What was successful about your pitch?
Having extensive background of the client (since I work within the district) was extremely useful and helpful in preparing for this pitch. My client was impressed with the usage of a needs analysis, the conducting of research, and the development of the WBS. Furthermore, communication between buildings is something that does not always happen. As a result, it is difficult to implement universal, district initiatives since each building has subtle nuances. By fostering communication among all three district buildings, the client team was excited and appreciative to have something that represents each unique building.
How could you have improved your pitch?
One item that I addressed during the question session was providing more insight into the timeline. I wish I would have clarified this topic during my initial pitch; however, uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 left some lack of clarity on this timeline. It was agreed by both parties to attempt to clarify this timeline when agreeing to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
What feedback did you get and how will/did you address it?
I was asked to present this proposal during curriculum writing in a few weeks. Since the librarians largely handle teaching Digital Citizenship, it was recommended to include their feedback as subject-matter experts. This is something that I will be doing the week of 6/15 to ensure that it aligns with the curriculum rewrite happening for library.