“Dave Powers Trio”

This performance was part of the Heather Pick Music Concert Series. The “Dave Powers Trio” played the entire soundtrack to “A Charlie Brown Christmas” as well as songs that weren’t on the album, but on the show. Our team setup the live show in the lobby,  a 2 camera, live switch, and live broadcast production. Patients enjoyed this performance from their rooms, and of course people walking through the lobby could enjoy it as well.

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B-Roll for VetMed CTO Project

For most video projects, after you shoot an interview and piece your story together, you’ll need to shoot additional B-Roll. The term “B-Roll” is referring to the extra video that is inserted into your project to help tell your story. In this case for the VetMed CTO project, we needed to go back to the Veterinary Medical Center and shoot some owner/animal interactions, some lobby shots, and some behind-the-scenes video.

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Physical Therapy Mentoring Video

During this shoot, we recorded two interactive scenes between a resident and their mentors. Together, they demonstrated the ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ of mentoring, using their one-minute preceptor model. Our team worked with the client to form a script, captured these scenes with 2 cameras, and then edited it together in post-production.

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WMC/Columbus Dispatch: ‘Silent Suffering’

This community forum at the Ohio Union featured John Campo, MD, chair of Psychiatry, and other mental health professionals as they discussed the issues affecting mental health care. This conversation followed a six-day planned article series on suicide by The Columbus Dispatch. Our team worked with the Ohio Union’s AV team, to setup a 2 camera, live switch production, with a live stream to an overflow room.  

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Systemwide Grand Rounds

This lecture was titled: “Breaking the Red Tape: The Toll Over Regulation in Medicine.” It was one of our several systemwide grand rounds of the year. Our team setup a 2 camera, live switch, and live stream broadcast. It replaced and played at all of the grand rounds for the day. You could have watched it from your desk, or even from home! All of our equipment was setup and tested before this event kicked off at 7:00am.

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FEATURE: DVDs are out… Video Files are in!

By Eric Graham | AV Support Analyst


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Technology is always evolving. Every single year, new ideas are born, something bigger and better comes around, or an adaptation of something great emerges. Before you can blink, it becomes available in our market, it falls into our laps, we adapt to them, and we unknowingly fade out older technologies. It is an ongoing cycle that never stops. DVDs are becoming a thing of the past and this is because of 3 main reasons. ONLINE STREAMING, CLOUD STORAGE, and VIDEO QUALITY.

Let’s start with ONLINE STREAMING. It used to be that watching a movie involved going to the store and buying it, or going to the video rental store and renting it for a couple days. Then local cable and satellite companies began to offer on-demand movie rentals, and online stores such as iTunes and Amazon came around to offer digital, downloadable content. Around the same time, online streaming was born and services such as Netflix, Amazon Video, and Hulu emerged. Today, the original online streaming player YouTube has hit an all-time high, reaching over 4 billion people per day, with over 300 hours of video uploaded every minute! With this direction in mind, our industry has Continue reading FEATURE: DVDs are out… Video Files are in!

Congressional NIH Panel Discussion

This event featured members of congress as they discussed NIH funding. Members of congress Steve Stivers, Pat Tiberi, and Joyce Beatty were in attendance. The panel was moderated by Dr. Retchin. We setup a two camera live recording and two overflow rooms for attendees to watch. Our team also managed the in-room experience.


State of the Medical Center Address

This is one of our biggest events every year. The year’s address was presented by Dr. Retchin, the Executive Vice President of Health Sciences and Chief Executive Officer of the Wexner Medical Center. He delivered the administration’s view of the medical center and the plans for our future. Our team did a 2 camera live switch recording, we setup a live broadcast available to staff inside and outside of the medical center, and we setup overflow in the Huntington Board Room and Ross Lobby. We tracked over 600 views!



CEO Innovator’s Forum

This was a cool one. Our team worked with the College of Engineering to record an event which featured the CEOs from: Whirlpool, Ford Motor Company, AK Steel, and Nestle. Senator Portman was also in attendance. We setup a 3 camera live switch recording. The video was published nationally. 

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“Alex Buono’s Visual Storytelling 2”

Recently, three of our team members attended the “Alex Buono’s Visual Storytelling 2” workshop in Cincinnati. Alex is the Director of Photography for the Saturday Night Live Digital Shorts unit. Basically, anything you see on the show that’s not considered live, he’s responsible for shooting. In his workshop, he highlighted the equipment he uses per project, he demonstrated several lighting techniques, and he even displayed the mistakes he’s made over the years. Overall, our team really enjoyed the workshop and we will be applying it to the video projects we create.

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