April 2017 Events:


April 19-20, 2017. Professor Jennifer Gabrys (Goldsmiths, University of London, Department of Sociology and Director of the Citizen Sense Project).  Jennifer Gabrys

See the recent story in Vice about Gabrys’ Citizen Sense project here.  Her book, Program Earth: Environmental Sensing Technology and the Making of a Computations Planet, came out with University of Minnesota Press in 2016.


April 3, 2017:  Imre Szeman (University of Alberta, Canada Research Chair in Cultural Studies & Professor of English).  Lecture and Graduate Workshop.  Time and place TBD. His forthcoming books include, On Petrocultures: Globalization, Culture, Energy: Selected Essays, 2001-2017 (to be published in 2018) and On Empty: The Cultural Politics of Oil (which he is completing for Fordham University Press).

Past Events 2017 – 2016

February 6-7, 2017: Bruce Braun (University of Minnesota, Department of Geography, Environment, & Society): “Fractured lives: geology and precarity in the North Dakota oil fields.” Lecture and workshop.  Co-sponsored by the Humanities Working Group on The Anthropocene.

February 2, 2017: The Problem of the Human. Research Commons. 3:00 – 4:30 p.m.


January 19, 2017:  Jason W. Moore (SUNY-Binghamton).  Workshop on his essay, “The Capitalocene, Part I: On the Nature and Origins of Our Ecological Crisis.”

FALL 2016:

November 2, 2016: Anthropocene: The Movie.  Screening and discussion with director Stephen Bradshaw.  The Gateway Film Center, 7:00 p.m.  View more info about the event and the trailer here


December 1 2016:  Allen MacDuffie (University of Texas-Austin Department of English): “Energy, Ecology, and Breaking Bad’s Unsustainability.”  4:00 p.m.  Place TBA.  Co-sponsored with the Department of English.

December 2, 2016:  Workshop with Allen MacDuffie on Amitav Ghosh’s The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable and Breaking Bad.  10:00 a.m.  Place TBA. Co-sponsored with the Department of English.