Nuclear Energy

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Figure 1: Diagram of a Pressurized Water Reactor – nuclear power plant layout (click image for larger view)

Source: New Energy and Fuel (2013) <>


What is Nuclear Power?

Nuclear Energy is created when Uranium atoms are split through a process called nuclear fission.  The splitting of the Uranium generates heat, which then heats water.  This water is turned into steam, which then drives turbine generators to create electricity.

There are two types of nuclear power plants in the United States:

  • Pressurized Water Reactors use heat generated by fission to heat water that is pressurized to prevent boiling.  The water is then circulated through steam generators to produce steam, which then drives the turbine generators to create energy.
  • Boiling Water Reactors use heat generated by fission to heat water to a boil.  The water then turns to steam, which drives the turbine generators to produce energy.

Both types of nuclear power plants allow the steam to be turned back into water and be reused in the process.

(Duke Energy Corporation, n.d.)


Nuclear Power Pros

  • While the cost of constructing a nuclear power plant is very high, it actually costs less to generate nuclear energy than it it does to generate energy from fossil fuels such as gas, oil, and coal.
  • Nuclear power plants create less pollution than the burning of fossil fuels does.
  • Nuclear energy is very high in density.  More energy is created through nuclear fission than by burning fossil fuels.
  • Nuclear power plants need less fuel to generate the same amount of energy as burning fossil fuels.


Nuclear Power Cons

  • Nuclear Waste – while nuclear power plants emit negligible amounts of pollution into the air, they do produce nuclear waste. Nuclear waste requires specific disposal locations in order for it to be safely disposed of, and construction of these disposal sites has increasingly become an issue in the last couple years.
  • Accidents – potential accidents can occur, negatively affecting the surrounding environment and communities. There is never a 100% guarantee that something won’t go wrong.

(Maehlum, 2013 May 3)


Focus of this website

This website will focus on the safety issue of nuclear power plant accidents.  These are often the most publicized cons to nuclear power, and have caused many people to become wary of nuclear power plants in their communities.

Click on the About tab to read more about the safety culture of the nuclear power industry.



 Duke Energy Corporation (n.d.). How Do Nuclear Plants Work? Retrieved August 3, 2015, from

< electricity/nuclear-how.asp>

Maehlum, M. (2013, May 3). Nuclear Energy Pros and Cons.Retrieved August 2, 2015,
