relief that I was making changes.