FEATURE: Script Writing for Video Projects

By Alex Van Valkenburgh | AV Support Analyst


Van Valkenburgh adj portraitWriting a script is the single most important step of the preparation process for creating a video. This is true regardless of whether the primary purpose of the video is to inform or entertain its viewers. Putting careful planning into a script will greatly assist you in determining exactly what information needs to be conveyed and how to best package that information for your particular audience. Writing a script should be the first step of the creative process; it will guide you through the remainder of the steps needed to create the video. You’ll discover that a well-scripted video will be more concise, much quicker to shoot, and more positively received by its audience than a video with a poor or non-existent script. The following are some suggestions for preparing your script.

Length– Determine how long you would like the finished video to be. While there is no set rule for video length, audiences tend to prefer shorter videos. A 10-minute informational video can seem much longer than that to its audience. There is, similarly, no perfect guide to determine how long a script should be on paper, even if you have a Continue reading FEATURE: Script Writing for Video Projects