Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies (Module 4)


This week, we are going to be looking at how to use web resources to help with studying and assignments. There are a few that many people already use to study, such as Quizlet. But for people who never have really benefited from using Quizlet, here are a couple more options to help! (All ideas below come from the Lesson 4 Power Point)


Bubble.us: This option is an online, free source used to make idea or concept maps. I used this one this week about a Children’s Literature concept and it turned out great! I’ll post the link to mine here, so you can see how it turned out! https://bubbl.us/NTIzMzE1MS8xMDAxMzE5NS8zNmZjZDA4N2U2Y2FmYmM1NjljZjZhODY0MDM1MzVmZA==-X?


Dynamic Periodic Table: As someone who has taken Chem 1250, this would’ve been amazing to know about. It’s an online periodic table, but is INTERACTIVE and gives you so much information about each element, and where they are positioned. (https://ptable.com/)


Cram: Cram is similar to Quizlet, but in my opinion, easier to navigate. You can browse by subject to find flashcards you want to use, or create a set of flashcards on your own! (https://www.cram.com/)


I hope you guys can use these to find more effective ways to study. I’ve already started to use Bubble and love it! I can’t wait to start using Cram for some of my classes in the fall, or even to finish out the summer!


Thanks again for reading!

Brynn (:

Efficiency in the Digital Age

Welcome back!

Growing up and going through school with full use of technology has definitely made things easier- but most people don’t realize it can be much harder also. In a world where I can google the answer to any question in five seconds is also the one where by the time my phone is open, I forgot my question and I’m on Twitter. Being efficient and having no distractions relies heavily on ones abilities to cut out distractions and be able to solely focus on the task at hand. Lets think about how to do that.

I, as I’m sure many people can relate, have a horrible habit of procrastinating. This whole week, I kept a time table of how I spent my time. I was actually content with how much time I spent studying. However, one thing I noticed was that I am not very good at being efficient in that amount of time. For example, the work that should take me one hour, will take me two because I’m trying to multitask, or I get off topic. By reading the article, 14 Ways You Can Overcome Procrastination, I realized that by not procrastinating, I can more effectivly manage my time and not need to procrastinate.

In the future, I really want to work on this concept. I feel as if I limit multitasking, all of my work can be done in a smaller amount of time. And if everything is done in a smaller amount of time, then I won’t have to procrastinate throughout the week and can just get it done.


Thanks for reading! See you next week.



14 ways you can overcome procrastination article –

Communicating and Colaborating

Hi, Readers!

My name is Brynn Miller and through this blog I’m hoping to help be informative about ways you can use technology to be extra successful and efficient in classes and going forward.

This week, the main thing I focused on working on was this website! OSU has a super easy way to get started, so just by going to u.osu.edu and signing in, you can create super accessible websites. In two of my engineering classes last year, I used websites for two huge semester-long projects. Although I am familiar with how to use this function already,I have had a TA tell me that they used the website they made to land a job during an interview. They said that by showing them how well they were with technology, that they were able to to efficiently show and communicate their skills just by clicking the link. This is how important skills like this are. This also ties in with how important it is to stick with details such as changing the date and time on your website (to the correct time zone), to show that you are professional.

I thought I’d share more tips I learned through this weeks module, aside from the creation of the website. In Lesson: Module 2, slide 5, it is brought up that “an audience cannot see your face or physically hear your voice or tone”. As a society that is mainly built around online communicating, a lot of times we can forget the importance of body language and tone. Since these two things that play a huge role in communicating and are lost over screen, it is very important to make up for it through thoroughly communicating in your words and writing. Being able to explain your thoughts with no discrepancy online is a very important tool to have, since communication online is only going to become more and more prevalent. I recommend for everyone to work on being able to be clear in what they mean, since it is a challenge to not have body language and tone on the web.


Thanks for reading!!
