Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the classroom sessions, Web-based sessions, and the related problem sets, learners will be better prepared to:

  1. summarize the composition and fate of organic and inorganic chemical matter in the environment.
  2. summarize the principles and application of environmental (including occupational) health science relative to identifying, evaluating and controlling contaminants and related human and animal exposures (i.e., One Health Approach).
  3. recognize the basic principles of toxicology as applied to fate of chemical contaminants in humans and animals.
  4. explain how the principles of environmental and occupational health apply to the outdoor and indoor and non-workplace and workplace settings
  5. apply the industrial hygiene (occupational health) principles of anticipation/recognition, evaluation and control of chemical air contaminants in workplace settings.
  6. describe the principles of industrial hygiene integrated air sampling for collection of chemical particulates, gases and vapors;
  7. calculate applicable values for concentrations and time-weighted averages (TWAs) for comparison to appropriate environmental and exposure standards and guidelines;
  8. outline industrial hygiene monitoring reports.