Health & Wellness Lunch & Learn

Today, we recorded a Jim Warner cooking demonstration as part of the “Health & Wellness Lunch & Learn” series. With over 150 people in attendance, Jim taught everyone how to prepare healthier food during the holidays. For this event, we projected a camera shot of this onto the screen in Ross 1213, so the audience could see a closer shot of Jim and his demonstration. We also mounted a GoPro camera above Jim to later add to the recording in post production. This event was project managed by Eric Graham.

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Check out the final video: Here

Big IDEAS for Health

Big IDEAS for Health is a series run out of the IDEA Studio where healthcare innovators compete for a chance to win a final $10,000 prize. These events are moderated by Clay Marsh and have a 5 person judges panel to decide a winner. This year’s series, project managed by Allison Donel, is recorded as a two camera live switch, plus graphics. This is episode 2 of 5. 

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Board of Trustees Meetings

Last week, Allison Donel managed two separate “Board of Trustees” meetings. This event has moved around quite a bit over the years, and this time they moved into the Ross Auditorium. Our team transformed the normal AV system in 1213 into a 1st class board room. The VIP attendees were happy to additionally find a floor confidence monitor, 2 stand-mounted flat screen monitors, and 24 individual table microphones live-mixed by Allison.

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