Stricter regulations within the NRC have really done a lot to improve the culture of safety regarding nuclear power. However, accidents in nuclear power plants throughout the years have shown that people need to continue advocating for safer nuclear power regulations in their communities.
Chernobyl is a classic example that people turn to time and time again to show why such strict safety regulations are needed. Three Mile Island showed us that we should always put a higher value on security and safety than on the economic cost when it comes to nuclear power plant so we can never put our guards down and thus regulations should always be improved. Fukishima showed us that nuclear power plants are vulnerable to natural disasters and bad weather, and we need to make sure we have the policies in place in case a natural disaster affects a nuclear power plant in the U.S. Finally, Davis-Besse showed us that safety regulations should never be ignored or placed in a position of lower importance, or else the safety of the plant could be compromised.
As soon as safety regulations aren’t taken as seriously or become more lax, an accident could happen at a nuclear power plant in the U.S., and many people could be harmed by this. No matter what has already been done to improve the safety of nuclear power plants, people need to continue advocating for stricter safety policies to ensure that plants are as safe as possible. Only then will people in the U.S. be able to see all of the benefits that nuclear power has to offer.
The work towards safety in nuclear power plants is not yet done. It is up to you to continue advocating for safer nuclear power regulations.