Ohio EPA Plans for Gorge Metro Park Dam Removal

Gorge Metro Park Dam

Over recent decades, the adverse effects of dams have given rise to an interest in dam alternatives and removal in the management and conservation community (Hart, 2002). Barriers such as dams may impede and delay organism migration, fragment habitats, alter the natural cycle of flow, and shift species diversity and composition (Hart, 2002). Hydroelectric dams, in particular, have damaged the ecological integrity and have decimated runs of migratory fish in many of the rivers in the Eastern United States (Waldman, 2016).

The Gorge Metro Park Dam was originally constructed in 1913 for hydroelectric power on the Cuyahoga River (“Ohio EPA”, 2015). It served this purpose until 1958 and was then used until 1992 as a source of cooling water for a coal-fired power plant (“Ohio EPA”, 2015). In the 2000s the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency declared this 57-foot-high and 440-foot-wide dam an impairment to aquatic life along the middle and lower segments of the Cuyahoga River both of which have been designated areas of concern by the International Joint Commission (Conn, 2017). The dam has segmented the Cuyahoga River altering its flow and chemistry by essentially creating a nearly 1.5-mile-long “lake” (Conn, 2017). This allows for an unhealthy accumulation of algae which reduces oxygen levels and has the potential to kill fish (Conn, 2017). The dam also acts as a barrier to a variety of migratory fish such as suckers and noninvasive native lampreys (Conn, 2017).

Recent studies have raised concerns over the impacts of obstructions of the demography of many lamprey species (Nunn et al., 2017). Lampreys tend to face a variety of threats throughout their life cycles such as pollution, habitat degradation, predation, and barriers to migration (Nunn et al., 2017). Obstructions such as dams prevent lampreys from reaching spawning grounds and often result in delayed spawning or reduced spawning success due to a large amount of energy expended to overcome the obstacles (Nunn et al., 2017). This could possibly result in low densities and missing age classes in suitable habitat (Nunn et al., 2017).

There is also a common misconception that suckers are tolerant to degraded conditions (Cooke et al., 2005). However, recent studies say otherwise. The decline in some species is a result of lack of conservation, loss of habitat, and competition. In addition, stream alteration due to dams and blockage of migration routes are key factors (Cooke et al., 2005). Catostomid offspring develop upstream and may not be able to reach far enough downstream where suitable habitat and food is available (Cooke et al., 2005). In addition, many sucker species are sensitive to river discharge and water velocity which may be irregular due to the presence of dams (Cooke et al., 2005).

As a result, to these concerns, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and Cuyahoga Falls Mayor Don Walters are working with local, state, and federal agencies to facilitate a plan for the removal of the Gorge Metro Park Dam in 2019 (McGraw, 2017). This will ironically coincide with the 50th Anniversary of the 1969 fire (McGraw, 2017). It is estimated to cost about $70 million dollars for removal and cleanup; most of which will be put towards sediment removal (McGraw, 2017). This is a key component as approximately 832,000 cubic yards of sediment lies under the dam containing arsenic, mercury, and other harmful hydrocarbons that must be safely removed in order to prevent further harm (Downing, 2015). If the current plans are feasible, not only will the removal of the dam yield a better environment for fish and healthier water by allowing the river to resume its natural filtering process and flow; but it will also create a safer and healthier community for eco-tourism and environmental education (Conn, 2017).



Conn, J. (2017, April 19). Gorge Dam removal pushing ahead, despite threats to Great Lakes Restoration funds. Retrieved September 27, 2017, fromhttp://www.cleveland.com/akron/index.ssf/2017/03/officials_still_looking_to_tak.html

Cooke, S. J., Bunt, C. M., Hamilton, S. J., Jennings, C. A., Pearson, M. P., Cooperman, M. S., & Markle, D. F. (2005). Threats, conservation strategies, and prognosis for suckers (Catostomidae) in North America: insights from regional case studies of a diverse family of non-game fishes. Biological Conservation,121(3), 317-331. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2004.05.015

Downing, B. (2015, September 24). Removing Gorge Dam on Cuyahoga River between Akron and Cuyahoga Falls could cost about $70 million. Retrieved September 27, 2017, from https://www.ohio.com/akron/news/removing-gorge-dam-on-cuyahoga-river-between-akron-and-cuyahoga-falls-could-cost-about-70-million

Hart, D. D., Johnson, T. E., Bushaw-Newton, K. L., Horowitz, R. J., Bednarek, A. T., Charles, D. F., Velinsky, D. J. (2002). The Challenges of Dam Removal and River Restoration. Bioscience,52 (8), 669-681. doi:10.1130/9780813741215

McGraw, D. J. (2017, March 27). America’s Great Dam Teardown Means Cleaner Water, More Parkland. Retrieved September 27, 2017, from https://nextcity.org/features/view/dam-removal-cuyahoga-ohio-epa-funding-restore-watersheds

Nunn, A. D., Taylor, R. J., Cowx, I. G., Noble, R. A., Bolland, J. D., & Harvey, J. P. (2017). Demography of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) ammocoete populations in relation to potential spawning-migration obstructions. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems,27(4), 764-772. doi:10.1002/aqc.2748

Ohio EPA. (2015, September 21). Feasibility Study for the Removal of the Gorge Dam.

Waldman, J. (2016, August 6). Undamming Rivers: A Chance For New Clean Energy Source. Retrieved September 27, 2017, from http://e360.yale.edu/features/undamming_rivers_a_chance_for_new_clean_energy_source

Image was taken by: Taylor Hrabak

Hidden Jewels of Ohio

Ohio contains over 40,000 miles of streams, 2.4 million acres of inland water (including Ohio waters of Lake Erie), and 450 miles of the Ohio River (DoW 4/2012).

Usually when people envision fish of Ohio, they generally think of species such as bass, walleye, catfish, and perch. When people think of fish, ones that are important to the economy, comparatively large, and/or fairly easy to identify are the first to thought. Many know little of the other species comprising the waterways of Ohio. With such variety in the waterways of Ohio, from tiny stream to large river, to wetlands and various sizes of lakes, the species have become just as diverse and unique as their habitats. Ohio supports more than 170 species of fish (DoW x/2012), many of which escape detection from the average sportsperson. Of this large number of species dwelling within Ohio waters, generally less than 30 are considered a “game species”. These “other” fish are either too small to eat the bait used in conventional fishing, have no interest in it, or live in areas that aren’t normally fished, among other reasons.

One such unique group of fish are the darters (in the Percidae family). More than 20 species of this small, benthic (bottom-dwelling) fish family live in Ohio rivers and streams (with a few living in reservoirs); areas with moving water. The largest of this group, the logperch darter, is likely the only one to ever be caught on a line and hook. It can reach 7 inches in length while the average for others in this family is 3-5 inches. The smallest (one of which is the tippecanoe darter – a threatened species) rarely exceeds 1 ½ inches as an adult. This group also has members in it that comprise some of the most colorful fish in Ohio, yet few people get the chance to enjoy their displays. The orangethroat, rainbow, banded, and variegate darters (to name a few) are likely the most brilliantly marked of all Ohio fish species. These fish sport bright oranges, blues, and greens coupled with striking changes in dark to light colors in a variety of eye-catching patterns, all squeezed onto a fish smaller than the length of your hand, sometimes on a fish the length of a finger.

Some of these tiny jewels could potentially be in your backyard stream if the right requirements are met. There are a lot of things a landowner can do to increase the quality of the creeks and streams on their property, potentially leading to more diversity in wildlife and definitely improving water quality downstream. Darters and many other small species of fish feed on macroinvertebrates (such as the larvae of crane flies, mayflies, and black flies), but if “macros” can’t survive in the stream, the stream can’t support those that depend on them. Macros tend to be sensitive to water quality and they also have other needs to be met such as substrate, food sources, and hiding places. On an interesting side note, darters get their name from their habit of darting away from danger. Usually they merely rest on the bottom of the stream/river searching for macros. Their hunting method is likely why they have evolved to no longer have a swim bladder (or only have a small one) (PA Fish & Game). Swim bladders are how most fish control their position in the water column. They fill it with gas (in various ways that I won’t explain here) or empty it depending on whether they want to be closer to the surface of the water or closer to the bottom. This reduces their energy input into movement.

There are many ways to mitigate, or improve/reduce your negative impact on a stream. Reducing the amount of chemicals you use on your yard (such as fertilizer and weed-killers) and allowing a “buffer zone” of native vegetation to grow alongside the stream are great ways to help (DoW x/2012). Pollution and runoff highly affect what can and cannot survive in a stream. The plants will help filter out chemical runoff from yards and roads and the trees and taller vegetation will shade the stream, reducing the water’s temperature (and allowing more dissolved oxygen to be held in the water). Vegetation also reduces bank erosion, which in turn reduces sediment in the water that can stifle fish eggs amongst the gravel in the streambed before they even have a chance to hatch. These plants provide habitat and food for macro-invertebrates, too. As they grow in and around the banks of the waterway, they drop leaves and twigs (etc) that provide food and hiding places for macros. Providing for the lowest part of the food chain, in turn, provides for the species that feed on them.

Blog by: Nicole Freshour


  • Ohio Division of Wildlife; Publication 5334, Sport Fish of Ohio Identification 4/2012
  • Ohio Division of Wildlife; Publication 5127, Stream Stream Fishes of Ohio Field Guide x/2012
  • http://www.fishandboat.com/Fish/PennsylvaniaFishes/GalleryPennsylvaniaFishes/Pages/PerchesandDarters.aspx


Photo Collage Derived From:

  • Ohio Division of Wildlife; Publication 5127, Stream Stream Fishes of Ohio Field Guide x/2012

The Gilt Darter

The Gilt Darter is a colorful fish that is currently endangered in Ohio. While endangered in Ohio the International Union for Conservation of Nature listed it as a species of least concern, since it has many sub-populations and large populations throughout the southeast [1]. The gilt darter was believed to be extirpated from Ohio since an individual has not been spotted since 1893. That was until 2010 where an individual Gilt Darter was caught at the Ohio River [2].

The Gilt darters are believed to have been from the upper big sandy river basin (KY) and moved back into the Ohio River as water quality improved. Their habitat preference is clear, fast to moderate-flowing riffles or clean pools in a river. They also have preferences for habitat that contain algae and aquatic vegetation. Dams and siltation (pollution of water by suspended sediments) pose a great threat to this darter, who is intolerant of murky and slow riffles [1;2].

These little fish can be used as barometers for stream health, since they are intolerant of change. Watershed management can gauge physical and chemical deterioration based on this darter and other organisms associated with a river system. While little is known about the darter and the extent of its contribution to an ecosystem, preservation of an endangered species is important. For wildlife, as stated by the Congress discussing the Endangered Species Act of 1973, “are of aesthetic, ecological, educational, historical, recreational and scientific value to the nation and its people” [4]. This organism is unique for its beauty and its ability to be used as an environmental monitor, and if management can work toward better water quality who knows what else extirpated animals may return with the Gilt Darter.


  1. Percina evides. (n.d.). Retrieved September 27, 2017, from http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/202577/0
  2. Wildlife, O. D. (n.d.). Ohio.gov / search. Retrieved September 27, 2017, from http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/species-and-habitats/species-guide-index/fish/gilt-darter
  3. Gilt Darter Fact Sheet. (n.d.). Retrieved September 27, 2017, from http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/26039.html
  4. Why Save Endangered Species? U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. (n.d.). Retrieved September 27, 2017, from https://www.fws.gov/nativeamerican/pdf/why-save-endangered-species.pdf


The Plight of the Paddlefish

With regards to aquatic creatures, sea creatures tend to ‘steal the show,’ as they say. To be fair, there are some really neat and quirky species that inhabit the oceans. Like this guy….

Stonefish (Synanceia spp.): This family contains the most venomous fish species- Photo by walknboston

And this rarely seen shark…

Frilled Shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus): An ancestral shark rarely seen by humans- Photograph by Awashima Marine Park, Getty Images

Freshwater fishes, however, seem to get less attention despite containing a lot of neat variation, as well.

In Ohio, we have the super neat American paddlefish (Polyodon spathula). 

American paddlefish (I mean, seriously, look at those gills!)- Photograph by aqualive.xooit.fr

The American paddlefish is made of cartilage and is known for its protruding, spatula-like snout. This snout is unique in that it is covered in electoreceptors, aiding in the capture of its prey (which consists of plankton). American paddlefish are scaleless and require slow moving water. A given female spawns every two to three years and averages 7,500 eggs/pound of her body weight. 

                                                                                          That’s a lot of eggs.

Most likely you have not seen this quirky looking cartilaginous organism. The reason this species is not more well-known is most likely due to its low abundance. In fact, the American paddlefish is listed as threatened in Ohio. This is due to habitat alteration, pollution, and caviar-loving individuals (mmmm…nothing like some undeveloped paddlefish to go with my 1917 cabernet sauvignon).

Paddlefish used to be abundant throughout Ohio’s river systems and the Great Lakes. Shown below is an excerpt of a table found in a USGS report on fish abundance in the Great and Little Miami River Basins. Paddlefish, as seen in the table, were no longer sited in any of the three surveyed rivers after 1980. Scientists believe the increase in sediment and chemical compounds in the water due to urbanization and agricultural runoff greatly affected this species.

Table excerpt taken from “Occurrence and Distribution of Fish Species in the Great and Little Miami River Basins, Ohio and Indiana, Pre-1900 to 1998”, USGS.

Now paddlefish are only seen in the Ohio river from about Portsmouth to Cincinnati.

So next time your annoying, perpetually vacationing friend tries to gloat about snorkeling with Angelfish, you can stun him/her with a photoshopped picture of you high-fiving an American paddlefish (because… why not?).

A totally realistic depiction to use for bragging rights (*cough cough*). – Pre-altered photographs by Caddo Lake Institute and Euspert.com




ODNR Division of Wildlife: http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/species-and-habitats/species-guide-index/fish/paddlefish


Ohio History Connection: http://www.ohiohistorycentral.org/w/Paddlefish

Ohio River Foundation: http://www.ohioriverfdn.org/about_the_river/ecology/paddlefish.html

USGS: https://oh.water.usgs.gov/reports/fishspecies5.pdf

Animal Diversity Web: http://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Polyodon_spathula/#reproduction


Asian Carp: Threat to the Great Lakes

Asian carp respond to complex noise created by fishing boat. Source: Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research

Background: We all know the story of the Asian carp invasion in the US. In the 1970s, fish farmers from Southern states in the US began importing Asian carp (Silver Carp and Bighead Carp) from China in an effort to control phytoplankton blooms in their aquaculture ponds and sewage treatment lagoons. Asian carp are filter feeders; they feed on small food items at the base of the food chain. Trouble began when fish escaped into the Mississippi River watershed after floods that breached the man-made lagoons in Arkansas. Asian carp can consume up to 20% of their body weight per day. They grow quickly and can decimate plankton populations, small floating organisms that form the foundation of the aquatic food chain and are an important food source to native fishes. Asian carp outcompete native fish populations and have quickly taken over the Mississippi watershed. Once they enter an ecosystem, they are extremely difficult to eradicate; Adult Asian carp have no predators in North America and females lay about half a million eggs each time they spawn. Asian carp continue to expand their range northward, threatening the Laurentian Great Lakes.

Asian Carp in the Great Lakes? Asian carp have not yet established sustainable populations in the Great Lakes. However, there have been several close calls.

  • A Bighead Carp was caught 6 miles from Lake Michigan near Chicago below the first electric barrier.
  • A Silver Carp was caught by the Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee (ACRCC) in the Des Plaines River in Illinois only 14 kilometers south of Lake Michigan.
  • Environmental DNA (eDNA) evidence has been found in several locations on the Lake Michigan side of electric barriers. However, positive eDNA doesn’t necessarily indicate presence of live carp – the source could be from a dead fish, or transported through other sources such as bilge water from boats.
  • Asian carp eggs, fry and fingerlings were found in the Wabash River in Indiana. If the Wabash River floods, there is potential for Asian carp to enter the Maumee River, which flows directly into Lake Erie.
  • Between 1995-2000, three Bighead Carp were found in western Lake Erie. Follow-up surveys suggest that there is not a reproducing population in Lake Erie.

There is some speculation over whether Asian carp could have a stable population in the Great Lakes. Because Asian carp are filter feeders, they need algae and plankton to sustain larger populations. They may not be able to establish stable populations in deeper, colder lakes that are less productive, such as Lake Michigan or Lake Superior. If an invasion of Asian carp in the Great Lakes occurs, it will likely take several years for the population to become problematic, based on historical carp invasions and models of invasive species, and the size of the Great Lakes.

Preventing Asian Carp entry to the Great Lakes: Prevention efforts are ongoing to keep Asian carp from entering the Great Lakes. Current actions to block invasion to the Great Lakes focus on the Mississippi River Basin (MRB) and the Ohio River Basin (ORB). The shipping canal that connects the Mississippi River to Lake Michigan is the pathway of most concern in the MRB, and multiple barriers have been established there. In the ORB, agencies like the US Army Corps of Engineers and the US Fish and Wildlife are working together to identify potential pathways for carp to enter Lake Erie where future barriers could be most effective. Physical, electrical and behavioral barriers are being used in places were Mississippi River tributaries connect to the Great Lakes.

  1. Physical Barriers: Dams and screens are common physical barriers to Asian carp. Dams across the Mississippi prevent Asian carp from swimming further upstream. However, most dams are not optimized to reduce carp passage. Lock and Dam #8 is the only dam on the river that has been adjusted to target carp. The Des Plaines River Bypass Barricade was built between the river and the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal to prevent Asian carp dispersal during a possible flooding event. Physical barriers are often used in combination with electrical and behavioral barriers.
  2. Electrical Barriers: Electrical barriers send low-voltage, pulsing, direct current through underwater electrodes, creating an electrified field throughout the water column. They block fish by shocking them if they get to close because a portion of electrical energy applied to the water transfers to the fish. The electric current also inhibits a fish’s ability to maintain its position in the current. When fish encounter the current, they experience galvanotaxis. Galvanotaxis is a process that immobilizes muscles and physically stops fish from moving through the barrier. It can also lead to taxis, or forced swimming. This process sometimes causes trauma or is lethal, and may requires extra infrastructure to remove dead fish. Stronger electrical currents are required to effect small fish or juveniles, which may translate to young carp passing through this type of barrier. Several electrical barriers are in use within the Chicago Sanitary and Shipping Canal to block Asian carp from entering Lake Michigan.
  3. Behavioral Barriers: Physical and electrical barriers are non-selective; there has been an increasing interest in barriers that use behavioral deterrents instead, such as sound, light and bubbles, because they have the potential to be species specific.
    Source: Ovivo USA LLC

    Sound barriers were initially dismissed, but Asian Carp respond differently to sound than other fishes. The sensory mechanism in Asian carp are aggravated by complex noise, so they avoid it. Asian carp have Weberian ossicles that connect their swim bladder and inner ear. The ossicles provide carp with broad hearing and greater sensitivity than other Midwestern and Great Lakes. For example, Lake Sturgeon, Paddlefish, and Bluegill Sunfish detect sounds at much lower frequencies because they lack the connection that helps amplify sound. The use of higher frequency sound has the potential to modify carp behavior while minimizing the effect on native fish. Ambient light influences fish several aspects of fish behavior – orientation, location of food, communication between conspecifics, and avoidance of predators. Strobe lights introduce unnatural light levels that can impact fish behaviors and illicit an avoidance response. Strobe lights are not as effective in daytime or in highly turbid areas, and are suggested to be more effective when used in combination with other barriers. Bubble curtains are another type of behavioral barrier; they use a dense plume of noisy bubbles to repel fish. They also act as an unnatural visual cue for fish to avoid. Bubble curtains can be less efficient in locations with periodic high water events because they may be unable to maintain equal air pressure across differing depths. Behavioral deterrents don’t block fish 100% of the time because some fish are less sensitive or learn to ignore the barriers. Behavioral barriers are sometimes used in combination with other behavioral barriers and with physical or electrical barriers.

If Asian carp establish stable populations in the Great Lakes, it could cause declines in abundances of native fishes. Carp will compete with native fish for food and habitat. Several federally and/or state listed threatened and endangered fish rely on the Great Lakes and have been historically impacted by other Great Lakes invasives – the introduction of Asian carp could amplify those impacts and further harm these organisms.

Side Dish: The Scientific American recently published an article that encourages Americans to “carpe eat’um”. Because Asian carp are viewed negatively and are more difficult to prepare than other fish, people are not inclined to bite into a fillet o’ carp. Now, there is a movement to put Asian

Carp spring rolls. Source: Scientific American, Carpe Eat’um, Tim Wall

carp on the menu, promoting the idea that if you can’t beat them, eat them. There is some concern over the commercializing carp. If a market develops demand for carp, people may not want to eradicate them, and may even want to spread them intentionally. However, other fish could be swapped for carp if they were eradicated, perhaps another invader could substitute for carp on the menu.


National Wildlife Federation. Asian Carp Threat to the Great Lakes. Available at https://www.nwf.org/Wildlife/Threats-to-Wildlife/Invasive-Species/Asian-Carp.aspx (last accessed 21 September 2017).

Noatch MR, Suski CD (2012) Non-physical barriers to deter fish movements. Environmental Reviews 20:71–82. doi: 10.1139/a2012-001

Scientific American. Carpe Eat’um: Invasive Asian Carp Leap into Restaurants, Grocery Stores. Available at https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/carpe-eat-um-invasive-asian-carp-leap-into-restaurants-grocery-stores/ (last accessed 26 September 2017).

Scientific American. Great Lakes Defenders Have a Shocking Idea to Stave Off Invasive Carp. Available at https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/great-lakes-defenders-have-a-shocking-idea-to-stave-off-invasive-carp/ (last accessed 21 September 2017).

US Army Corps of Engineers. Going Green: Protecting our Great Lakes from the invasive Asian carp (2013). Available at http://www.usace.army.mil/Media/News-Archive/Story-Article-View/Article/478051/going-green-protecting-our-great-lakes-from-the-invasive-asian-carp/ (last accessed 26 September 2017).

Vetter BJ, Cupp AR, Fredricks KT, et al (2015) Acoustical deterrence of Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). Biological Invasions 17:3383–3392. doi: 10.1007/s10530-015-0964-6

Zielinski DP, Sorensen PW (2015) Field test of a bubble curtain deterrent system for common carp. Fisheries Management and Ecology 22:181–184. doi: 10.1111/fme.12108

Pet fish and Carp Disaster

     As an angler, I would contest that carp are not the prettiest fish or the most prestigious but they are a heck of a lot of fun to catch.  As a young boy, my brother (shown on the left) and I always loved to go to the nearby lakes and ponds and catch whatever we could. We would hear tales about released pet fish that grew to gigantic sizes that ruled the lakes and ponds.  We would always go for our friend’s goldfish that they released into the city lake to no avail.  Catching fish and understanding their importance grew on my brother and I from a young age and fueled us to catch as many different fish as we could.  This thrill for the catch is what fuels conservation efforts and education from the very kids who grew up having this childhood.

Recently in Pymatuning Lake in northeastern Ohio, thousands of carp have washed up on the shore for what looks like no reason.  Upon investigation, it was determined that these fish all died because of Koi herpes virus (KHV), a virus that causes mass mortality in carp (Kempter et al., 2012).

As I have become older I have realized how bad it is to release pet fish into the wild.  These fish can transmit diseases to the wild populations and can have terrible effects on the local population numbers.  Once a pet fish is released it can infect carrier fish in the wild so that even if the pet fish gets eaten or dies, that KHV is still alive in the environment.  Common carriers in Pymatuning lake are other species of carp along with northern pike and possibly pet fishes released into the lake.  Officials on scene at Pymatuning are saying that the virus has a mortality rate of between 80-90% which is very high for a contagious lake virus (Knoedler, 2017).  This is increasingly important because carp make up a good portion of most bodies of water when they are present with percentages ranging up to 96% of all fish biomass in some areas (McColl et al., 2007).  The good news in this situation is that the virus is very specific to carp so there is little concern that it will spread to other fish types.  It is believed that this year’s cold weather should kill the virus over time (Knoedler, 2017).

Conservation and public education are important for the public in situations just like this which is why when things like this happen experts are very reactionary and will throw a great deal of information into the public light to educate the public as much as possible.

This situation just goes to show that the tales about fish being released into lakes should stay tales and should not become a reality.  From this situation, the severity of releasing fish becomes more apparent to those who may lack knowledge of how bad the activity really is.  So just keep in mind that next time a pet goldfish is released into a pond or lake it could spell the end for the native species that call the body of water home.


Kempter, J., Kielpinski, M., Panicz, R., Sadowski, J., Mysłowski, B., & Bergmann, S. M. (2012). Horizontal transmission of koi herpes virus (KHV) from potential vector species to common carp. Bull Eur Assoc Fish Pathol32, 212-219.

Knoedler, M. (2017, September 21). Dead carp test positive for virus in Pymatuning Lake. Retrieved September 25, 2017, from http://www.erienewsnow.com/story/36426536/dead-carp-test-positive-for-virus-in-pymatuning

McColl, K. A., Sunarto, A. G. U. S., Williams, L. M., & Crane, M. S. T. J. (2007). Koi herpes virus: dreaded pathogen or white knight. Aquaculture Health International9, 4-6.

Recent Ohio Fishkills

In August, three Western Lake Erie tributaries experienced massive fish kills. The Ohio Division of Wildlife and Natural Resources have pinned the cause of these events on poor manure management. Allegedly manure was applied improperly or just before rain arrived, which washed the manure and all of its contaminants into the tributaries. Ammonia in manure takes Oxygen out of the water, which caused a combined 66,000 fish to die in these 3 rainfall events. These fish ranged from minnows to carp and littered the shores of Northwestern Ohio.

Figure 1: A deceased bass, effected by the manure-laden runoff.


Animal cultivation facilities in America produce 133 million tons of usable fertilizer from manure per year. In places where agriculture is extremely prominent, such as Ohio, water sources experience a great deal of runoff. Manure can have many harmful effects on fish of all kinds. Anoxic conditions and extremely high concentrations of ammonium are what these tributaries experienced. Other harmful effects include increased total phosphorus, which causes dramatic harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie annually, increased suspended solids, and fecal coliform bacteria throughout the water column. Agriculture and land use have greatly altered the Great Lakes Basin already, and the rate at which it is happening is alarming. But what can we do to help our local watersheds?

Figure 2: Harmful algal bloom caused by Agricultural runoff


The EPA already has laws in place that attempt to stop farmers from improper use of manure and irresponsible runoff controls. However, where agriculture is prominent, it’s not possible to eliminate these issues completely. In order to reduce runoff and properly handle unavoidable runoff, each aspect of a community must be involved. The government, farmers, convervationists, schools and Universites, businesses and organizations must each contribute if runoff pollution is to be mitigated. Fertilizer application must be monitored, ensuring that is used in the correct amount, at the right time of year, and that runoff controls are in place. Community events are highly effective, whether it is trash collection or planting trees alongside a stream, anyone can help. A reduction in field tilling can reduce erosion greatly, along with soil compaction. Proper drainage management by both private facilities and the Government is imperative to a watershed’s health. And lastly, strict monitoring of the disposal of livestock waste is obvious. It’s a group effort, and if each party involved carries their weight, each party will get to enjoy Ohio’s many waterways.



Works Cited

Burkholder, JoAnn, Bob Libra, Peter Weyer, Susan Heathcote, Dana Kolpin, Peter S. Thorne, and Michael Wichman. “Impacts of Waste from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations on Water Quality.” Environmental Health Perspectives. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Feb. 2007. Web.

“Easy Things to Protect Drinking Water Sources.” EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, 02 Nov. 2016. Web.

“Large Fish Kills in Ohio Linked to Livestock Manure.” U.S. News & World Report. U.S. News & World Report, 24 Aug. 2017. Web.

“The Sources and Solutions: Agriculture.” EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, 10 Mar. 2017. Web.

The Asian Carp Threat in Ohio

The Asian Carp Threat in Ohio

            Asian carp are a group of invasive species, which have spread in the US through both accidental and purposeful release. There are three species of Asian carps currently present in Ohio’s lakes and rivers: Bighead Carp, Silver Carp, and Grass Carp. Bighead and Silver carp where accidentally released from aquaculture facilities in Arkansas during the 1970s (Freeze and Henderson, 1982) and have spread throughout the Mississippi River Basin, including the Ohio River. Grass Carp on the other hand were stocked to ponds and lakes to control aquatic vegetation growth.

Grass Carp have been previously found in Lake Michigan, Erie, and Ontario. In Ohio, currently only sterilized Grass Carp may be stocked but the process that is utilized is not always 100% effective. New surveys conducted this year by the Ohio Department of Natural Resource have found that Grass Carp are successfully spawning in the Sandusky River, near Lake Erie (Seewer, 2017).  This is some of the first evidence that this species can naturally reproduce in the Great Lakes. The expansion of Grass Carp populations has been a concern of fisheries managers throughout the past few decades, because they can consume large quantities of aquatic vegetation. A decline of aquatic vegetation around shorelines and in wetlands surrounding Lake Erie may reduce habitat, impacting native fish species that utilize these areas for food or to spawn. While this species is a pressing worry to Lake Erie and increased efforts for control are currently being developed (Seewer, 2017), the estimated impacts of Bighead and Silver carp are far more concerning (Zhang et al., 2016).

Bighead and Silver carp are both filter feeders, primarily consuming zooplankton (Burke et al., 1986). They are primarily located in and around the Ohio River, but there have been reports that these species have been found in small numbers within Lake Erie. The main concern associated with these species is their ability to grow to large sizes (18-23 kg) in a relatively short amount of time (4-5 years) (Henderson, 1978).  Zooplankton are especially important for juvenile fish as well as fish that are important prey species for commercial and sport fish. A model of potential impacts by Zhang et al. (2016) found that these species may be able to alter current food webs, which could affect a 7-billion-dollar annual sport fishery in the Great Lakes (Southwick Associates, 2007).

There are still many unknowns associated with Asian carp’s potential for proliferation within Lake Erie, but significant efforts are underway to develop plans for controlling the spread of these species.  More information regarding current regional and national management and control of Asian carp can be found at http://asiancarp.us/documents/2017ActionPlan.pdf  and http://asiancarp.us/documents/Carps_Management_Plan.pdf.


Burke, J.S., Bayne, D.R., and Rea, H. (1986). Impact of silver and bighead carps on plankton communities of channel catfish ponds. Aquaculture 55, 59–68.

Freeze, M., and Henderson, S. (1982). Distribution and Status of the Bighead Carp and Silver Carp in Arkansas. North Am. J. Fish. Manag. 2, 197–200.

Henderson, S. (1978). An evaluation of the filter feeding fishes, silver and bighead carp, for water quality improvement. In Smitherman R.O., W.L. Shelton, and J.H. Grover, (Eds.). Culture of exotic fishes symposium proceedings. Fish Culture Section, American Fisheries Society, Auburn, Alabama, 121–136.

Seewer, J. (Sept. 24, 2017). Invasive grass carp pose risk to Lake Erie. The Columbus Dispatch, B5.

Southwick Associates. (2007). Sportfishing in America: an economic engine and conservation powerhouse. American Sportfishing Association, Multistate Conservation Grant Program. 

Zhang, H., Rutherford, E.S., Mason, D.M., Breck, J.T., Wittmann, M.E., Cooke, R.M., Lodge, D.M., Rothlisberger, J.D., Zhu, X., and Johnson, T.B. (2016). Forecasting the Impacts of Silver and Bighead Carp on the Lake Erie Food Web. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 145, 136–162.

The Sea Lamprey: A Great Lakes Invader

Photo by T. Lawrence, GLFC

Although this creature may look like something dreamt up for use in a horror movie, these fish are very real and have their own sort of horror story in the Great Lakes. The Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) is a jawless fish that resembles an eel in appearance. Able to live in both marine and freshwater habitats, the sea lamprey’s home range includes the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic coasts of Europe and the United States, and freshwater habitats in Europe and the US (USGS NAS 2016). This fish gained notoriety when it expanded its range into the Great Lakes ecosystem, causing devastation.

How did the sea lamprey get into the Great Lakes?

Researchers are unsure as to whether the sea lamprey is native to Lake Ontario, or whether it was introduced after the completion of the Erie Canal (USGS NAS 2016). However, the lamprey is not native to the rest of the Great Lakes, where it is now found today. When the Welland Canal was completed in 1829, linking Lake Ontario with Lake Erie, it provided a corridor through which the sea lamprey was able to invade, but it took over a century for the first sea lamprey to be found in Lake Erie. This happened in 1921 (Trautman 1981). However, within thirty years, the fish had established populations in the remaining three Great Lakes: Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, and Lake Superior (USGS NAS 2016). The sea lamprey had successfully invaded the largest freshwater lake system on Earth.

What impact did the sea lamprey’s introduction have on the Great Lakes?

The sea lamprey is a parasite, meaning that it lives on another organism (its host) to get its nutrients, to the detriment of the host. The sea lamprey uses its teeth to attach to a fish, grind through their scales and skin, and feed on the fish’s blood and other bodily fluids. The following is an image of sea lampreys attached to a trout.

Photo by US Fish and Wildlife

This parasitism can result in the death of the host fish, either due to loss of blood or due to infection (NY Department of Environmental Conservation). One sea lamprey is able to kill as much as forty pounds of fish in one year (National Ocean Service 2016). Sea lampreys prey on large sporting fish, including trout, pike, salmon, walleye, and sturgeon which are commercially fished in the Great Lakes (NY Department of Environmental Conservation). In 1940, as the sea lampreys were in the process of becoming established in the Great Lakes, these fisheries were valued at $5.5 million dollars. After the sea lamprey was introduced, these fisheries collapsed. From 1938-1959, the lake trout fishery in Lake Huron went from producing 2268 tons of fish to a complete crash. In Lake Michigan, lake trout catches went from 2948 tons to 1181kg in ten years (Smith and Tibbles 1980). Not only did the sea lamprey invasion have severe impacts on the fish already living in the lakes, it had a negative financial impact as well.

What can be done to control sea lamprey populations?

When trying to combat the sea lamprey, wildlife managers tried using barriers to prevent the sea lampreys from breeding in streams. Physical barriers such as dams were designed prevent lampreys from passing through, while still allowing other “good” fish to pass. Electrical barriers were put in place to prevent lampreys from entering rivers to lay their eggs. While these barriers were somewhat effective and are still in place today, they were not able eliminate the problem of the sea lamprey (Great Lakes Fishery Commission 2000; Smith and Tibbles 1980). In 1958, managers started using a chemical called 3-trifluromethyl-4-nitrophenol, commonly abbreviated as TFM, to control lamprey populations. TFM is a lampricide, a chemical designed to kill lamprey in their breeding streams when they are still young. This prevents them from growing up and doing damage to fish populations. The lampricide proved to be effective, greatly reducing population sizes of the sea lamprey (Smith and Tibbles 1980). This has allowed some fish populations decimated by the lamprey to increase, but it will take more time for the fisheries to fully recover (USGS NAS 2016). However, treatments with TFM are ongoing to prevent the sea lampreys from ever reaching their 1950s numbers. Researchers are continuing to search for other treatments that reduce sea lamprey numbers to reduce dependence on TFM, which could have negative effects on other fish living in areas where lampricide has been used (Birceanu et al. 2014; USGS NAS 2016). Researchers at the Hammond Bay Biological Station, a partner of Michigan State University, are examining how pheromones (chemicals that animals release into the environment) can be used to alter movements of sea lamprey and to lure them into areas where they can be easily captured or killed (USGS Great Lakes Science Center 2016).

To end, MSU researchers have also begun studying how odors from dead sea lampreys can affect the behavior of living individuals. This is another avenue with which managers can control sea lamprey behavior to eliminate them or prevent them from doing more damage (USGS Great Lakes Science Center 2016). They have recorded the alarm response of living sea lampreys when exposed to these odors, and published them at the following links for your enjoyment:
View from above the water: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxvorkIBbOo
View from below the water: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBvYCBk_ZHM

Works Cited:
Birceanu, O., Sorenson, L.A., Henry, M., McClelland, G.B., Wang, Y.S., and Wilkie, M.P. 2014. The effects of the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) on fuel stores and ion balance in a non-target fish, the rainbow troug (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 160: 30-41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpc.2013.10.002

Great Lakes Fishery Comission. 2000. Sea lamprey barriers: New technologies help solve an old problem. Great Lakes Fishery Commission. Online. Retrieved September 28, 2017 from http://www.glfc.org/pubs/FACT_5.pdf.

Great Lakes Science Center USGS. 2016. Hammond Bay Biological Station. USGS Great Lakes Science Center. Online. Retrieved on September 28, 2017 from https://www.glsc.usgs.gov/sites/default/files/infosheets/HBBS20150818.pdf.

National Ocean Service. 2016. What is a sea lamprey? National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Online. Retrieved September 28, 2017 from https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/sea-lamprey.html.

NY Department of Environmental Conservation. Sea Lamprey Biology. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Online. Retrieved September 28, 2017 from http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/7242.html.

Smith, B.R., and J.J. Tibbles. 1980. Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior: history of invasion and control, 1936-78. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 37(11):1780-1801.

Trautman, M.B. 1981. The Fishes of Ohio. Ohio State University Press, Columbus, OH.
USGS NAS. 2016. Petromyzon marinus. USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species. Online. Retrieved September 28, 2017 from https://nas.er.usgs.gov/queries/factsheet.aspx?SpeciesID=836.

Do You Know What’s In Your Fish?

Do You Know What’s in Your Fish?

Do you know what’s in your fish?  It sounds like a weird question since most people just think it is just fish.  For the most part, we buy it and eat it, not considering where it comes from or what harmful chemicals may be in the meat.  For many Ohioans who live around Lake Erie, catching fresh fish or eating fish from the lake is common and enjoyed by many.  However, pollution from the surrounding infrastructure has been allowing chemicals into the lake.  One of these chemicals is mercury.


What is Mercury?

Mercury is a naturally occurring element that is used in thermometers and industrial practices.  It is toxic to humans and wildlife if ingested or the fumes inhaled.  If a person or animal is exposed to enough mercury, it can damage the nervous system and can cause birth defects or infertility.  Once the element enters the water, filter feeders such as clams and mussels filter it out of the water.  The feeders are in turn eaten, passing along the mercury up the food chain.  This process is repeated until it reaches the fish that are popularly consumed by humans.

Zebra Mussel

© Brigitte Cusson and Denis Labonte, Environment Canada

Path of Mercury up the Food Chain

©Canadian Government


What do I need to watch out for?

In regards to fish caught and eaten from Lake Erie, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency maintains a consumption advisory list for the state of Ohio.  According to their list, Some fish, such as Yellow Perch and sunfish, are safe to eat for multiple meals a week.  Other fish, such as Steelhead and Walleye, should only be consumed once a month due to their high mercury levels.  For more information on fish that are safe and the recommended consumption levels, visit the Ohio EPA at the following link: http://epa.ohio.gov/dsw/fishadvisory/index.aspx#145214734-statewide




Ohio EPA Consumption Advisory


Canada Environment and Climate Change



What Perch is Which?

Spending a day near Lake Erie can be a refreshing experience from the breeze to the small towns along

route 6, and is best finished off with a perch sandwich. You sit down on a dock and your food arrives, but what you may not realize is that the breaded filet may not be native yellow perch, but invasive white perch instead! Although the meat on the sandwich may taste quite similar regardless of species, White Perch are a considerable problem in Lake Erie.

US auto-generated map

White Perch (scientific name Morone americana image from ODNR 2012) is a species of fish that  is part of the temperate basses family, originating from the Atlantic coast. These fish usually live in waters that are a mix of salt water and fresh water, also known as being brackish. Despite originally being from the coast ranging from South Carolina to Maine,  they have fully established themselves in Lake Erie (see map, taken from USGS 2017). The largest issue with white perch is that they will eat the eggs of many natives Walleye.

White Perch


It is also theorized that White Perch compete with the native Yellow Perch for microscopic food sources known as zooplankton. Overall, since the invasion of White Perch into the Lake Erie basin, growth rates of Yellow Perch have declined, especially in the western basin where fishing for them is most prevalent (USGS 2017). When White Perch have made their way into inland reservoirs such as LaDue, East Fork, and Sippo Lake, they will spawn quickly and over populate the area (ODNR 2012). This leads to a condition known as stunting where fish grow very slowly due to a lack of resources. This can be concerning for managers because the large amount of small fish are neither fun to fish for nor easy to get rid of.

With a trend towards warmer winters due to climate change, there will be even more dramatic effects from the white perch. In an interview with Cleveland News, Dr. Ludsin from Ohio State said, “warmers winters benefit White Perch, which are sensitive to cold temperatures.”(Egan 2013). This has a lead to an increase in White Perch numbers and therefore increased predation upon yellow perch. To help combat the problem, there a some things that the public can do.  Looking to the future it is unlikely that the white perch population will ever be removed from Lake Erie, but it’s effects will continue to be monitored and fish will still be taken to create a companion for tartar sauce.



ODNR Division of Wildife. “White Perch – Morone americana.” 2012. http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/species-and-habitats/species-guide-index/fish/white-perch. Accessed 9/28/2017

Egan, D’Arcy. “Changing Lake Erie, invasie white perch threaten popular yellow perch in Western Lake Erie.” March 29, 2013. http://www.cleveland.com/outdoors/index.ssf/2013/03/changing_lake_erie_invasive_wh.html. Accessed 9/28/2017

USGS. “NAS -Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Morone americanus.” January 26, 2017. https://nas.er.usgs.gov/queries/FactSheet.aspx?speciesID=777. Accessed 9/28/2017

The Scioto Madtom

Giant pandas, snow leopards, blue whales, and whooping cranes… What do all these species have in common? They are all endangered and well loved by many people. Most people are willing travel far and wide to see some of the world’s most endangered species, when they had one swimming right in their back yards here in Columbus, Ohio.

This endangered critter is called the Scioto madtom (Noturus trautmani). It is a small species of catfish in the family Ictaluridae. Unfortunately, the Scioto madtom has been listed as extinct on the IUCN Red List since they haven’t been found since 1957.  Even if the Scioto madtom is labeled as extinct, they are still kept on the Endangered Species List so that if they are found again they get automatic protection. A total of 18 of these fish were found, the first being discovered in November of 1943 by Miltom Trautman. All of them were caught in a small section of the Big Darby Creek, which is a tributary of the Scioto River. The Big Darby creek is very high quality, making it a perfect habitat for pollution intolerant species, as most madtoms are. They were caught in a gravel bottomed riffle, which are shallow parts of a stream that causes ripples.

The Scioto madtom is small, only about 1.4 – 2.4 inches long. Their body is brown with four darker saddles across their back. They have a white or cream colored belly with sensory barbels hanging from their chin. Their caudal (or tail) fin is squared with a dark brown bar in the center (Ohio DNR Division of Wildlife). Like all madtoms, they have fin spines that contain a mild stinging venom.

Not much is known about this madtom, but researchers have been able to discover some traits. This fish would be a bottom feeder that uses its sensory barbels to find aquatic invertebrates (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). Not much is known about how the Scioto madtom reproduces, but scientistsbelieve that they spawn upstream in the summer and move downstream in the fall, as all of the 18 specimens were caught in the fall.

So go out and explore the natural world here in Ohio, because you never know, you might end up finding a new species or even catching one of these possibly extinct little catfish.



Ohio DNR Division of Wildlife. “Ohio.gov / Search.” Ohio DNR Division of Wildlife, wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/species-and-habitats/species-guide-index/fish/scioto-madtom.


“Noturus Trautmani .” Noturus Trautmani (Scioto Madtom), www.iucnredlist.org/details/14908/0.


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. “Scioto Madtom (Noturus Trautmani).” Official Web Page of the U S Fish and Wildlife Service, www.fws.gov/midwest/endangered/fishes/sciot_fc.html.


“Noturus Trautmani Summary Page.” FishBase, www.fishbase.org/summary/Noturus-trautmani.html.


Images (In Order of Appearance):


Photo by M. R. Thomas


Photo by Mark Ferenchik, The Columbus Dispatch

Toxic Fish

Figure 1: Captures two children enjoying the outdoors with some quality fishing time.

For many Ohioans fishing is a hobby that they were brought up on and continue to share with their children, friends, and family.  Although not all fishermen plan to consume their catch, many enjoy the satisfaction of putting a fresh meal on the table knowing they are the ones who caught it. Where I come from in north west Ohio fish fries are a common thing that bring a big crowd ready to gorge on as much fish as they can. The fish served at my local fish fries is often locally caught catfish. Catfish along with all other sport fish in Ohio are currently under a state wide consumption advisory.

A consumption advisory is set by the EPA based on sampling done in bodies of water throughout the state. There are thirty-six contaminants that are found in fish tissues that the EPA evaluates when determining if a location, species, or species within a location should have a consumption advisory. The EPA puts out specific advisories for each individual species and each specific location. Ohio is currently under a state wide consumption advisory for all sport fish. Currently in Ohio, the state advisory urges all adults to avoid eating more than eight ounces and children three ounces of state caught sport fish more than once a week. There are only two kinds of fish, yellow perch and sunfish that in most locations are deemed to be safe to each twice a week. However, several kinds of fish and fish within specific locations in Ohio have higher toxin levels and individuals are advised to eat them only once every month, once every couple months, or even not at all. The only way to know if the fish you are catching are safe to eat is to either test them yourself upon catch or simply look at the list the Ohio EPA posts.

Fig. 2: PCBs were mainly used for electrical equipment such as the one shown above.

So what contaminants do these fish have in them? The two most common contaminants in Ohio fish are polychlorinated biphenyls (PBCs) and methyl mercury. According to Environmental Defense Fund, “PCBs are man-made chlorinated industrial chemicals…” These chemicals are oily so they tend to not dissolve in water rather getting stuck on the bottom or staying in tact within the water. PBCs were banned in the US in 1979 however, since they take so long to break down we are still reeking the consequences today. With PCBs the oil is absorbed by the fatty tissue in fish. This is why leaner fish like Yellow Perch and Sunfish tend to be safer to eat. Methyl mercury however is a metal that fish absorb over time in their meaty tissue. Older fish and predator fish often have higher levels of mercury.

Figure 3: A basic model showing how methyl mercury enters water ways, and why predators tend to have higher levels of methyl mercury in their bodies.

So what can this do to people? People of all ages can be effected by these contaminants however, pregnant women and the fetus and young children are the most vulnerable. The contaminants in fish are often relatively low and don’t cause health risks if ate just once or twice it is the accumulation of being exposed. It is thought that PBCs can cause babies to be born under developed if their mothers consumed fish with high levels of PCBs. In young children PCBs are thought to stunt the developing nervous systems. In adult it is possible to effect memory and learning abilities. PCBs are speculated to be human carcinogens which means it is possible they they could cause cancer. Eating fish contaminated with mercury can cause you to develop mercury poisoning. According to Blue Voice “even low-level mercury poisoning has been found to cause memory loss, hair loss, fatigue, depression, difficulty concentrating, tremors and headaches. Because it is hard for the body to eliminate, it can build up and may affect the nervous system.”

So in conclusion, sport fish all throughout Ohio are contaminated at some degree. Most fish in Ohio however are safe to eat at some regularity. It is important to know the suggested serving sizes, which is eight ounces for adults and three for children, and the suggested regularity at which a fish is deemed safe to eat. If you are an angler who enjoys the satisfaction of catching your own meal, there are plenty of fish in Ohio that you can safely do that with.  Just be aware that not every tasty looking fish that you may come across is safe to eat.

Figure 4: This example chart shows how the EPA lists species, locations, and contaminants on their website.

Work Cited

 “Fish In Your Diet – Not Health Food Anymore: Mercury in Fish.” Edited by Troika Studio, Health Risks from Eating Mercury Contaminated Fish – BlueVoice.Org, www.bluevoice.org/news_toxicfish.php. Accessed 27 Sept. 2017.

“Ohio Sport Fish Consumption Advisory .” Ohio EPA Division of Surface Water, Apr. 2017, epa.ohio.gov/portals/35/fishadvisory/fishadvisory_pamphlet.pdf. Accessed 27 Sept. 2017.

“PCBs in fish and shellfish.” Seafood Selector, 19 Feb. 2013, seafood.edf.org/pcbs-fish-and-shellfish. Accessed 27 Sept. 2017.


“Are Children Spending Enough Time Outdoors?” Are Children Spending Enough Time Outdoors?, Eartheasy, 13 Apr. 2012, learn.eartheasy.com/2012/04/are-children-spending-enough-time-outdoors/. Accessed 27 Sept. 2017.

“PCBs Polychlorinated biphenyls.” PCBs Polychlorinated biphenyls, Green Fact, 15 Sept. 2006, www.greenfacts.org/en/pcbs/. Accessed 27 Sept. 2017.

“Upper atmosphere facilitates changes that let mercury enter food chain.” Upper atmosphere facilitates changes that let mercury enter food chain, 19 Dec. 2011, Upper atmosphere facilitates changes that let mercury enter food chain. Accessed 27 Sept. 2017.

“Ohio Sport Fish Consumption Advisory .” Ohio EPA Division of Surface Water, Apr. 2017, epa.ohio.gov/portals/35/fishadvisory/fishadvisory_pamphlet.pdf. Accessed 27 Sept. 2017.

Grass Carp Invasion

Introduced species have been a hot topic in the United States for quite some time regarding their abilities to disrupt native populations and cause environmental and economic harm.  These plants and animals are introduced in a variety of ways and are generally the result of ignorance and lack of general knowledge on the subject.  Fish, in particular, can be introduced in a variety of ways including; being released as a pet, exotic fish markets, or to control vegetation as is the case for carp.  Carp were introduced in the United States in 1963 and are one of the most popular fish in the Midwest as they can be found in most of the Mississippi river basin and are used in lakes and ponds to control vegetation (Sutton, 1997).  Efforts have been made to keep these animals out of waterways where they are not wanted like in the case of Lake Erie.  Fish biologists and engineers have implemented electrical systems that keep the larger fish like carp from passing through but allow smaller fish to swim through freely. This system and systems like this have been used in many tributaries of Lake Erie trying to keep its waters free of unwanted pests like grass carp.  With these systems in place, only a few individuals have ever been found in Lake Erie (Cudmore & Mandrak, 2004).

Sources:Grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella, are a larger carp species that can decimate areas from their aggressive eating habits (Leslie Jr et al., 1987).  Researchers have recently found grass carp eggs in a Lake Erie tributary putting officials on guard. These carp are especially dangerous in this situation because of the damage they could do to the wetland restoration projects in the area (Miller, 2017). Wetlands are not only important for water quality but are home to many different animal and plant species.  The introduction of the grass carp could destroy spawning grounds for some fish species and could have an impact on Lake Erie fisheries.  They could also destroy possible nesting habitat for wetland bird species which include hunted birds like ducks and other species that are important to bird watchers which makes stopping the carp from getting to the lake extremely important.  The team working on the case is using an electric current to stun the fish and net them. Their plans are to capture the fish before they get to the lake and spawn (Miller, 2017).  This effort is why conservation is so important to the waterways in the United States.  These efforts to keep grass carp out of Lake Erie are not only to benefit the wetland and its inhabitants but also for the good of the people.  Lake Erie is a large diverse system with many connected waterways and wetlands. These are home to many fish, bird, and terrestrial animals that we hunt, watch, and photograph.  These efforts to conserve the native fish species and vegetation in Lake Erie are imperative to the future care of our waters. This situation and situations like this are how we begin to become more proactive and protective of what we love dearly.  I encourage all readers to be proactive in situations like this one and educate those who may not know about these issues to prevent future issues in our waterways.

  1. Cudmore, B., & Mandrak, N. E. (2004). Biological synopsis of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and Aquatic Sciences2705(7).
  2. Sutton, D. L. (1977). Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val.) in North America. Aquatic Botany3, 157-164.
  3. Leslie Jr, A. J., Dyke, J. M. V., Hestand III, R. S., & Thompson, B. Z. (1987). Management of aquatic plants in multi-use lakes with grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Lake and reservoir management3(1), 266-276.
  4. Porter, M. (2007). Controlling Aquatic Vegetation with Grass Carp. Retrieved September 26, 2017, from https://www.noble.org/news/publications/ag-news-and-views/1997/june/controlling-aquatic-vegetation-with-grass-carp/ (Picture)
  5. Miller E. (2017). Grass carp eggs discovered in Lake Erie tributary. Retrieved September 26, 2017, from https://www.northcountrypublicradio.org/news/story/34656/20170914/grass-carp-eggs-discovered-in-lake-erie-tributary

The Case for Caviar

©OLMA Caviar

The Case for Caviar

People who consume caviar are usually considered “rich” or “having class.”  How did this come to be?  Did a royal chef somewhere run out of ideas and present this as an exotic new food and just get lucky?  Actually, sturgeons, belonging to the family of Acipenseridae, were extremely abundant and easy to catch.  Because they are also benthic, meaning bottom feeders, their meat and eggs was considered peasant food.  In the early 1900s, caviar was actually served for free in American bars because of its salty taste to help sell more drinks.

The American species of sturgeons quickly became overfished at the same time that people were learning of the long amount of time necessary to harvest the caviar.  This switched the eggs from being peasant food to part of “champagne wishes and caviar dreams.”  The Caspian Sea was home to the Beluga sturgeon, the most sought after caviar.  In the 1940s – 1950s, the Russians began initiatives to enhance the carrying capacity of the Caspian Sea for Belugas by introducing more biomass for them to feed on.  This increased the population until the late 1980s, when the population dropped, and continued to drop.  Russia banned commercial fishing of sturgeons over 10 years ago to help repopulate the species; but the black market for caviar rivals that of the drug dealers.  Demand for Beluga caviar is strong across the globe and the price can range from $7,000 – $10,000 per kilogram.


Luckily for all of the caviar-lover’s out there, the Acipenseridae family also houses the Paddlefish.  Once Americans realized that the Paddlefish caviar was just as good as the sturgeon caviar, the fishermen went wild.  Once again, the Paddlefish were abundant in many of the waterways and were easy to catch.  This made the Paddlefish caviar much cheaper, around $700 – $2500 per kilogram.  By 1990, the American Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) was on the verge of local extinction in many areas of the United States.  Some states took action and began putting limitations on commercial fishing and began reintroduction programs to help the populations.


The Paddlefish is now listed as a Threatened species in Ohio, which means that all commercial and recreational fishing is prohibited.  Even with this listing in Ohio and other states such as West Virginia, the population is still declining.  How is this possible?  For one thing, the Ohio river is not only in Ohio and Kentucky does not recognize the threatened status of the Paddlefish.  So theoretically, you could catch all of the Paddlefish that you wanted to and claim the catch in Kentucky and it would be ‘legal.’  The second problem is that fish don’t have to stay in the state that they are protected, since the waterways are connected.  The last major problem is that even though they may be protected from fishing, they are not protected from habitat fragmentation by dams and toxic waterways from pollutants.


Why care so much about the Paddlefish?  Other species are suffering from overfishing and habitat fragmentation too, so why do the Paddlefish deserve our attention?  There are two main answers to this.  The first is that this species takes ten years to mature.  That means that if a nine-year-old fish is accidently caught and killed, its life was wasted because it was not even able to reproduce.  The second reason is that this species is a living dinosaur…they swam on this planet 75 million years ago!  We cannot let this fish go extinct because we have to fulfill our caviar dreams.

So, what can we do?  You can start by not eating caviar, but if you must, make sure that it is from a farm raised establishment that has been certified.  Renee and Keith Koerner run Big Fish Farms outside of Cincinnati, where they raise and harvest their Paddlefish in the only sustainable fishery.  By using farmed Paddlefish, this lets the wild populations regenerate, hopefully.  There is some worry that the Paddlefish are going “the way of the buffalo” since they have been extirpated from much of the western United States.  Reintroduction is an option, but it can be costly and time consuming, given they will not be able to sustain their own levels until at least ten years afterward.  In South Dakota, they recently released 79,000 paddlefish into two of their lakes.  For this fishing community in Southeast South Dakota, they are committed to bringing back their Paddlefish population for the health of their waterways and for recreation.  However, the black market for caviar does not seem to be going anywhere, as Missouri has been named the “caviar smuggling capital.”  To battle the illegal catch of paddlefish on a civilian level is simply to just “see something, say something.”  This action is more helpful than most people think and can be helpful in saving the species.

So to recap, if you…

  1. don’t eat caviar/only eat farmed caviar
  2. release any accidental paddlefish caught
  3. see illegal fishing and say something

Then you help bring back a living dinosaur from the edge of extinction!  If you want to do more with reintroduction efforts and volunteer work with Paddlefish, contact your local Department of Natural Resources office and ask for more information.  Needs and strategies vary among states and regions.


Billard, Roland and Guillaume Lecointre. (2001). Biology and conservation of sturgeon and paddlefish. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 10:355-392

Campbell, Polly. (2017, March 21). Cincy caviar ranchers bringing indulgence to your plate. The Enquirer, Retrieved from http://www.cincinnati.com/story/entertainment/dining/2017/03/21/cincy-caviar-ranchers-bringing-indulgence-your-plate/98260684/

Cooper, Katherine. (2016, March 30). Why the Caviar-Producing American Paddlefish Is a Symbol of Luxury and Scarcity. Kansas City Star, Retrieved from https://www.eater.com/2016/3/30/11250870/american-paddlefish-caviar

Preston, Geoff. (2017, Sep 14). Over 79,000 paddlefish released in Lake Francis Case and Lake Sharpe. Rapid City Journal, Retrieved from http://rapidcityjournal.com/sports/over-paddlefish-released-in-lake-francis-case-and-lake-sharpe/article_9ae66c0e-25ad-50b3-92de-a3c607ee6d30.html

Secor, D. H. et al. (2000). Restoration of sturgeons: lessons from the Caspian Sea Sturgeon Ranching Programme. Fish and Fisheries 1:215-230

Zabyelina, Yuliya G. (2014). The “fishy” business: a qualitative analysis of the illicit market in black caviar. Trends in Organized Crime 17:181-198