

Photo of Cayenne in its natural pepper form, as well as its powder form (


  • Relieves pain in joints, stomach, head, and throat
  • Aids in elimination of congestion, cold and flu symptoms
  • Reduces the formation of blood clots which in turn reduces chances of heart attack or stroke (primary benefit)
  •  Balances cholesterol and blood pressure
  • (Group, 2010)


  • Fresh pepper
  • Dried
  • Powder
  • All of the above forms can be incorporated into everyday cooking various cuisines


Due to the active ingredient, Capsaicin, giving the pepper a very hot quality, too much cayenne in your food can lead to general symptoms of irritation in the mouth, stomach, and intestines.  As far as cayenne interacting with certain medications, make sure to consult with a doctor if already taking blood-thinners, diabetes medication, or medication for high blood pressure(Dannie, 2015).

Active Ingredient:

Capsaicin is the active ingredient in cayenne peppers.  It gives the peppers their spiciness as well as treating joint pain (Ware, 2016).

Additional Information:

A major medical advancement in cancer research is centered around cayenne pepper.  The active ingredient,  Capsaicin, causes cancer cells to  kill themselves.  This could prevent and treat cancer in years to come (Collins, 2011)!

For a recipe click here.