By Alex Van Valkenburgh | AV Support Analyst
Writing a script is the single most important step of the preparation process for creating a video. This is true regardless of whether the primary purpose of the video is to inform or entertain its viewers. Putting careful planning into a script will greatly assist you in determining exactly what information needs to be conveyed and how to best package that information for your particular audience. Writing a script should be the first step of the creative process; it will guide you through the remainder of the steps needed to create the video. You’ll discover that a well-scripted video will be more concise, much quicker to shoot, and more positively received by its audience than a video with a poor or non-existent script. The following are some suggestions for preparing your script.
Length– Determine how long you would like the finished video to be. While there is no set rule for video length, audiences tend to prefer shorter videos. A 10-minute informational video can seem much longer than that to its audience. There is, similarly, no perfect guide to determine how long a script should be on paper, even if you have a specific duration of the video already in mind. The best way to determine this is by timing a practice reading of the script – you will then know if you need to cut back to meet your target time. If the video starts to become too long but you feel strongly that everything that can be cut out has already been cut out, consider breaking up the video into several pieces that can be watched individually.
Content – Always keep in mind that while your script is a written document meant to be read by actors and crew, your audience will be watching and listening – not reading. A common mistake in writing a script for a video of an interaction between a physician and a patient, for example, is to include too much dialogue – more than would ever actually occur in the real-life situation being depicted. Remember that many things can be depicted visually and thus may not need to be explicitly stated by an actor in a line of dialogue. Rehearsing the script will clarify whether there is an unnatural amount of dialogue, some of which can then be eliminated. If a lot of information needs to be communicated but the dialogue is becoming overloaded, consider video graphics (such as on-screen bullet points) as a possible solution; you can discuss this with your project manager.
Location and Dry Run – Your script should clearly identify the location in which the video will be taking place. The script will do you no good if it requires any objects or visuals which are not present or accessible at the location chosen for the shoot. If the setting is not relevant (for example, in an informational video consisting of a single person addressing the camera), you can work with your project manager to find an appropriate location. If the video requires a specific location (such as a patient exam room), consider the schedule and activity level of the location. If it is busy and noisy at certain parts of the day, you will need to find an alternate time or choose a quieter location. Finally, if at all possible, arrange a practice with everyone besides the video production team and read the script at the actual shooting location. You may discover a problem or something in the script that needs to be corrected that you would not have noticed otherwise.
Final Thoughts – While it may seem like more work in the beginning, dedicating ample time and effort to a script for your video will pay off in the long run. Many of the problems you would otherwise encounter later in the process, such as on the day of shooting (when they are much more difficult or impossible to resolve), will be encountered and resolved well in advance if you have thoroughly scripted the video. You can always solicit guidance from your project manager if you have questions or would like input or advice as to how best to script for video. Your audience will appreciate the vastly improved quality of the video it watches.