Weekly Progress Report: 6/8-6/14
What you have done?
This week our team was able to meet with all subject-matter experts (teachers). Minor revisions were suggested and made based on the content. Teachers were excited about the universal language this program will create, and the use of this program with students that move into the district.
I also was able to gain access to one of the student-issued devices. I was able to meet with a district technology specialist. We were able to identify a few glitches in the MDM that needed revision. Sony Vegas was selected as the video editing software for this project, and I completed a set of training videos online for this product.
Lastly, the storyboards for video were created and finalized by the team. This completion allowed me to get into the district to film some necessary footage in the classroom before the summer cleaning schedule began. Due to district and state guidelines over COVID-19, new footage was not allowed to be shot with more than one person present.
What you need to do?
- Finalize the “student profile” to begin creating deliverables
- Understand and resolve any glitches in the MDM
- Create the video deliverables
How and why you have adjusted your Project Plan?
The Project Plan has not adjusted or changed at this point. If the student profile cannot be completed, this may cause the project plan to change.
Weekly Progress Report: 6/15-6/21
What you have done?
This week featured an in-person meeting with the entire technology team for the district. This meeting was geared toward familiarizing all members with our MDM, Mosyle. This meeting was used to discuss the layout for the student iPads while beginning to create the student profiles. Accessibility features and restrictions were highlighted as a way to offer support for ALL learners while also leaving flexibility to restrict permissions as needed. It was also determined that because of extended school year (ESY), it might not be possible to create the actual profile that students will need. As a result, the team began looking into how we can create a “copy” of the student profile to finish completing the video modules. This would feature limited apps since many licenses are still active on previous devices; however, there would be enough apps to create the same layout of folders.
On a separate day, a district technology specialist and myself met remotely to test the implementation of the new “copy” profile. It was successful with a few glitches to be worked out later this week.
What you need to do?
- Finalize the “copy” profile
- Create the video deliverables
- Create the teacher resource guide
- Create the program certificate
How and why you have adjusted your Project Plan?
The Project Plan has needed adjustments as the establishment of the student profile has proved to be more difficult than anticipated. To meet the agreed upon deadlines, a great deal of work will be going into creating deliverables next week.
Weekly Progress Report: 6/22-6/28
What you have done?
This week has seen MANY hours being spent capturing additional video footage and beginning to work on editing the video deliverables together. The “copy” profile has been successfully created, and I have been able to use the student device to finish filming all the necessary screencasts for the video. To still meet the project deadlines, I have been spending roughly twelve hours a day filming and creating the necessary content. The team has discussed moving the deadline back for this project if needed; however, I volunteered to commit more time and resources to this week to reach the original deadline. The videos were submitted on June 26th, and feedback for the videos has been received. The certificate and take-home deliverables were discussed. These deliverables will be ready for the final presentation on June 30th with building administrators.
What you need to do?
- Make any revisions needed to the instructional videos
- Create the teacher resource guide
- Create the program certificate
- Prepare for the final presentation
How and why you have adjusted your Project Plan?
The Project Plan has not been adjusted although an offer to adjust the plan was made. More time and resources were committed to completing deadlines for this week. Rather than submitting the certificate and resource guide on June 26th, the client has agreed to review those materials separately on June 28th.
Milestone #3 Reflection
The feedback received thus far in this project has been overwhelmingly positive. One of the fears that I had early on centered on if this project would truly be utilized universally across the district. Meeting with so many different departments and stakeholders, I feel like this project has helped bring teachers and staff members together that otherwise do not get a chance to work directly together. Furthermore, I believe staff members were appreciative to be included in such a project because equal representation is not always something that can be accomplished in a project of this magnitude. Inclusion of special education, general education, specialists, administration, and technology has really made for a well-rounded and thoughtful experience.
Revisions to the production schedule were minimal due to some additional sacrifices and concentration of effort in the final week of this phase. Due to difficulty with the MDM student profiles, our team was faced with the decision to either push back the deadline of the project or invest more time and resources. I volunteered to invest more time and resources to ensure that our team was able to meet the final production goals.