Artist Yusei Nagashima’s muse is fish. His fascination began as a child and has manifested itself into detailed watercolor paintings of a diversity of species. He claimed that he was, “captivated by the form of the fish,” when he was young and, “how it carried itself in the water, the sparkle of its eyes and scales; the lively movements of its muscles when it was caught, its intimidating, expression as its throat swelled.”(Weeks). At age eight, his first interest in fish was peaked during a visit to a tropical fish store, where he saw baby piranhas. He expressed the contrast in the way that they are typically viewed as, being vicious and brutal, compared to the way he viewed them, as “delicate and beautiful.”(Gestalten). From that point forward, he found his art focusing on fish over everything else.
Yusei’s interest in fish does not stop in his artwork. He enjoys fishing and reflects on fond memories of fishing with his father as a child. He expressed the mixture of emotions that he felt during one particular experience where he lost his favorite rod to a large fish while angling in the ocean. He recalled being disappointed and frightened in the moment but when his father caught a fish that happened to be the one attached to his rod, he realized how impressive of an experience that was, “during which I felt both great fear of and respect for the depths of the ocean.”(Gestalten).
Three years ago Yusei began posting one painting each Friday on his blog (Yusei Nagashima). On his blog you are able to view his watercolor works that encompass a wide diversity of fish. He feels that his art can be an aid in teaching people about the importance of not only fish, but the natural world as a whole. “Nature is something that we must protect…We must think about our position as humans in nature and we should live alongside nature. I think fish and fishing reveal such a relationship.”(Gestalten).
Gestalten US Shop. “Meet Yusei Nagashima of the Fly Fisher.” Gestalten US Shop,
Weeks, David, et al. “Japanese Artist Creates Delicate Watercolor Paintings of Fish Every Week.” My Modern Met, 16 June 2016,,his%20beautifully%20detailed%20watercolor%20paintings.
Yusei Nagashima,