Random Chord Generator

This project is a music creation tool that was created using JavaScript and React JS. The goal of this project is to help musicians with writer’s block by generating a random set of chords to use. As a musician myself, a tool such as this is useful because it takes the hard work out of writing music. In my personal experience, starting the song and choosing a chord progression is always the hardest part. The chords are determined using the fundamentals of music theory to generate a random, beautiful set of chords to play with. Below is an image of how each key is set up.


Each key has chords that are denoted by roman numerals. Musically, there are certain combinations of these chords that are extremely popular and are known to sound great together. For example, arguably, the most popular chord progression of all time is I – V – vi – IV. In the key of E, this progression is E – B – C#m – A. Using popular progressions, and the above keys as a guide, this program selects a chord progression based on a random number algorithm and displays it on a webpage using React JS and HTML/CSS. The user has the option to press a button to select a new random chord progression, allowing for a multitude of possibilities.

Future additions include minor-key progressions, web-scraper to find songs with that chord progression using Node.js, more progressions, better looking HTML/CSS.