Reflections and Course Takeaways


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Reflection( week one):

On this reflection assignment I discussed the myth associated with taking online course , what they were and debunked those view points. I came in a many presumptions as to how the course may be, but through the readings, all those thoughts were addressed. Also discussed was the online resources and technology available to us, as most students live off – campus having these resources available to us is very important.  Resources available to us includes;

  • The OSU library
  • Online writing center
  • Program advising
  • Dennis learning center
  • Some technological resources includes; ODEE resource center, OCIO  knowledge base, Tech hub etc.

Reflection (week three):

On this reflection assignment, we were task to reflect and consider ways we can manage out time more effectively. I mentioned ways I planned to better manage my time. This includes prioritizing projects, setting time limits to complete assignments, creating a sound study space, setting goals with time limits to accomplish them.These practices has helped me a lot this semester, gave a control and also allowed me to self access myself on her i was lacking and improvements that needed to be done.

Reflection (week five):

This reflection paper required one to truly, dig deep and it brought up some weakness that I need to be worked on . Our task was to reflect on the how to identify credible resources, and challenges we faced when preparing to post our discussions.  This reflection make brought up many things that I needed to work on and also find ways to improve on them. Some resolution that came up after on this was to use the five Ws to find and to use a well reason analysis to examine sources. Most of all plan ahead and organize notes during research to best create a good discussion post.



  1. Use the online resources available to you.Related image
  2. Always plan ahead ,online courses take time and effort, just as you would put in a traditional class .
  3. Always reach out to professor if you are struggling.
  4. Manage you time properly
  5. Use good note-taking skills and try using digital -note taking.
  6. Take advantage of all the resources, techniques and skills mentioned in this course, even the simplest as google search.