Title: Uniqueness and the K-property of equilibrium states for the geodesic flow on translation surfaces
Speaker: Benjamin Call – Ohio State University
Abstract: In the general setting of CAT(0) spaces, Ricks has provided necessary and sufficient conditions for uniqueness and mixing of the measure of maximal entropy for the geodesic flow. I will discuss recent work establishing uniqueness and the K-property of a class of equilibrium states for the geodesic flow on translation surfaces, a subclass of CAT(0) spaces. This result builds on the orbit-decomposition machinery developed by Climenhaga and Thompson, and is joint work with Dave Constantine, Alena Erchenko, Noelle Sawyer, and Grace Work.
Zoom link: https://osu.zoom.us/j/94136097274
Meeting ID: 941 3609 7274
Password: Mixing
Recorded Talk: https://osu.zoom.us/rec/share/G56ox7c5B3dudA9ZO303EvX8VW4Fa_z7sCM4S4tdBDsfe4LfolcLJ8p4TGgVgY-X.nY-n-jPdltDSMOCX