
Trophy fish are giant fish of different species well sought after by anglers for their size. These fish tend to either  hang on someone’s wall after being caught or posted to their dating profile.  

However, trophy fish are about to take on a whole new definition thanks to a new fad called micro-fishing. Microfishing is fishing for small fish that are not normally pursued by anglers. Some popular microfishing fish include minnows, dace, darters, and sculpin. Here in Ohio we have all four of the  popular genera in our rivers, lakes, and streams!

In order to get into microfishing you’ll need to purchase a tiny hook, light line,  a crappie rod, and your bait (worms work great)! Additionally, in order to Microfish you need some pretty good eyesight since this sport involves sight fishing. This website goes into more detail for all your microfishing needs https://microfishing.com/tackle/ or Tenkara Bum for gear. 

Microfishing originated in Japan with the fishing for Tanago (Bitterling). The purpose of tang fishing is to catch as small of a fish as possible. Many Microfisher anglers in the U.S. are pursuing different species not just for their size but also rareness. 

Microfishing has the potential to inspire awareness for fish species that are often overlooked. Microfishing can also show citizens in Ohio the many amazing fish species in our streams, rivers, and lakes and bring about further protection for our fragile waterways.


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