Getting Started

Garden Beds

  • If you are lucky enough to have a space of lawn you can devote to a garden bed, this option may be best for you. You can allow plants the space to grow large and wide in a garden bed. If you are interested in building a garden bed you can find resources here.

Unplanted large garden bed

Large Potted Containers/ Raised Bed

  • If you can sacrifice a little more of your balcony then a large pot or raised garden bed are great options. The size of these containers will allow you a little more space to grow a wide variety of vegetables. You can find a raised bed option here and the large pot I prefer here.

Large grey rectangular planter box


  • When you don’t have the luxury of outdoor space, a combination of different sized pots can make do. You can grow most plants in this smallest option. I utilize a larger pot for my herb garden each year. Small pots will also allow you to grow plants indoors as well. You can find pots for any range of price in many home goods stores or dollar stores.

Small round pot with herbs ready to be planted

Consider mix and matching the variety of options you use for your garden. You can find what options work best for your favorite plants.