


Full composition


Project Statement

In this project, I used created a portmanteau combining two words and then illustrated that word in isometric while illustrating its definition. The word I created is, “Strescessary”. It defines a thing or situation that is stress-inducing but is a necessary part of a whole. I came up with the word while I was working on the project before this called 2D to 3D Translation. My goal with this was to visualize the emotion and stress that I among fellow Design Foundations students felt during that project. The typography of the composition combines the visuals of paper mache with the folding techniques I learned during that paper project.



You can view a detailed project process at MashUp: Process



It was really difficult to find ideas for my word that weren’t lazy. Strecessary was just such a nice word and it flowed too well to not work hard to explore and find new ways to approach it and I feel I did just that. I really struggled with creating typography that was indicative of the word or what it could be referencing, but after discussing some ideas I had with Zach, I came to a crucial realization that I may have to produce something very particular for the project and I couldn’t be happier with how it came out. I explored ways to interpret the word and illustrate it and at the end of the project, I feel very proud of what I produced. The best part of this project for me was hearing the many students during the critique and review of the works saying that they could relate to the scene and knew exactly what I was trying to communicate, even the smaller themes regarding time passing and the emotions of the process of the 2D and 3D project.