How to Get Started

The university has a detailed electronic signature policy and guide to implementing electronic signatures that are legally binding, recognized by the university, the state of Ohio, and the federal guidelines for electronic signatures.

The university’s standard system and method for collecting electronic signatures is through DocuSign, a cloud-based eSignature service that is available to all Ohio State University faculty and staff.  DocuSign was designated as a university wide service offering in 2015.

As we have grown and evolved over the years, we have come to recognize the need for additional electronic signature capable systems, particularly in research.  Each system has gone through carefully evaluation to ensure that electronic signature requirements have been met.

The most difficult requirements to meet are Authenticity and Non-repudiation of signers.  We must be able to prove that the person signing the document is who they say they are AND make sure that the signer cannot claim they didn’t sign the document.

This can vary depending on the protocol guidelines, electronically signing in person versus remotely, etc. You will find detailed information about the different ways these requirements can be met on each individual service’s page within this site.

If you are using one of the approved systems to collect an electronic signature for consents, please contact the service owner listed on the page for guidance.

If you would like to use a system that has not been approved for electronic signature, please contact for a consultation.

Please note:  The IRB requires an approved electronic signature and method or written approval from OTDI.